Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Geography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Geography - Research Paper Example On an average the city receives sunlight for most part of the year and summers are quite sunny and dry. During the winter months, the city experiences precipitation when the temperature drops excessively. The geological issue I chose to write about is about the threat of Tsunami’s in the Los Angeles region. Los Angeles has an approximate area of about 2000 sq. miles and is about 340 ft. above sea level. Besides many issues, Los Angeles faces the problem of unusual weather phenomena. Escalating the problem still further is the pollution of the air and the formation of smog. In addition to this, they have the Santa Ana winds that blow extensively at 50 miles per hour and brings with it hot and dusty air. In the canyon areas, they experience occasional flash floods that cause dangerous mudslides. Los Angeles lies on the sea coast near a geologic feature called a strike slip fault which is usually active. A strike slip fault is where two tectonic plates slide over each other and displaces a portion of that area that could trigger a Tsunami. Matt Hornbach, research associate from the University of Texas at Austin and his team carried out their research through Geological field surveys in the Los Angeles region to gauge the amount of risk involved due to Tsunami’s in that region. Their research vessel of 165ft. was called ‘Endeavor’ which the researchers used to collect important data on the faults on the sea floor. The also conducted an underwater topography to make a study of the land movement and the waves of the Tsunami. Haiti experienced an earthquake on January 12th and a team of Geologists were commissioned to make a study of the earthquake and the Tsunami’s that followed. The general belief by geologists was that there was a high risk of Tsuna mis when faults give up or rupture displacing part of the sea floor. However, latest research in the area has proved that even a moderate

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