Thursday, December 26, 2019

Marketing Analysis Marketing Strategy - 1611 Words

Marketing Strategy Research Paper Naugie Pratt Strayer University MKT- Marketing Management February 28, 2016 Marketing Strategy Research Paper Summary After careful review of the multinational companies that are out there today, I decided to go with HTC. As many of us know HTC is well known for their carefully crafted mobile products. HTC is mainly known for the cell phones to many but let’s take a look at things in reference to tablets, televisions and computers. As the new market manager for the company I would like to introduce the HTC M10 notebook. This notebook will include the finest Intel PC processor, a sound system constructed by Dr. Dre â€Å"Beats†, this notebook will be the ideal candidate for music and movie producers, to also include artists and tech guru’s that get’s a thrill on this type of technology. With the Intel PC processor, this will make this notebook the fastest to date and its first with eight cores, this core i7-5960X Extreme edition chip is aimed at gaming and high performance capabilities. Many know the classic notebook the one with the fold out keyboard, this HTC M10 n otebook will have a push button that will allow the keyboard to eject from the monitor of the notebook, which in turn leaves the room to turn your notebook into a table at a push of finger. With the 13† screen size, and the thin monitor design of the notebook this is the ideal on the go item for many of us that do a lot on the run. Key Approaches to Incorporate Branding andShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategies1217 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many businesses that use various techniques to sell their product or service. Marketing Strategies is a process of using the marketing mix which consists of place, product, price and promotion to satisfy and attract consumers to make a profit for the organisations. Place: The location of the business/market where the main transactions are implemented Price: The amount a consumer is willing and able to give for a product/service or good Product: Anything that can be offered within a businessRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy Essay1248 Words   |  5 Pages Marketing is an essentially about marshalling the resources of the organization so that they can meet the changing needs of the customers on whom the organization depends. As a verb, marketing is all about how an organization addresses its markets. Marketing is â€Å"The management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies the customer requirements efficiently and profitability†. Marketing is the performance of the business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from the producerRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy Essay1577 Words   |  7 PagesA) Marketing is a management process which responsible for satisfy customers needs and wants , and it is a social process by which organizations and individuals gain what they want and need through create values and exchange between each others. Marketing gives you an opportunity to gain profits with your business and build long-lasting relationships with customers. There are four elements â€Å"4 P’s† of marketing mix : PRODUCT , PRICE , PLACE and PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY *The marketing strategy consistsRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy1546 Words   |  7 Pages For instance, deciding on a product line/range requires that the marketing strategist have a definite understanding of all relevant contender items (as well as the corresponding pricing structures) with a specific end goal to establish appropriate juxtaposition and comparison and decide on suitable business choices for diversifying. Competitor analysis is a crucial part of marketing strategy.  It is sometimes said that some firms don t lead this sort of investigation deliberately enough. RatherRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy1839 Words   |  8 Pages The critical part of marketing research is to anticipate the response of customer for marketing activities. However, Most of data is hard to obtain or the validity is doubtful. And the market environment is dynamic and complex. Marketing Strategy is not only a science, but an art. So, determining the marketing strategy need not only field data but also experience and intuition. In order to enhance the validity, several methods were used to establish the marketing strategy. Firstly, the market segmentationRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy Essay1445 Words   |  6 Pages MARKETING STRATEGY Without emphasize the price and product strategies previously discussed, a brief analysis of the marketing mix underlines some other specific traits of the company. An interesting aspect is represented by promotion. In the solar Industry a great part of the promotion effort lies in the downstream, and this is where SolarCity put a greater effort: on the 2,510 employees (2012), 661 work in sales and marketing and 248 work in customer care (SolarCity, â€Å"SolarCity annual report 2013†Read MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy1525 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Marketing is nothing but the process to sell the product to the consumers in order to satisfy customers’ needs and to obtain profits. In today’s competitive environment, there is a necessity for many companies to be globalized, to remain in this competitive market and satisfy customer’s needs across the world. Marketing a product internationally is a little difficult job for the company who is planning to launch their products internationally. Many manufacturing companies have the expertiseRead MoreMarketing Analysis : The Marketing Strategy Essay2077 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Citigroup has four primary business segments, retail banking, commercial banking, Citi-branded cards, and Citi retail services. Our firm analysis will focus on the Citi-branded cards segment and commercial banking in the North American market. Financial performance Over the five years to 2016, revenue is expected to decline an annualized 2.8% to $7.5 billion. The company s North American consumer banking segment performed well in 2014 due to rising loan balances. However, revenuesRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy1194 Words   |  5 PagesMarketing is shifting from mass communication to individual, one to one interaction with the integration of various digital technologies like SMAC. Also the marketing strategy is shifting from product push to customer pull strategy. Digital marketing is picking up fast and intense market research is being resorted to by companies on their products to understand customers’ preferences and sentiments before targeting/positioning their products and services. Companies have started having their webpageRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy959 Words   |  4 PagesMarketing has been around since the beginning of time. When the Neanderthals figured out what fire was, it took some co nvincing to make others realize that it was good. They were afraid of it to begin with but when one person used it to cook its food, they started to understand that it was a good thing. Marketing was born. In the 1950s, the marketing strategy was based on the 4Ps (Product, Promotion, Place, and Price) or what was known as the â€Å"Marketing Mix† (Tanner, Jr Raymond, 2012, pg. 5)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

criminology in kenya - 3603 Words

AFRICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW CRIMINOLOGY AND PENOLOGY ASSIGMENT EMILE DURKHEIM (1958-1971) VIEWED INEQUALITY AS A NATURAL AND INEVITABLE HUMAN CODITION THAT IS ASSOCAITED WITH SOCIAL MALADIES SUCH AS CRIME UNLESS THERE IS . EXPLAIN AN ASSET DURKHEIMS THEORY ON CRIME AND CRIME CAUSATION. STUDENT ID NO :12S01ALLB009 NAME : WACHIRA ANNE WANGUI DATE DUE :8/4/2014 [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] TABLE OF CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 OVERVIEW DURKHEIM’S THEORY ON CRIME†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2-3 DISCUSSION†¦show more content†¦There is, then, no phenomenon that represents more indisputably all the symptoms of normality, since it appears closely connected with the conditions of all collective life. ...We must not say that an action shocks the conscience collective because it is criminal, but rather that it is criminal because it shocks the conscience collective. We do not condemn it because it is a crime, but it is a crime because we condemn it. Contrary to current ideas, the criminal no longer seems a totally unsociable being, a sort of parasitic element, a strange and inassimilable body, introduced into the midst of society. On the contrary, he plays a definite role in social life. Crime, for its part, must no longer be conceived as an evil that cannot be too much suppressed. Because they are found in the consciousness of every individual, the infraction which has been committed arouses the same indignation in those who witness it or who learn of its existence. Everybody is attacked; consequently, everybody opposes the attack. Not only is the reaction general, but it is collective, which is not the same thing. It is not produced in an isolated manner in each individual, but it is total, unified response, even if it varies according to the case. We have only to notice what happens, particularly in a small town, when some moral scandal has just occurred. Men stop each other on the street, they visit each other, they seek to come together to talk ofShow MoreRelatedtheories of crime2411 Words   |  10 PagesConclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.11 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..13 INTRODUCTION The crime rate is on the rise in Kenya some theories try to define these rising criminality in Kenya. Anomie theory and differential association theory best explain the rising criminality in Kenya like for example in Kenya many individuals are law abiding citizens this is according to Edwin Sutherland differential association theory. His theory gives priority to the power of socialRead MoreCritical Study of Strict Implementation of Parole in Kenya2896 Words   |  12 Pages CRITICAL STUDY OF STRICT IMPLIMENTATION OF PAROLE IN KENYA Research Paper 1 Module II RESEARCH PROPOSAL Contents INRODUCTION History of Parole The source of parole is linked to the work of numerous people who headed penitentiaries; they include Brockway Zebulon in the entire year 1867, Alexander Maconochie in the year 1840 and Walter Crofton in the year 1854, Brockway Zebulon run the Elmira penitentiary in the New York whileRead MoreElephants : Sub Sahara Africa1719 Words   |  7 Pagesbut, however, it has not been fully eradicated which has led to the elephant population to be endangered today. The population distribution of elephants is patchier where the savannah elephants are mostly found in high densities found in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa. â€Å"Since 1979, African elephants have lost over 50% of their range and this, along with massive poaching for ivory and trophies over the decades, has seen the population drop significantly† (Endangered species). InRead More Community Based Corrections: Viable Alternative to Incarceration1679 Words   |  7 ohio_gov_john_kasich_signs_sen.html Gendreau, P., Andrews, D. (1990). Tertiary prevention: What the meta-analyses of the offender treatment literature tell us about â€Å"what works.† Canadian Journal of Criminology, 32 (1), 173-184. Honarvar, B. (2010). â€Å"Lawbreakers to taxpayers BREAKOUTS WITH JUSTICEPARTY2.0530: Many states are considering alternatives to incarceration. Some find they can save money and improve public safety by sentencing nonviolentRead MoreHealth And Social Policy : An Overarching Policy Objective1480 Words   |  6 Pageselsewhere in Western Europe indicated somewhat of a north-south divide. Whilst the majority of Swedes, Germans and Brits are trusting of their society countries like France, Spain and Italy come in at the lowest levels of social trust. At just 25% Kenya comes in at the bottom ot the Pew Social Trust Survey. In countries with high levels of trust, people are overall less likely to say crime is a very big issue within their country. Multiple countries surveyed fit the overall pattern, including theRead MoreCommunication: Meaning of Life and Words1571 Words   |  7 Pages KENYA INSTITUTE OF STUDIES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE NAIROBI CAMPUS COURSE: DIPLOMA IN CRIMINOLOGY/DLM MODULE: COMMUNICATION TASK 1: EXPLAIN HOW WORDS CAN DICTATE PREJUDICE AND PERCEPTION NAME: DENNIS OKODOI OJUMA ADMISSION NUMBER: 8034 TRAINERS NAME: JACINTA WARINGA DATE SUBMITTED:1/02/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 How words dictate prejudice and perception†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3,4,5,6 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 INTRODUCTION The words weRead MoreCrime Mapping : Using Gis And Geographic Information Systems Of University Of Nairobi4473 Words   |  18 PagesCRIME MAPPING IN KENYA: USING GIS TO EXAMINE CRIME SITUATION IN ELDORET METROPOLIS By CAROLINE JEPKEMBOI CHEPLONG A RESEARCH CONCEPT NOTE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFIMENT OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI JULY, 2015 ABSTRACT Technological advancements such as Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and the Internet have made it easier and affordable to share information, which enables complex and time sensitive decisionsRead MoreList Of Abbreviations And Abbreviations10695 Words   |  43 Pagesto guarantee your safety, thwart another attack or prevent another bloodbath from occurring in your cities†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Curtis, 2014) Officially recognized as the Federal Republic of Somalia, Somalia is located within the Horn of Africa bordering Ethiopia, Kenya and the Indian Ocean to the West, Southwest and East respectively. Within the African continent, Somali is the top country with the longest coastline. It has a population of about 10million respectively .The official languages spoken in Somalia are

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Discuss in Relation to Willy Loman in ‘Death of a Salesman’. free essay sample

The play Death of a Salesman is a modern tragedy by Arthur Miller. Written in 1949, the play is an authentic and realistic portrayal of family in the middle of the twentieth century, but its also a symbolic and expressionistic drama. Miller has a reputation for dealing with moral issues in his plays; ‘All the plays that I was trying to write were plays that would grab an audience by the throat and not release them, rather than presenting an emotion which you could observe and walk away. ’ Arthur Miller.The play is set in 1940’s America subsequent to The Great Depression, communally, many citizens of this era believed in the ‘American Dream’ , which traditionally meant opportunity and freedom for all. Willy Loman was a firm believer in this; he also believed that success was achievable according to how well liked you are as opposed to ability or determination. Hence; â€Å"He had the wrong dreams. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss in Relation to Willy Loman in ‘Death of a Salesman’. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All, all Wrong. † I will be considering Loman’s dreams to see if they are in fact all wrong? The play is considered a tragedy -with Willy Loman, the protagonist.Though it has been argued whether or not the play is a tragedy as; according to Aristotle a tragedy should have a protagonist of high birth, wealth or power, and salesman Willy Loman is none of these. I think that Miller uses an ordinary man like Willy to enable the audience to easily relate and sympathise with his character. However the play does possess typical tragic elements because the protagonist should lead to his/her own downfall, as Willy Loman does. While standing at his father’s grave Biff Loman, Willy’s son, states â€Å"He had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong. This statement indicates that Willy lead to his own demise because he had the wrong idea of life, dreams that resulted in his death. This is another of Aristotle’s tragic conventions; that the protagonist should lead to their own downfall; this is unquestionably applicable to Death of a Salesman. The play is a modern tragedy, where ‘ordinary’ people are put in a tragic situation. I feel that Miller has used this particular genre of tragedy to allow the audience to relate and sympathise with the mundane nature of the protagonist, amongst other characters throughout the play.Furthermore, the audience are more able to gain an easier understanding of the scenarios that occur, they will instantly gain an interest, and a curiosity -to discover the outcome of unfolding events- will build. The opening of the play sees protagonist Willy Loman being described as â€Å"exhausted† and â€Å"burdened down† (physically and metaphorically). As the act progresses, we learn of his unstable mental state and we see him talking to his past. The play operates through the technique of mobile concurrency, where the past and present are shown together on stage.Willy’s mental state is to be taken into account when considering his tragic flaws, because he is living in the past whilst in the present. This is an absolute example of what I am exploring, as this shows that Willy did have the wrong dreams. We see Willy returning home from work and bragging to Linda, his wife, about how much he has earned –whereas the truth is only a small fraction of what he claims, this is evidence that Willy has always lived in denial.However, Linda knows that these things are not true yet she still chooses to go along with Willy’s fallacies; she seems supportive and sympathetic toward Willy and furthermore used to his exaggeration and self delusion. I think that the quote in question; â€Å"He had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong† refers primarily to Willy’s outlook on life, this being –if you are well liked you will go far, which is not the case. Willy’s eldest son Biff proves that this mentality is flawed as he is very well liked, yet he cannot find work and becomes unsuccessful. The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates a personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. † (Willy to a young Biff in a time shift). This is completely going against the ideology of the ‘American Dream’ of working hard for your rewards. I think that Miller has Biff saying that Willy â€Å"had the wrong dreams† in the requiem, because he is the one who has had to learn the hard way from his father’s mindset. Biff is taught bad habits from Willy, as when he has stolen a ball from school and says he’s not in trouble, Willy comments; â€Å"That’s because he likes you.If somebody else took that ball there’d be uproar. † (Willy to a young Biff in a time shift). This sends the wrong message to the eldest son who does not learn the error of his actions and steals again later in the play. This is further evidence in support of the quote in question. Throughout the play Willy expresses his idea that, financially, he would be worth more dead; â€Å"A man has got to add up to something.. . it’s a guaranteed twenty-thousand dollar proposition. † Ultimately Willy committed suicide to pay off the insurance and other bills for his family.Ironically, in the requiem, Linda say’s that she had just paid the last bill, meaning that Willy died in vain, his suicide was unnecessary and this proves that he had the wrong dreams and ideas in life. The ‘American Dream’ is a recurring theme throughout the play, or rather ignorance of it. Typical conventions of the ‘American Dream’ state that hard work and determination will make you strive for your goals and ambitions, therefore you will reap all benefits. However Loman believes the total opposite to this, as he has the idea that likability and popularity are favourable over hard work and effort. Ironically the character of Willy Loman firmly supports the ‘American Dream’ as he shows that not following the conventions of hard work, effort and determination will ultimately get you nowhere. He has let life pass him by while he is looking for a big break and waiting for rewards to come to him. Willy and Biff often mock and criticise the neighbour’s son Bernard; â€Å"you want him to be a worm like Bernard? No he’s got spirit, personality † (Willy to Linda about a young Biff in a time shift).They ridicule him for being smart and completing his school work; while Willy should be telling Biff to learn from Bernard’s example, he discourages Biff to be proficient and promotes mockery and scorn. Later in the play we see Bernard as a highly successful lawyer, thus proving that the ‘American Dream’ has worked for him as he had the right idea where Willy did not. Miller uses the technique of mobile concurrency throughout the play, enabling past and present events to be shown on stage together. In him doing this the audience can gain a greater understanding of Willy’s mental state and exactly why his death occurred as it did.Without the use of this technique there would not be as much evidence to support the quote at question as most of the supporting evidence is during past events in Willy’s time shifts. There is sufficient evidence to support Biff’s statement; â€Å"He had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong. † And I think that this comment is true, Willy Loman did have the wrong dreams; dreams of easy money and prioritising popularity and likability above hard work and perseverance, which tragically resulted in his death. Bibliography ‘Death of a Salesman’ –Arthur Miller ‘Tragedy and the common man’ –Arthur Miller Wikipedia Sparknotes. com/lit/salesman/

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wiesels Night Is About What The Holocaust Did, Not Just To The Jews, B

Wiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects. One example of the heinous acts of the Germans that stands out occurs at the end of the war, when Elie and the rest of the camp of Buna is being forced to transfer to Gleiwitz. This transfer is a long, arduous, and tiring journey for all that are involved. The weather is painfully cold, and snow fell heavily; the distance is greater than most people today will even dream of walking. The huge mass of people is often forced to run, and if one collapses, is injured, or simply can no longer bear the pain, they are shot or trampled without pity. An image that secures itself in Elie's memory is that of Rabbi Eliahou's son's leaving the Rabbi for dead. The father and son are running together when the father begins to grow tired. As the Rabbi falls farther and fa rther behind his son, his son runs on, pretending not to see what is happening to his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi did. He decides that he would never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of his death. The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel, but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father politely asks the gypsy where the lavatories are. Not only does the gypsy not grace his father with a response, but he also delivers a blow to his head that sent him to the floor. Elie watches the entire exhibition, but doesn't even blink. He realizes that nothing, not even his faith in God, can save him from the physical punishment that would await him if he tried to counterattack the gypsy. If the gypsy's attack had come just one day earlier, Elie probably would have struck back. However, the effect of the spiritual beating by the Germans was already being felt. The incident that perhaps has the greatest effect on Elie is the hanging of the pipel. He is a young boy with an innocent face" who is condemned to death because he is implicated in a conspiracy, which results in a German building being destroyed. When the time for the hanging approaches, the Lagerkapo refuses to kick out the chair, so SS officers are assigned to do it. Unlike the necks of those he is hanged with, the young boy's neck does not break when he falls, and he suffers for over a half-hour. The suffering of the child is comparable to the suffering endured by many Jews during the Holocaust. He fought for his life, at times even seeing a bit of hope, only to be destroyed in the end. The Jews fought for everything they had, from their possessions at the beginning, to their lives at the end. The result, however, was the same. At the end of the war, Elie looks into the mirror, and says he saw a corpse. This corpse is Elie's body, but it has been robbed of its soul. This is similar to the loss suffered by people all over the world. Those not directly involved with the Holocaust were still alive physically, but their mind and spirit had long been dead. By the end of the war, Elie loses all of his faith in God and his fellow man, and this is the most difficult obstacle to overcome when he is released.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

buy custom Globalization and Capitalism essay

buy custom Globalization and Capitalism essay We are in the era of globalization and capitalism, so the stance on anything has an ultimate effect on the other thing as well. From past dew decades our society has confronted a number of problems like the global earth worming and air pollution. In this piece of paper, we will merely discuss about the air pollution problem and its hazards. By considering all these things, we will then give some recommendations to overcome on this issue appropriately. We have used six different companys mission statement, which are giving the same services to the people to prevent from air pollution. From the study, we have found that all the companies which we have selected and the article of John Walke Air Pollution who was formerly an air pollution attorney with the US Environmental Protection Agency. The grounds of this author and the mission statement of the selected companies almost depicted the same thing. The main key point of all these authors is that the pollution is a bad thing which ultimately becomes the foremost causes, which decrease the value of a property in a specific location. Fewer regulations are bad at the government because the government of any country cannot overhaul on the population issue with leniency. According to John Walke and the air pollution websites, capitalism will be good as, capitalism has saved more lives threatened by environmental pollution than all the environmental organizations combined. So according to me the stance of capitalism is better than the low regulations. There are several pollution factors, which can be counted under the pollution factor. We have imminent examples of environmental pollution like the proper and sophisticated drainage system. From the strict government regulations such as problems can be overcome easily, which resultantly make the environment pure and good for the health of people. The institutions which we have chosen on which this entire study has based on has provided enough information to overcome on the environmental problems and each institutions website address, a specific problem and their step towards removing it completely. The most prominent example is of NRDC, environmental action group who is taking effective measures to overcome on the global earth warming issue. Every institution has made specific strategies to overcome on the problem of but all are with the same perception that the government should intervene in such things comprehensively to completely overwhelm on it. The two main problems which have been defined by the institutions are global earth warming and green house gases and the strategies which they intend to take are indeed effective. The sources are totally reliable as all the institutions are famous and government backed, so there will be no bias in it. In order to explore further resources the government institutions will be a gre at choice to overcome on the problem of air pollution. Buy custom Globalization and Capitalism essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

German Phrasebook on Classroom Vocabulary

German Phrasebook on Classroom Vocabulary This phrasebook, a collection of English-German phrases and expressions for the German-language classroom, is intended as an aid for students who will use the target language (die Zielsprache: Deutsch) in a classroom setting. For beginners, use of a phonetic  German Alphabet  can help with pronunciation, as this guidance is not included here. Showing Respect Forms of Address: Mrs./Ms. Schmidt, Mr. Schmidt Anredeformen: Frau Schmidt, Herr Schmidt Note: Always address your teacher, professor, or other school personnel as Sie! Your fellow students should be addressed as du (one) or ihr (more than one). Common Classroom Phrases Hi there! Hi everyone!Hallo allerseits! Hallo alle zusammen! Sorry Im late.Tut mir Leid, dass ich zu spt komme. What does ___ mean?Was bedeutet/heißt ___? Whats the German for ___?Was heißt ___ auf Deutsch? I dont understand.Ich verstehe nicht. More slowly, please.Lamgsamer bitte. Pardon? What was that? (I didnt understand)Wie bitte? (Avoid Was?, the German equivalent of Huh?) Could you please repeat that? (to teacher)Bitte wiederholen Sie das! Could you please repeat that? (to student)Noch einmal bitte! May I go to the restroom?Darf ich auf die Toilette?/aufs Klo? Could I go out/leave for a minute?Darf ich kurz mal hinausgehen? How do you spell that?Wie schreibt man das? Ive already done that.Ich hab das schon gemacht. Do we have homework?Haben wir Hausaufgaben? Which page/exercise?Welche Seite/ÃÅ"bung? I dont know.Ich weiß nicht. I have no idea.Ich habe keine Ahnung. yes - no - OKja - nein - Schon gut. Whats the difference between ___ and ___?Was ist der Unterschied zwischen ___ und ___?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The promotion of intangible products with event marketing Research Paper - 1

The promotion of intangible products with event marketing - Research Paper Example Consumers are seeking for more intangible value, while the banking sector is looking for greater, more productive means to market their intangible products/services to customers. This pursuit leads the banking sector to the path of event marketing, which is a very valuable, needs-based method to satisfy customers’ intangible needs and demands. Event marketing is derived from the observation of the behavior of customers through thorough data examination. These customer patterns may embody a time of need of a customer, which, once identified in a prompt way, tenders a vast prospect to provide intangible products/services to that customer (Harrison, 2000). An increasing number of banking organizations are already generating substantial returns from investing on event marketing activities. Numerous other financial organizations perform analytic oriented targeting or also referred to as ‘triggered marketing’ and could even apply the same terms (Mayar & Uffenheimer, 200 7). The capability to keep in touch or communicate with each customer promptly or relevantly entails a basis of significant information that is novel and is connected directly and routinely to service and sales channels (Mayar & Uffenheimer, 2007). This is the setting that motivates the biggest profits. The banking sector understands that their most valuable advantage is their customers. It is much profitable or gainful to strengthen the bond with present customers and prevent deficiency, in contrast to attracting new customers (Ennew & Waite, 2006). This essay will discuss the promotion of intangible products/services, such as those of the banking sector, through event marketing. Promoting Intangible Products through Event Marketing Intangible products, such as information, are a very extensive concept. Situated in the current terminology, a primary point of similarity in the marketing of tangibles and intangibles gravitate around the extent of intangibility innate in both forms (G ummesson, 2002). Marketing is focused on drawing the attention and sustaining customers. The intangibility level of product has its biggest impact in the goal of attracting customers. When it concerns keeping customers, intangible products come across quite specific setbacks (Kitchen & De Pelsmacker, 2004). However, these setbacks are minimized through event marketing. Event marketing is rooted in regularly and methodically monitoring full customer behavior and patters to determine those times where there is a chance to improve a rapport or when a customer is most prepared to reach a choice of intangible product/service purchase (Gummesson, 2002). The objective of event marketing is to facilitate communication in an appropriate and prompt way with customers and to develop services, marketing, and sales around their particular requirements. Event marketing normally makes use of the database and capably rakes through the customer folders to choose the customers with the recognized tri ggers (Mayar & Uffenheimer, 2007). Triggers, in marketing, are employed to routinely communicate suggestions, offers, relevant messages, or other

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

LAW FOR BUSINESS Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LAW FOR BUSINESS Assignment - Essay Example This type of loss is mostly related with the economic benefits or profits of the claimant. Furthermore, the damages for pure economic losses are not recoverable in tort actions in the absence of the injury of personal nature and in the absence of personal property damage (Claim story, November 1998, p. 60, quoted as saying by Murphy and et. al, 1999). On the other hand, consequential economic loss is a type of economic loss that nearly or proximately results from the failure of the goods to work or function as warranted (Us legal). The examples of consequential economic loss are loss of business reputation, loss of goodwill and other types of loss that are created from the use and consumption of defective products and so on. How does the â€Å"floodgates† principle constrain the right of claimants to claim damages for pure economic loss in negligence?   Answer: The concept of floodgate is that the court will only make the defendant responsible and liable when it is appropria te and reasonable to do so in the public interest (Corporate and Business Law, 2007/08). Additionally, in order to satisfy the basic needs of this approach, some basic and fundamental conditions must be satisfied before going to use this approach for the purpose of claiming damages for pure economic loss in negligence. ... The loss of profit, wasted expenditure, loss of gain and so on are the examples of pure economic loss. Floodgates principles can constrain the right of claimant for the purpose of claiming damages for pure economic loss in negligence. If the claimant is unable to satisfy the basic and fundamental requirements given in the floodgate test, and even if the claimant becomes successful in proving any of the steps given in the floodgate test, he or she cannot be able to receive damages since all the components of floodgate test are not fully and totally satisfied as they should be. Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) Facts: Mrs Donoghue went to a cafe with a friend. She drank a bottle of ginger beer. She subsequently realised that there was a decomposed snail in the bottom of the opaque bottle. As a result, she suffered physical loss. She decided to sue the manufacturer, claiming that they were liable and under a duty to see such external and outside bodies did not get into the bottle of ginger be er. Held: There was a duty on the behalf of the manufacturer to take appropriate and reasonable care while manufacturing of these products. The manufacturer is under an obligation and duty to the consumer to take appropriate and reasonable care to stop and prevent injury. ‘You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour’ (Lord Atkin as saying quoted by Corporate and Business Law, 2007/2008, pp.67). Negligence Negligence as a tort is a sort of breach of a legal duty to take care, which causes in damage to another (OUP). In order to satisfy the occurrence of negligence, three conditions must be satisfied. Without satisfying these basic and fundamental conditions, the event or incident of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Original formulation of attachment Essay Example for Free

Original formulation of attachment Essay The attachment theory was produced by John Bowlby and colleagues in the 1950s. Influenced by the work of Freud and Harlow, amongst others, Bowlby drew on ethological concepts to develop his theory. Early on in an infants life they build a close contact with a significant object. From these early relationships with their attachment objects infants create what Bowlby called internal working models (IWM) (Oates et al. 2005). The Robertsons (1989) brought to light the distress infants experience when they are separated from their attachment figure, this lead Bowlbys instigation to incorporate separation anxiety into his theory.   Mary Ainsworths (1954, 1978) work on maternal deprivation enabled Bowlbys ideas to be empirically tested through designing the Strange Situation and attachment classification (Oates et al. 2005). Bowlbys theory envisaged attachment classifications to continue through generations (Oates et al. 2005). Main et al. (1994) devised an equivalent classification for adults that were assessed through the Adult Attachment Interview, (AAI). Having a stable and long term relationship with carers was a feature that Bowlby thought was important in order to develop good IWM; Hamilton (1994) subsequent research explores this idea.  Bowlby integrated the work of Winnicott on good enough mothering that was later explored by researchers such as Vondra et al. (1995).  The predictive value of the Strange Situation on later attachments was challenged by Lamb et al. (1985).  Baumrinds model of parenting style extended Bowlbys work on IWM and the cultural context in which the theory was originally formulated looked into. The quality of having a reciprocal relationship is an important factor in attachment. The attachment theory has enabled research to branch off into investigating some of the reasons linked with attachment that may cause disturbed behaviour.  Ainsworth was the first to contribute and solidify Bowlbys theory of attachment with respects to having a secure base as a means of exploring the world.  Building on the observations of the Robertsons (1989) and on the pioneering work done by Harlow (1958), Ainsworth set out to study maternal deprivation. During her research in Africa in 1954 she developed Bowlbys work on separation anxiety by observing the behaviour of children, not when they were separated with their attachment figure but reunited as the difference in behaviour was more apparent (Oates et al. 2005).  For the duration of her research in Baltimore, Ainsworth used Bowlbys theory on IWM to expand the theory of attachment. Four different types of attachment emerged as a result of maternal sensitivity; secure (Type B), insecure-resistant or ambivalent (Type C), insecure-avoidant (Type A) (Ainsworth 1978) and disoriented and/or disorganised (Type D) (Main and Solomon 1990). She entwined attachment types to IWM to develop the attachment theory and successfully solidified their work through the Strange Situation, a gold standard procedure now commonly used as a method of studying infant attachment (Oates et al. 2005).  Through this procedure Ainsworth was able to relate attachment classification to different IWM.  The Strange Situation gave justice to Bowlbys theory on how a child builds up a working model of how attachment figures are likely to behave toward him in a variety of situations and on those models are based all his expectations (Bowlby, 1973, p.369). A further incentive to develop the study of internal working models was Mains (1994) attempt to translate Ainsworths infant-mother attachment classifications to equivalent adult classification.  Bowlbys original formulation suggests consistency across generations in attachment style (Oates et al. 2005). Main developed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) to asses an adults ability to integrate early memories of their relationships with their parents into overarching working models of relationship (Oates et al. 2005, p.38). From the AAI adults were classified into three categories; Dismissing; autonomous and preoccupied. These three types of adult classification can then be associated with infant attachment types. Dismissing adults would be related to insecure avoidant (Type A) infant attachment, infants securely attached (Type B) would develop into autonomous adults and adults who were classified as preoccupied would have had an insecure attachment type as infants (Focus Collection 3. 2005). Mains work took Bowlbys work up a generation to follow through his work on IWM. Making use of Ainsworth empirical methods that tested Bowlbys ideas, the Strange Situation type classification proved to be a partially good predictor of adult attachment types (Oates et al. 2005). Hamilton (1994) found this to be true in cases where the childs circumstances had remained stable. Cases where life events such as divorce or parental illness had occurred could be held accountable for the change in attachment type (Hamilton, 1994). Bowlby believed in the notion of good enough mothering (Oates et al. 2005). Influenced by the work of Winnicott an aspect of the Bowlbys theory is for the attachment figure should allow just the right amount of delay in meeting the infants needs to encourage both tolerance of waiting and confidence in ultimate satisfaction (Oates et al. 2005, p.25). The parental behaviour towards an infant is thus very much a central cause for the childs attachment type that he or she develops from their IWM. Subsequent research has investigated the influences on attachment. Vondra et al. carried out a study in 1995 that showed consistent parental behaviours could be used as a reasonable predictor of their children classification type. Caregivers that were sensitive tended to have securely attached infants (Type B), infants classified as avoidant (Type A) were probable to have controlling mothers and ambivalent infants (Type C) were likely to have unresponsive mothers (Oates et al. 2005).

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Essay -- A Very Old Man with Enormo

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fictional tale entitled A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings is an intriguing story which is expressed very well in the title. The story is about just that, an old man with wings. The only aspect that the title fails to point out is that he is an angel. I find the story to be somewhat interesting; however, it isn’t exactly hard to put down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The one thing about this story that stands out the most, is the author’s use of tone. This is the main aspect of the story that jumps out at you. The usage of tone and detail really works to the story’s advantage. The first paragraph alone is filled with descriptions that really set the tone and make you feel like you are there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"On the third day of rain they had killed so many crabs inside the house that Pelayo had to cross his drenched courtyard and throw them into the sea, because the newborn child had a temperature all night and they thought it was due to the stench. The world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and sky were a single ash-gray thing and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish. The light was so weak at noon that when Pelayo was coming back to the house after throwing away the crabs, it was hard for him to see what it was that was moving and groaning in the rear of the courtyard. He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn’t get up, impeded by his enormous wings.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This paragraph does a good job of setting the tone. It gives you the feeling that you are in an old, small town. One of those little towns where everyone knows each other and the adventures and gossip of the school children travels town wide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the story goes on, the characters begin wondering why the angel is in there presence. Was he in the middle of a flight and was forced to land because of the weather? Or was he in front of their house because he was coming to help the family? They assumed that he was coming to help the child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"He’s an angel,† she told them. â€Å"He must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once everyone gets settled in the fact that an angel has crash landed in their town, they start to wonder what they sho... ...n for the family and all of the talk about the angel is quickly intercepted by a lady who is cursed with the body of a tarantula. After a while of everyone ignoring the angel, his wings heal. One day Elisenda looks out the kitchen window to see the angel fly away. He is struggling to fly because of his sore wings, but eventually he disappears in the horizon. This finishes the story with the feeling of a positive tone. Everything seems to be a little bit brighter at this point. Not only did the angel manage to recover and go back to wherever he came from, but at this point the family was quite wealthy because of the money brought in by the tourists who had come to see the fallen angel. There is no use in wondering if the angel came for a purpose anymore, his presence helped to completely turn the family’s lifestyle around. Their new mansion was very beautiful. It had gardens and balconies, as well as nets to keep the crabs in. This kept the crabs from getting into the house and making everything dirty, which was mentioned earlier in the story as the reason that the child was sick in the first place. I guess Elisenda was right when she said that the angel had come to help the baby.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Board Resolution Sample

B and B Communications Philippines Incorporated RESOLUTION NO: ____, S-2012 A resolution to open a Current Account with the SECURITY BANK, CUBAO BRANCH was placed before the Board for conducting its day-to-day financial transactions. After discussions, the Board unanimously: WHEREAS, B AND B COMMUNICATIONS PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED is a company duly organized and existing in accordance with law, rules and regulations with postal address at ____________________________________________________ Barangay __________________ District _____________, _____________ City;WHEREAS; the said Bank be instructed to accept and act upon any instructions relating to the account kept in the name of the Company or relating to any transactions of the Company with the Bank, provided the instructions are signed by the authorized signatory(ies) of the Company in the manner mentioned as above. WHEREAS; the said Bank be instructed to accept receipts for money, deeds, securities or other documents or papers or property or any indemnities given on behalf of the Company provided they are signed by the authorized signatory(ies) of the Company in the manner as mentioned above.WHEREAS; the bank be furnished with a list of the names of Directors of the Company and a copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association and be from time to time informed by notice in writing under the hand of the Directors/Authorized Signatory of the Company of any changes which may take place therein and be entitled to act upon any such notice until the receipt of further notice under the hand of any Directors / Authorized Signatory. WHEREAS; the resolution be communicated to the Bank and remain in force until duly rescinded and notice thereof in writing be given to the Bank by ny of the Directors of the Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE B AND B COMMUNICATIONS PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED During its last regular meeting to authorize as it hereby authorizes the opening of Current Account of the company with t he SECURITY BANK CUBAO BRANCH. â€Å"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the aforesaid power entrusted to the following official shall be valid and effective unless revoked earlier by the Board or shall be exercisable by them so long as they are in the concerned to the Company. †Name of Principal RepresentativePositionAddressContact No. Henry HinatePresidentAntipolo City09333398883 Name of Alternate RepresentativePositionAddressContact No. John Lesther MercaderVice PresidentQuezon City09165948435 For Operations â€Å"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT all acts, deeds, things, matters, etc. as foretasted shall be deemed to be valid and enforceable only if they are consistent with the instant resolution as may be relevant in this case and that the Board shall not be responsible for any acts beyond the scope of the foretasted powers done by Mr.Henry Hinate / Mr. John Lesther Mercader and such invalid, illegal acts, and acts done beyond the scope of powers granted in this Resolution shall not bind the Com pany against any third parties or before any authorities in any manner and that the Board shall not be answerable in that behalf. † â€Å"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a certified copy of the resolution be given to anyone concerned or interested in the matter. † ADOPTED NOVEMBER , 2012 Mr Henry Hinate Board Chairperson/ PresidentMr, John Lesther Mercader Executive Vice President for Operations Board of Directors Ms. Jeane BetitoMr. Rogelio ReyesMr. Ed CunananMs. Jenny Amador Secretary CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was approved on _______________, 2012 by the majority of the members of the Board of Directors and Members of the Organization present in a meeting Called for the purpose, there being a quorum. Done in Quezon City, this _________________, 2012 MS. JEANE BETITO SECRETARY

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Notes on History of Dhammapada Essay

According to Wikipedia, Dhammapada is the most famous book of the Tipitakas. It is also the book that has been translated into English and other languages more times than any other book in Buddhist literature. According to Ven. K Sri Dhammananda (1988), the founder of Sudharma Buddhist Institute, Dhammapada (literally meaning The Words of Truth or The Path of Noble Truth) consists of 423 verses in Pali uttered by the Buddha on some 305 occasions for the benefit of a wide range of human beings. These sayings were selected and compiled into one book as being worthy of special note on account of their beauty and relevance for molding the lives of future generations of Buddhists. It is also surprising that according to Britannica Encyclopedia, Dhammapada is accepted both in Theravada Buddhism and in Mahayana Buddhism although there is a difference in the number of verses in the two versions. However, according to Encarta Encyclopedia, the most translated version is that of Theravada. The history of Dhammapada is also not so different in both branches of Buddhism. The Lord Buddha historically had to go round the northern India and Nepal preaching his Dhamma, meeting many people. According to the prescribed text book (Module no. A -Ya 2004) of the second year university students specializing Oriental Studies in Myanmar ), the Lord Buddha preached his Dhamma ( guides and sermons for the cessation of all the sufferings) both in the form of speech called â€Å"cunniya† and occasionally in poetically versed form called â€Å"gatha†. According to Ohn Myint , Daw (2004), the verses uttered by the Lord Buddha had been compiled by 500 Buddhist Senior Arahants in Rajaghyo, India, in the First Dhamma Council (Pathama Sangayana) in 483 BC. Venerable Buddhagosa, the most famous commentary author in Theravada Buddhism, wrote the commentary of Dhammapada named Dhammapada Atthakatha in Sri Lanka. In his commentary book, Ven. Buddha Gosa, studying thoroughly from the elderly monks and old canons, noted the historical backgrounds of the verses in Pali Language. In this book, he told the story of each verses including whom theses verses were uttered by Buddha for, where, how, when and why these verses were uttered by Lord Buddha and so on. According to Subhodha Lankara, a famous Buddhist Literary Guide throughout the history of Buddhism, the verses in Dhammapada and Buddhist Literature are composed and uttered by systematic rules of rhythm, rhyme and meter. Moreover, Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997) writes as follows: â€Å"As the Buddha himself is quoted as saying, ‘Meter is the structural framework of verses. According to Goinka S. N, the founder of Vissapana Research Institute in India, verses in Dhammapada were just orally handed down at first before the fourth Dhamma Council held in Tambapai [Sri Lanka] in 29 B. C in which all of the Buddhist Scriptures were recorded on written forms on palm leaves. According to the Commentary of Dhammapada by Ven Buddhagosa, these verses are intentionally uttered in accordance with the listeners’ background knowledge, their social backgrounds, and the situations in order to enlighten their mind. As soon as the Lord uttered the verses, Ananda, the chosen attendant and constant companion of the Buddha during the last twenty-five years of his life. memorized it and handed down again to the other monks and people. According to Mahaparinibana Sutta in the first book of Suttanna Pitaka named Mahavagga, after the Lord passed into the nirvana ( His death), the senior Buddhist monks met together and held the First Buddhist Council in order to preserve the holy teachings of the Lord Buddha. In the council, all of the Buddha’s teachings were divided into three parts. According to Goenka, S,N (1999), the founder of Vipassana Research Institute in India , the first part is known as the Vinaya Pitaka and it contains all the rules which Buddha laid down for monks and nuns.. The second part is called the Suttanna Pitaka and it contains the Discourses. The third part is known as the Abhidhamma Pitaka and comprises the psycho-ethical teachings of the Buddha. The first pitaka is Suttanna pitaka and it is divided into five parts according to the length and form of the discourses. The poetical verses that the Lord uttered were compiled into a book named Dhammapada. Dhammapada is included in the first part of Suttanna Pitaka named Khuddhakanikaya ( Short Discourses). According to Daw Ohn Myint, Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, Yangon University of Distance Education ( 2004), throughout the history of Buddhism, Dhammapada has been studied and memorized by Buddhist monks. Even nowadays in Sri Lanka, the novices who want to be transformed into monkhood have to memorize all the verses in Dhammapada as a compulsory skill.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Social Exchange Theory Essays

Social Exchange Theory Essays Social Exchange Theory Paper Social Exchange Theory Paper Similarity is rewarding, according to Rubin (1973), because: agreement is likely to provide the opportunity for partners to engage in joint activity; we assume those with similar views to ourselves will like us, so like them in return; communication is easier if we agree on things that matter to us; if our partner agrees with us, this boosts our self esteem about our own oppinions; we are vain enough to believe that those who share our views are sensitive and praise-worthy. Similarity exists between these two theories in that they both discuss rewards and investment. They both state that relationships require significant investment on the part of both partners for it to work and thus both say that a relationship is likely to fail if one person feels as though they are giving more to the relationship than they are receiving out of it. Thibaut and Kelley, 1978, criticise both theories for failing to account for the complexity of relationships. They say that not all social interactions reflect a mutual desire for equity and fair exchange and that partners motives may clash. This can produce effects such as altruism, competition, capitulation and aggression. This is discussed in their Interdependence Theory, which considers the intersubjective harmony or conflict between two people in their values, motives and attitudes. The main difference between the two theories is that Social Exchange Theory is concerned with the exchange of rewards between the two partners and the perceived difference between what one partner gives to the other and vice versa. Social exchange theory explains what we believe about a relationship with another person as depending on out observation of the poise of, what we put into the relationship as to what we get out of it and the chance of finding something better elsewhere.  It is said that we develop a comparison level, against which we compare the give/take ratio. The level will vary between relationships, with some being more giving and others where we get more from the relationship. Thus, for example, interactions at home may be very different, both in balance and content. Traditionally, the male member of the partnership went out to work, and the female partner stayed at home, looked after the running of the house and the family. They both brought different things to the relationship, which were of equal importance, without one or the other; the relationship wouldnt have functioned as effectively.  A research example in relation to this theory was the study carried out by Rusbult (1983), he found that during the early honeymoon period of a romantic relationship, the balance of exchange was largely ignored. Only later were costs related to satisfaction with the relationship. I think it is too early to know if the ways in which I helped others tied in with Social exchange theory; it would probably have to be considered in a few weeks or months time. For example, the next time I ask my uncle for a favour, he may remember the time I helped him tidy the garage and feel more inclined to grant me the favour, than he would have otherwise. So, if this is the case, then the rewards of helping will have outweighed the costs. My helping tended to focus more on family members than to strangers or friends; however, I dont think this was a conscious decision as I would have just as easily helped anyone else who needed it. Although, when thinking about it in more detail, had I not helped them; I feel that perhaps they would have thought I was too lazy, or selfish to do so. So with them being family, I didnt want them to think of me in a negative way, so perhaps it could be said that there is an emotional obligation to help relatives more than others. Evolutionary theory views many social behaviours are echoes of actions that contributed to the survival of our prehistoric ancestors. (Burnstein and Brannigan, 2001)  Research has shown that people are much more likely to donate organs to family members than to strangers. There appears to be a stronger sense of social obligation to relatives than to others.  Nevertheless, psychologists who take an evolutionary approach to helping suggest that when, for example, one family member donates an organ to save the life of another, the donor is helping to certify the survival of the genes he or she shares with the recipient. There is considerable evidence that kin selection occurs among birds, squirrels and other animals. The more closely the animals are related, the more likely they are to risk their lives for one another.  Studies in a wide variety of cultures show the same patterns of helping among humans. (Buss, 1999) Identical twins have been found to be more willing to help one another than fraternal twins or siblings. (Segal, 1999)  The reciprocity norm is an economic model of behaviour which takes the view of do unto others as you would have them do to you. It links in with Gouldners theory of social exchange. Kunz, a psychologists experimented by sending Christmas cards to complete strangers in order to see how many of them would reply, even if they had no idea who the card was from. Kunz was trying to show that people will respond in kind, when the same behaviour is shown to them. A large majority of them replied, even though they had no idea who the card was from. Evolutionary theory could be said to tie in with the people I helped to some extent, as I tended to focus more on family members than anyone else. On the other hand though, because the ways in which I helped were more everyday situations than life changing ones, my reasons were for helping were not directly related to the ideas of evolutionary theory, it was more a case of, protecting your own. Personal and cultural factors affecting helping behaviour-  I found it easier to help at home, because I was around family- the people who I am closest to, with this being the case I wasnt worried about other people watching me or being too embarrassed in front of friends or other onlookers. My feelings could be said to tie in with the study of the murder case of Kitty Genovese which intrigued two psychologists, John Darley and Bibb Latane. They both suspected that situational variables, not personality traits of the people in that society, led to the lack of help intervention which Genovese received. Emerging from that research was the concept of the bystander effect, the idea that the presence of others inhibits helping behaviour of individuals. Piliavin and his colleagues (1981) hypothesized an arousal-cost-reward model. They argued that a decision on whether to help or not is based on the arousal of the potential helper and on a calculation of the costs and rewards (to self and to victim). If the rewards are perceived as being higher than the costs, a person is more likely to intervene. There is said to be an exchange benefit and this behaviour therefore is not entirely altruistic. I related this study to the example of me offering my seat the elderly women on the bus; there definitely was an exchange value. I felt good about myself, and gave a positive impression as to what type of person I am to onlookers and the woman was able to sit down comfortably. Also, had I not gave up my seat and had something bad happened, for example the woman falling over; I would have felt guilty for a long time after, so the rewards were definitely higher than the cost- which was me having to stand until I got off the bus. Cialdini, Kenrick and Baumann, had a theory of there being a negative state relief model in relation to helping behaviours. They suggested that when we experience a negative emotional state, we welcome something which would distract us from this and increase our feelings of well-being. This model is thought to function in non-emergencies, i.e situations like giving to charity. Observers help others in order to increase their own moods. However, I disagree with this theory. In relation to myself, I have found out that if I feel in a bad mood in the slightest then I dont feel like helping anyone, whoever they may be. Being compassionate to others, for the entire day was much more hard work than I had expected. When it came to the late evening, I was getting quite negative about the whole thing; I was in a slightly bad mood and didnt feel like speaking to anyone, let alone helping them and being compassionate. In relation to this, my behaviour could be said to be the polar opposite to that of the negative state relief model. My behaviour was different to normal as in certain cases I was making a conscious decision to try and help when in normal circumstances I may not have been so quick to offer assistance. Now having analysed the different types of helping behaviour and theories, I think in future I will be more conscious as to who I help and when I do so; as I will be thinking about others thoughts as to why they think I am helping; am I being egoistic or altruistic etc?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 Ways Entertainment Writers Can Maximize Their Online Presence

7 Ways Entertainment Writers  Can Maximize Their Online Presence Writing a noteworthy feature film or television script is challenging enough, but as an up-and-comer, standing out in a crowded marketplace might be even harder. Tinseltown is chock full of novice scribes angling for a shot at the spotlight, creating fierce competition as everyone jockeys for attention from a limited group of agents, managers, and producers. With all this, it may seem hard to find a good friend in the entertainment business, but the internet can certainly be one if you know how to leverage it. 1. Blogging Creates Belonging A solid first start is creating your own blog or website. Blogger 2. Social Media: No Longer Optional Get on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But don’t just tweet or post about successes on your personal page. Follow others in your field. Join filmmaking groups. Use the platforms to network with producers, directors and other writers, seek collaborations and work opportunities, share important resources and get invited to events. Yes, it’s difficult to speak highly of yourself in such settings without coming off as pretentious, but until you have an agent or manager doing it for you, the next best thing is to generate the support of an online community who can help 3. Those Mysterious Spec Script Marketplaces Several reputable marketplaces exist where writers can showcase speculative material for potential buyers. Some of the most prominent include Inktip, Spec Scout and The Black List. The former allows you to list any treatment and/or script for a nominal fee while the latter two sell analysis services that result in high-scoring scripts being promoted online. Indie producers seeking affordable and often specific material from writers will check these sites. (Side note: Writer-producers who are seeking financing can also list their projects on Slated if they can get admitted to the site.) ​​​​​​​ 4. A Little Competition Never Hurt Screenplay competitions are a viable way to generate online buzz so long as you perform well in them. The top finishers in well-respected contests like Nicholl, Final Draft, and Scriptapalooza – usually quarterfinalist level and above – will be mentioned on their websites and in various online promotional materials. Script Pipeline, going a step further, offers finalists in their competition both development assistance and online circulation of the material to a network of producers, agents, and managers. 5. All Publicity’s Good Publicity Seek out opportunities for free publicity in online trade magazines, screenwriter blogs, and entertainment podcasts. Find an angle that makes your material or personal story unique and pitch those site proprietors on why they should give you a platform. No good at pitching? Well, you’ll need to work on it because it’s an essential skill for writers in Hollywood. But in the meantime, hire an affordable short-term publicist like October Coast to help you find such opportunities. 6. Shoot Something! Not all online exposure has to be written. Writing for the screen is just the first step in the process of creating a much more layered audio-visual product. Shoot a scene from your script yourself to share on YouTube or Vimeo as a way to show your scripting skills in practice. Better yet, see if you can convince an indie filmmaker to shoot a short or do a web series based on your material. Once you have any sort of produced credit, you can submit to have a profile on IMDB, perhaps the most referenced online resource there is in entertainment. 7. Be Down with the Cause Consider ways your material might be able to attract the attention of partner groups like charities, non-profits or other special interests. For instance, if your script features a lead with autism, you might be able to attract the support of autism foundations that can help provide online exposure for the story. Material that is inspirational, purpose-driven or based on a true-life figure is often the best fit for this.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lean thinking (Layout Planning) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Lean thinking (Layout Planning) - Assignment Example The most exemplary and logical way to accomplish this working criteria would be to designate any two working departments with large amount stock movement proximity so as to save on fuel costs, transportation costs and most importantly operational time. So as to categorize which particular centres frequently have a large amount of stock or inventory movement within the company centres, a work Travel Chart is created to indicate the weekly sum of the activities and travels among the different departmental centres. The table below shows the operation sequence of all the products manufactured by the company. It also shows the respective allocated company sub-sections used during the production of each of the products. Notably, this will aid in appropriate decision making during the layout designing processes. A travel chart is used outline the degree of essential departments’ relativity in the production process. This is carried out via examining the amount or volume of products between each and every different work centres to aid in concluding which department s ought to be developed and stationed close to one another. Here is representational table of the travel chart for these company’s operational activities. Based on the above travel chart as well as the systematic layout planning technique (SLP) the degree of the importance between any two work centres to be allocated close to each other has been determined. In this case scenario the various company processes are represented using numerals. In this case, the number represents the first production process, that is, the guillotine process. Therefore, one can inference from the travel chart that the process number 12 - Pack and 13 - Dispatch work centres both display a high and strongly relative bond in terms of the movement of product between the two centres. Consequently,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Naval Hospital Guam Color Guard Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Naval Hospital Guam Color Guard - Article Example I ask you all to take that on as a true mission in the year ahead." On November 11, 2007 during the Veterans Day ceremony, Hospitalman Stephen Cendana of the U.S. Naval Hospital Guam took part in the Joint Color Guard that presented the flags at the honoring observance rite. Island residents and military dignitaries attended the event held at the Ricardo J. Bordallo Complex in Adelup to pay tribute to the veterans. The military tradition of duty, honor, and freedom resounded at the commemoration celebration. Scott Duenas, a navy veteran and one of the sixteen (16) Veterans of the Year expressed his pride for being part of the tradition of patriotism. Duenas said: "There's a lot of people who went before me. And today we've got other veterans serving on active duty and we also need to honor them." Hospitalman Cendana of the U.S. Naval Hospital Guam spoke of the great honor in taking part of the ceremonial Joint Color Guard that presented the flags because they represented not only the Navy but also the Armed Forces of the United States with many a number of decorated veterans in attendance. The annals of the U.S.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Special education case review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Special education case review - Essay Example The court reversed the district courts grant for a summary judgment. It held that compliance with obligations to children with hearing disabilities under IDEA does not signify compliance with obligations for effective communications under the ADA. In arriving at this conclusion, the court noted that there are differences between the provisions of the IDEA and those of Title II of the ADA.   Because of this difference, failure of a claim under the IDEA does not necessarily exclude a claim under Title II of the ADA. In A.C v. Shelby County Board of Education, A.C was a minor with type I diabetes. She attended Bon Lin Elementary school, which is governed by the Shelby County Board of Education SCBE. Her parents had requested certain disability accommodations for her. These accommodations included the retention of a full-time nurse, making the child’s classroom a peanut free zone due to her allergy to peanuts and taking of her blood tests in her classroom as opposed to the school clinic. There had been tensions between the school and the child’s parents regarding these requests. The situation got out of hand when the school principal made reports to the department of child services alleging that the parents were medically abusing the child. The parents filed a suit claiming that the violation of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. Section 504 and the ADA prohibits retaliations against individuals due to opposing practices made while seeking to enforce their rights unde r these Acts.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example for Free

Risk Management Essay The company generates its electricity at the Niagara Falls and distributes it to various Canadian provinces and the United States. Founded in 1906 as the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, the corporation was later renamed to Ontario Hydro in 1974. In 1998, the provincial government passed the â€Å"Energy Competition Act†. Ontario Hydro was restructured into two separate organizations: a power generation utility and a combined transmission/delivery business to be called Hydro one. 2. Hydro One’s Strategy and risks Hydro Ones strategy has changed a lot during the last years. First of all, the company thought they knew what was best for their customers. Eventually their focus changed into a more customer-based strategy. With the change in their focus in addressing the needs of their customers, customer satisfaction has, in some areas, doubled. Although results have been positive, problems for the electricity supply in the future might decrease the satisfaction of the customers. In the corporate risk profile trends, the electricity supply has become one of the biggest risks with a rating of ‘virtually certain’. Only â€Å"government policy uncertainty† and â€Å"getting the work done† have the same level of risk. In the impact-probability risk map of the firm, it is clear that problems with the electricity supply are quite probable and that the magnitude is considerably large. There’s always a risk of new outages, which can affect over 100. 000 customers for more than seven days in the worst-case scenario. Worst case expectations about the service quality indices predict that only 25% of the overall expected performance will be achieved when the best case scenario predicts 95%: it is already quite certain that the 100% achievement will be impossible. Another big issue in Hydro One’s strategy is cost efficiency. Due to its aging assets, the company had to focus on cutting costs. This initiative resulted in Rating Agencies improving Hydros rating on its long term debt to A, A2 and A (high), respectively. On the other hand, employees protested heavily against these measures by a major 18 weeks strike. Unfortunately, reducing unit costs to its desired level might fail in the end. Only in the minor case scenario the unit costs are not reduced, other scenarios predict an increase of 5 to more than 25%. Cheap electricity encouraged Canadian consumers to increase their purchases of energy-intensive consumer devices. Hydro One had to cope with this increased demand on its aging assets, so it launched an active conservation and demand management program. In this way, Hydro One is undertaking conservation initiatives, despite their adverse impact on the companys revenues and earnings. Electricity supply is one of the biggest risks; the former Pikangihum chief even mentioned the problem to turn on Christmas lights. The vision that CEO Formusa endorsed in a strategic plan is to make Hydro One the best transmission and distribution business in North America. This vision would be achieved by having the best safety record in the world, top quartile transmission and distribution reliability, 90% customer satisfaction across all segments, top quartile employee productivity, operating efficiency and an A credit rating. The CEO also intended to reach out and negotiate a long-term deal with the unions. The risks concerning safety were big from 2002 till 2004 but are under more under control since 2005. 3. Major drivers to get started with ERM at Hydro One As part of the firm’s spinoff from the previous Ontario Hydro and in preparation of an IPO, the management and board of Hydro One set high goals for being a best-practices organization with superior corporate governance and business conduct. In preparation of the IPO, they responded to the requirement of the Toronto Stock Exchange for listed companies to implement strategic risk management. Despite this IPO was forced to a halt in the Ontario Superior Court, Hydro One continued to follow their value creation strategy including the implementation of ERM and a risk-based investment planning system. At the same time, the government of Ontario posed a new challenge that had to be addressed with a scheduled deregulation of the electricity markets involving conservation initiatives. Other new policies in the energy industry like carbon legislation, the adoption of renewable technologies and climate change posed new threats and opportunities. In brief, the increased scrutiny on corporate governance called for a comprehensive risk management program. 4. Different stages of Hydro One’s ERM process Hydro One introduced a three-phase risk management program: In phase one, a risk management team organizes a series of interactive risk workshops in order to make the employees of the firm familiar with the companies’ key strategic objectives and the principal risks faced by the organization. Prior to these workshops, the risk team made a list of 60-70 potential risks or threats to the business. This list was e-mailed to the participating management. Based on their feedback, the risk team shortens the list to 8-10 risks. These shortlisted risks then are discussed during the workshops. In phase two, the risk team prepares a corporate risk profile report for the executive team twice a year, in January and July. In this report, the principal risks facing the organization are summarized. The chief risk officer conducts a series of one-to-one interviews with the top 30 to 40 top executives to review the corporate risk profile. This half-yearly monitoring and review of risk is very important within the ERM process, because risks do not remain static. In phase 3, during the annual planning process, the investment planning department and the risk management team jointly develop an approach for allocating resources to prioritized investment project proposals based on the risks identified. The chief financial officer argues that looking at investment proposals from a risk management point of view gives high visibility to capital expenditure planning in order to let the top management make the right investment decisions. 5. Up- and downsides of the ERM process Hydro One developed enterprise risk management in response to a new corporate governance requirement. A positive thing about Hydro One’s ERM process is that it includes all layers of the organization. Employees need to participate in a series of workshops to learn more about the company’s objectives and their risks. The method that Hydro One applies is structured, systematic and on a timely basis which are all key principles of risk management. It provides a foundation for all risk data across the organization and delivers visibility to this data. This has improved accountability and control within the company. An enormous benefit of the ERM process for Hydro One was that the company achieved a lower cost of debt. However, if the company decides to change its client-based strategy, it might be wise to review the ERM process and make some necessary changes. The corporation also uses the Delphi-method, which is a valuable communication technique when properly used. One needs to keep in mind, when applying the Delphi method, that the role of the supervisor may not be underestimated. It is he who needs to rearrange the data. Subjectivity might play a role, so it might be wise for Hydro One to find somebody else than Fraser to handle the risk management activities. In the end, ERM is more a state of mind than a technique or process. When all layers of the company have a mutual understanding about the company’s objectives and risks, one can say the ERM process has been successful. Hydro One’s ERM process will surely pass this test. 6. Framework There are a lot of different frameworks available these times. But the ISO 31000 Framework is the best practice framework because it is relatively easy to implement in an organization’s structure and still gives some good outcomes for the company. The Frameworks are used to facilitate the implementation of the ERM process into an organization. The core of the ISO 31000 Framework is the Risk Management Process (RMP). RMP consists of five important tasks. Further, the ISO 31000 Framework adds Management Information System (MIS). Risk management activities should be recorded. In this way, it is easier to know which actions are taken to counter the risk threats. The company will be able to react in a faster way to important changes in factors that could affect the organisation. Another important feature of the Framework can be found in Commit and Mandate. It is important to fully intergrate the ERM process in the organization. Every agent or stakeholder should be involved in the ERM process. Communication and consultation are key elements in every organization. But to implement the ERM process, communication becomes even more important. Communicating with all your stakeholders is crucial. Everyone needs to be aware of the possible risk the company is facing and the actions that are taken to mitigate these risks. The next important process of the ISO 31000 Framework is Accountability. For every identified risks, the company will have to assign a manager as risk-owner. They need to make clear who is responsible for which risk. Obviously, every agent or stakeholder has to participate in the process of countering risks. It is clear that the ERM process should be monitored and reviewed continuously. Because of a fast changing economic world, the ERM process should be adapted to these conditions. 6. 1 Establishing the context Hydro One is trying to be able to meet the high demand in hot weather springs and summers. Due to the aging infrastructure, Hydro One is facing high maintenance and growing costs. While they were planning to introduce cost-cutting initiatives they have to take into account these costs. Their main goal is to be able to report optimal financial results. This can be done in two ways. On the one hand, they have to make sure there are sufficient revenues. On the other hand, costs and expenses have to be kept under control. The problem of the 18-week during strike has caused an environment in the company where not everyone is heading in the same direction. So Hydro One is challenged to make sure there is a common culture in the company. 6. 2 Risk assessment Risk identification Identifying the likelihood and consequences of the different risks is done by organizing workshops wherein employees can participate. They are asked to express their feelings about the risks that might threaten the organization. Risk analysis Employees need to identify which business activities are affected by those different types of risks and in which degree on a 5-point scale. By doing this, every risk is looked at from another point of view. Each person identifies a different impact based on his or her area of expertise. Risks that are rated higher than 3, are more investigated in detail. They identify the worst-case scenario for each of those risks if something goes wrong within the company. After this process the company will have a clear view in the magnitude of a given risk, the probability of occurrence of a certain risk in a 2-3 year time period and the strength of the key controls in the company. If some of these key controls fail, it could cause a lot of damage to the company. Risk evaluation One had to be aware of the fact that risk is not a static concept. The level of risk a company is facing can depend on the whole environment of the company and the actions taken to mitigate the risk. So twice a year Hydro One made up a Corporate Risk Profile report to understand the changes in risk threats. 6. 3 Risk treatment options To reduce the risk threats to a tolerable level, action had to be taken. Everyone had to participate in these actions plans, but each manager was assigned as a risk-owner and had the full responsibility for taking actions to mitigate the risks. . 4 Communication and consultation It is really important to have a good and stable communication when implementing the ERM framework. Everyone has to know what their responsibilities are and what is going on in the company and its environment. If everyone is getting involved in the ERM process, each person will be able to look for solutions and thinks about different alternatives to handle different situations. Even the employees on the work floor should be consulted in the ERM process. They could have another view on the risks that threaten the company. They can discover some needs of the company the management could never be aware of. In conclusion, all stakeholders should be involved in the ERM process of the organization. 6. 5 Monitoring and reviewing To make sure the ERM Framework is implemented in the right way and has a positive effect for the company, it is important to monitoring and control the implementation of the Framework. And if needed some adjustments should be done to make the ERM process optimal. As mentioned earlier, the environment of the company and the risks threatening the company are not stable concepts. As a consequence, the ERM process is not stable even. 7. Conclusion One may never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced ERM process. By weighing up the implications of key decisions, appropriate actions can be agreed and delivered to support the chosen strategy. We can conclude that Hydro One’s ERM process is a valid one. ERM adds value for the company and supported the corporation’s managers in making good decisions about risk-based issues. [ 1 ]. ISO 31000, clause 4

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understand

Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume states, â€Å"there is not, in any single, particular instance of cause and effect, any thing which can suggest the idea of power or necessary connexion† (Hume, 1993: 41). Hume establishes in section II that all ideas originate from impressions that employ the senses (11). Therefore, in order for there to be an idea of power or â€Å"necessary connexion,† there must be impressions of this connection present in single instances of cause and effect; if there are no such impressions, then there cannot be an idea of â€Å"necessary connexion† (52). To illustrate his statement, Hume examines four situations: bodies interacting in the world, mind causing actions of the body, mind causing ideas of ideas, and God as the source of power. I will highlight Hume’s reasons and outline his arguments to establish that there is no â€Å"connexion† between cause and effect on the basis of singl e instances. Hume’s first reflection focuses on worldly bodies. Assuming that a â€Å"necessary connexion† exists between cause and effect, this effect could be determined, without prior experience, through reasoning, upon observation of the cause alone. We, however, observe the body and we observe the effect on the body or system but â€Å"the power or force, which actuates the whole machine [universe or chain of effects] is entirely concealed from us, and never discovers itself in any of the sensible qualities of body† (42). Hence, this situation demonstrates no impression of, and therefore no idea of, â€Å"necessary connexion† in â€Å"single instances of their (bodies) operation† (42). The second reflection in... ...out being ever able to comprehend any thing like connexion between them† (46). He expresses that this conjunction through similar experience is what allows us to relate cause and effect relatively accurately. On the other hand, Hume entertains the situation that â€Å"it is God himself, †¦ which we erroneously attribute to our own power and efficacy† (47). Hume argues that â€Å"there must arrise a strong suspicion †¦ (when we arrive at) conclusions so extraordinary, and so remote from common life and experience† (48). Further, Hume illustrates that no matter how ignorant we are â€Å"of the manner in which bodies operate on each other† we are equally ignorant of the supreme mind; we should reject the more unintelligible prospect (48). Works Cited Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. 2nd edition. Hackett Publishing: Indianapolis. 1993. Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understand Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume states, â€Å"there is not, in any single, particular instance of cause and effect, any thing which can suggest the idea of power or necessary connexion† (Hume, 1993: 41). Hume establishes in section II that all ideas originate from impressions that employ the senses (11). Therefore, in order for there to be an idea of power or â€Å"necessary connexion,† there must be impressions of this connection present in single instances of cause and effect; if there are no such impressions, then there cannot be an idea of â€Å"necessary connexion† (52). To illustrate his statement, Hume examines four situations: bodies interacting in the world, mind causing actions of the body, mind causing ideas of ideas, and God as the source of power. I will highlight Hume’s reasons and outline his arguments to establish that there is no â€Å"connexion† between cause and effect on the basis of singl e instances. Hume’s first reflection focuses on worldly bodies. Assuming that a â€Å"necessary connexion† exists between cause and effect, this effect could be determined, without prior experience, through reasoning, upon observation of the cause alone. We, however, observe the body and we observe the effect on the body or system but â€Å"the power or force, which actuates the whole machine [universe or chain of effects] is entirely concealed from us, and never discovers itself in any of the sensible qualities of body† (42). Hence, this situation demonstrates no impression of, and therefore no idea of, â€Å"necessary connexion† in â€Å"single instances of their (bodies) operation† (42). The second reflection in... ...out being ever able to comprehend any thing like connexion between them† (46). He expresses that this conjunction through similar experience is what allows us to relate cause and effect relatively accurately. On the other hand, Hume entertains the situation that â€Å"it is God himself, †¦ which we erroneously attribute to our own power and efficacy† (47). Hume argues that â€Å"there must arrise a strong suspicion †¦ (when we arrive at) conclusions so extraordinary, and so remote from common life and experience† (48). Further, Hume illustrates that no matter how ignorant we are â€Å"of the manner in which bodies operate on each other† we are equally ignorant of the supreme mind; we should reject the more unintelligible prospect (48). Works Cited Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. 2nd edition. Hackett Publishing: Indianapolis. 1993.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Positive and Negative Effects of Technological Advancements

Cez Danielle M. Lagbas Technological advancement, with no doubt, is such a huge impact in shaping the world. As humans, unlike any other living creature, we have the ability to use our mind for reasoning. Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. [1] With this power, we are able to imagine things, and with our clever minds, we are also able to create these imaginations.Creators, inventors, experimenter, maker, founder, innovator, pioneer – these are what we call the people behind every technology existing at present. Invention has made the world what it is today. It absolutely helped our society develop into a much better world. This whole aspect of invention is what we see as technology. Technology  is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of  tools,  machines, techniques,  crafts,  systems, methods of organization; in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. [2] Technological advancement is responsible for many changes as well in world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living, and the nature of work, communication, healthcare, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment. Not just these conditions are affected, but also our society and our individual selves. [3]I. Medical Technology Technological Advancements have been a really huge help to the field of medicine. Technology has cured and healed millions of people all around the globe. It has affected the living of humans in a good way, and if abused, affects us in a bad way. This field deals with the maintenance, prolongment, and restoration of human health through the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injury. Research in this field has allowed doctors and researchers to discover many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have helped lengthen the human life span. 3] This aspect of technology ensures the survival of humanity. Without technology, people would have been struggling with their health. Medicine has saved numerous innocent lives, and today it is much safer for people and for the environment. Medical technology instruments include contact lenses, wheelchairs, stethoscopes, prosthetic limbs and any other instrument that can help in diagnosing or treating an ailment. Filipinos with tumors can get a scan from a machine and this can already cause them accurate results for their surgery.Transplants also involve a very modern technology which has also helped lives. Pregnant women can check if t heir baby has abnormalities at a young stage of their pregnancy with the aid of technology. Neuroprosthetics have been invented so that people with paralyzed body parts can move again like they used to. Neuroprosthetics are implants placed on a nerve, or onto the central nervous system, in order to replace mobility lost by accident or disease. Motor functionality in the body reacts to outside stimuli, whether it is natural or un-natural.Neuroprosthetics could not only one day allow people with lost limbs to replace those limbs, but also may serve as a replacement parts directory for most functions of the human body. [5] Some other examples of the current advances of medical tools are CAT (Computerized Tomography) scanners , MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), defibrillators (electronic devices that are used to rescue patients who go into cardiac arrest or who are experiencing irregular heartbeats), laser cutters and medical robots. There are many benefits of using medical robots duri ng surgery.First of all, medical robots require smaller incisions to operate, which typically mean shorter hospital stays, lesser pain, and quicker recoveries. Also, many robots eliminate the problem of hand tremors machines can be calibrated to translate relatively large motions at the controller’s console into tiny, ultrafine actions by the instruments. Doctors do not even always have to be in the same room as a patient to operate using a robot. Furthermore, robots limit blood loss in an open procedure it is not unusual for the patient to lose a liter of blood, but robots lessen this amount drastically.Additionally, robots are more precise, with arms that can rotate 360 degrees. Finally, the robotic cameras offer a clear, magnified view of surgical fields that surgeons often did not see by themselves they had to feel around for the correct parts, because fingers often obstructed their line of sight. [4] You can really see that medicine is advancing rapidly and as it advance s more people are saved from diseases and sicknesses, but of course these advances would not have been made because of the previous technology they had before.In present, medical technology is already well-developed and still is developing. II. Environmental Technology Now, that our world is over populated and our resources are getting smaller, we need to preserve and save our environment. Advances in technology are helping us in doing so. Some parts of the world have a shortage of water supply. Desalination, basically removing salt and minerals from seawater, is one way to provide potable water in those parts of the world. Hydrogen fuel usage has also been experimented as a way to using pollution free fossil-fuels.With this kind of technology, cars will be running in the streets emitting nothing but clean water. As we all know, the sun is one big ball of energy, and can be converted into heat or electricity. There are two widely known solar collectors, but researchers are pushing t he limits to convert the sun’s energy into electricity by using mirrors and parabolic dishes. Someday, this technology will be able to create electricity for the whole Earth and will help in preserving our resources. There is also another way to create electricity, and that is by the ocean waves and tides.People have created turbines to collect the energy from the waters, which can turn this mechanical energy into electrical energy. Carbon dioxide is the most striking greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Researchers are trying to fix this huge problem, and they have thought of a way already. Experts suggest a method that can solve this problem, and it is by injecting the carbon dioxide into the ground before it can reach the atmosphere. [6] Today, it is very clear that man is harming the Earth. Scientists have thought of these ways to stop the harmful practices. These are the emerging nvironmental technologies of the modern world, and these technologies can save the Earth from doom. III. Gadgets, Home Electronics and Communication Communicating with different people is a great need in the life of a person. Advancements in technology have made it super easy to communicate with people who are near and afar. Gadgets like the cell phone, personal computers, telephones, the Apple Products, etc. are great examples of communication gadgets. The earliest forms of communication are the pictograms, signal, and, of course, language. Communication has advanced so much through the years.The 20th and 21st centuries have been the most rapid advancement in communication technology. The greatest advancements today is the internet, wireless free internet (Wi-Fi), E-mail, smart phones, and social networking. With just one tap of a finger, a message can already go a very long way. [7] The internet is a remarkable technological innovation that represents humanity today. The internet is the world wide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data between themselves. The internet is created for the purpose of somehow making the world smaller.It allows the people all around the globe, in modern day, to interconnect and promote globalization and information sharing. [3] Social Networking is one service from the Internet. Examples are; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and etc. These social networks provide men and women everywhere means to interact with each other despite the distance between them. They are able to share ideas, have a meeting, chat, and talk with the use of the Internet. With just the internet connection itself and the social network you are able to see different people in your own computer screen, you can also hear them.You don’t need to meet with other people in the real life, because it already feels as if that person is with you at that particular time. With these networks too, you can go online shopping. You can buy things off the Internet and have them shipped to your house the next d ay. It is so easy to do, and is much affordable because the retailers don’t have to pay a rent. You don’t need to go outside your house and search for the things you need to buy. With just one click, materials are sold with the use of this technological advancement. Social networking isn’t just for these purposes though.It is also for education. There are actually schools which are online. Teachers and students also use it as a communication tool. Teachers have observed that students are frequently on the net, so they have also familiarized this trend to extend their discussions in chat forums, and to post assignments, quizzes, and tests outside the school. College students also use the Internet to apply for jobs and internships. Many schools have implemented online alumni directories which serve as makeshift social networks that current and former students can turn to for career advice. [8]Before, people need to fire some wood to cook or heat something up. Now, we have different electronics that can heat something up in seconds. Television sets back then, were large and fat. Now, they’re as thin as paper, and the visuals are amazing. Your plasma TV can also be your own computer, how incredible is that? There are also these gadgets called the iPod where in you can enter a thousand songs inside a little device. How can anyone ever expect such a small thing hold so much memory. Tablets like the Apple iPad is somehow like a laptop already. You can download numerous applications in it to use.You can even make it your own library of books. It is like an all in one gadget, which is very useful to a person’s daily life. There are still various gadgets that have been invented, which have made life easier for everyone. In the year 2006, South Korea has invented Robots that say, relay messages to parents, teach children English, and sing and dance for them when they get bored. This developed in the year of 2007. These robots help famil ies in their homes and outside of their homes. If according goes all to plan robots will be in every South Korean household between 2015 and 2020.This plan will really change the daily habits of man and it can affect the whole world. [9] IV. Occupational/ Career Call centers use a wide variety of different technologies to allow them to manage the large volumes of work that need to be manages by the call center. These technologies ensure that agents are kept as productive as possible, and that calls are queued and processed as quickly as possible, resulting in good levels of service. Call centers have been a huge help in job applications here in the Philippines. Thousands of Filipinos have jobs because of call centers.This is one branch of technology that has promoted the economy and society to rise. [10] Technology has allowed millions of people in the world to get a job. Buildings, offices, hospitals, malls, schools everywhere involve some kind of technology somehow, and this has o pened opportunities for a lot of lives. V. Effects of Technology in the World With the advancement of technology today, it is clear that it has changed the way people live their lives. Filipino families have been reaping the best out of technology in keeping their own families intact.The Filipino family still embraces traditional values with the family remaining as a person’s number one priority. Families have given 10. 9 hours of their day in the consumption of media and 14 hours for technology. Filipinos spend 6. 1 hours with their families and almost 1. 9 hours with their friends while 23. 2 hours are spent for every day essentials like sleeping, school, or work. Technology enhanced Filipinos’ Social lives. 76% said that they have friends in different countries and cities because of the internet. Also, 53% said that the technology provided them a platform in overcoming their shyness. 11] The advancements are also accompanied by the reduction in the time, effort, cos t, for production of any materials from those tiny microchips to the huge machines or from the modern futuristic devices to the mega structures, they have been made with ease in design and development with the help of technology. These advancements also lead to the development of the economy due to the right use of technology which reduces the material production cost and the overhead charges which create savings and thus starts national development.When we look at the effects of technological advancement, even though there are a lot of good effects to be named, we must not forget the side effects and risks involved with technological advancement. Making a lot of processes digital does not only increase the comfort of the people using it, it also increases the risk of people being spammed or scammed. [12] Technology can provide us with comfort and ease, but it can make us very lazy as well. The higher risk of being scammed is also something to be constantly aware of. 1. So We Need S omething Else for Reason to Mean†,  International Journal of Philosophical Studies  8: 3, 271 — 295. 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Technology 3. http://www. academia. edu/346486/Technological_Advancements_and_Its_Impact_on_Humanity 4. Shannen Lambdin, Lillian Bornstein, Kaitlyn Reichwaldt, Jaquelin Garcia, and Holly Lombard, http://cse. unl. edu/gem/essays/10-11/HS_1st_TheSpontaneousCombustions. pdf 5. http://www. toptenz. net/top-10-ways-sci-fi-could-help-you-live-1000-years. php 6. Sara Goudarzi, â€Å"Top 10 Emerging Environmental Technologies†, www. livescience. om/11334-top10-emerging-environmental-technologies. html 7. Michelle L. Cramer, â€Å"Advances in Communication Technology†, www. ehow. com/about_5347491_advances-communication-technology. html 8. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Social_networking_service 9. Philippine Daily Inquirer, South Koreans Ready For Life With Robots, April 3, 2006 10. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Call Centers: From Office Basics to Global Impact, March 26, 2006 11. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Research Claims Technology Good For Filipino Families, May 21, 2007. 12. http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_the_effects_of_technological_advancement