Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Special education case review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Special education case review - Essay Example The court reversed the district courts grant for a summary judgment. It held that compliance with obligations to children with hearing disabilities under IDEA does not signify compliance with obligations for effective communications under the ADA. In arriving at this conclusion, the court noted that there are differences between the provisions of the IDEA and those of Title II of the ADA.   Because of this difference, failure of a claim under the IDEA does not necessarily exclude a claim under Title II of the ADA. In A.C v. Shelby County Board of Education, A.C was a minor with type I diabetes. She attended Bon Lin Elementary school, which is governed by the Shelby County Board of Education SCBE. Her parents had requested certain disability accommodations for her. These accommodations included the retention of a full-time nurse, making the child’s classroom a peanut free zone due to her allergy to peanuts and taking of her blood tests in her classroom as opposed to the school clinic. There had been tensions between the school and the child’s parents regarding these requests. The situation got out of hand when the school principal made reports to the department of child services alleging that the parents were medically abusing the child. The parents filed a suit claiming that the violation of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. Section 504 and the ADA prohibits retaliations against individuals due to opposing practices made while seeking to enforce their rights unde r these Acts.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example for Free

Risk Management Essay The company generates its electricity at the Niagara Falls and distributes it to various Canadian provinces and the United States. Founded in 1906 as the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, the corporation was later renamed to Ontario Hydro in 1974. In 1998, the provincial government passed the â€Å"Energy Competition Act†. Ontario Hydro was restructured into two separate organizations: a power generation utility and a combined transmission/delivery business to be called Hydro one. 2. Hydro One’s Strategy and risks Hydro Ones strategy has changed a lot during the last years. First of all, the company thought they knew what was best for their customers. Eventually their focus changed into a more customer-based strategy. With the change in their focus in addressing the needs of their customers, customer satisfaction has, in some areas, doubled. Although results have been positive, problems for the electricity supply in the future might decrease the satisfaction of the customers. In the corporate risk profile trends, the electricity supply has become one of the biggest risks with a rating of ‘virtually certain’. Only â€Å"government policy uncertainty† and â€Å"getting the work done† have the same level of risk. In the impact-probability risk map of the firm, it is clear that problems with the electricity supply are quite probable and that the magnitude is considerably large. There’s always a risk of new outages, which can affect over 100. 000 customers for more than seven days in the worst-case scenario. Worst case expectations about the service quality indices predict that only 25% of the overall expected performance will be achieved when the best case scenario predicts 95%: it is already quite certain that the 100% achievement will be impossible. Another big issue in Hydro One’s strategy is cost efficiency. Due to its aging assets, the company had to focus on cutting costs. This initiative resulted in Rating Agencies improving Hydros rating on its long term debt to A, A2 and A (high), respectively. On the other hand, employees protested heavily against these measures by a major 18 weeks strike. Unfortunately, reducing unit costs to its desired level might fail in the end. Only in the minor case scenario the unit costs are not reduced, other scenarios predict an increase of 5 to more than 25%. Cheap electricity encouraged Canadian consumers to increase their purchases of energy-intensive consumer devices. Hydro One had to cope with this increased demand on its aging assets, so it launched an active conservation and demand management program. In this way, Hydro One is undertaking conservation initiatives, despite their adverse impact on the companys revenues and earnings. Electricity supply is one of the biggest risks; the former Pikangihum chief even mentioned the problem to turn on Christmas lights. The vision that CEO Formusa endorsed in a strategic plan is to make Hydro One the best transmission and distribution business in North America. This vision would be achieved by having the best safety record in the world, top quartile transmission and distribution reliability, 90% customer satisfaction across all segments, top quartile employee productivity, operating efficiency and an A credit rating. The CEO also intended to reach out and negotiate a long-term deal with the unions. The risks concerning safety were big from 2002 till 2004 but are under more under control since 2005. 3. Major drivers to get started with ERM at Hydro One As part of the firm’s spinoff from the previous Ontario Hydro and in preparation of an IPO, the management and board of Hydro One set high goals for being a best-practices organization with superior corporate governance and business conduct. In preparation of the IPO, they responded to the requirement of the Toronto Stock Exchange for listed companies to implement strategic risk management. Despite this IPO was forced to a halt in the Ontario Superior Court, Hydro One continued to follow their value creation strategy including the implementation of ERM and a risk-based investment planning system. At the same time, the government of Ontario posed a new challenge that had to be addressed with a scheduled deregulation of the electricity markets involving conservation initiatives. Other new policies in the energy industry like carbon legislation, the adoption of renewable technologies and climate change posed new threats and opportunities. In brief, the increased scrutiny on corporate governance called for a comprehensive risk management program. 4. Different stages of Hydro One’s ERM process Hydro One introduced a three-phase risk management program: In phase one, a risk management team organizes a series of interactive risk workshops in order to make the employees of the firm familiar with the companies’ key strategic objectives and the principal risks faced by the organization. Prior to these workshops, the risk team made a list of 60-70 potential risks or threats to the business. This list was e-mailed to the participating management. Based on their feedback, the risk team shortens the list to 8-10 risks. These shortlisted risks then are discussed during the workshops. In phase two, the risk team prepares a corporate risk profile report for the executive team twice a year, in January and July. In this report, the principal risks facing the organization are summarized. The chief risk officer conducts a series of one-to-one interviews with the top 30 to 40 top executives to review the corporate risk profile. This half-yearly monitoring and review of risk is very important within the ERM process, because risks do not remain static. In phase 3, during the annual planning process, the investment planning department and the risk management team jointly develop an approach for allocating resources to prioritized investment project proposals based on the risks identified. The chief financial officer argues that looking at investment proposals from a risk management point of view gives high visibility to capital expenditure planning in order to let the top management make the right investment decisions. 5. Up- and downsides of the ERM process Hydro One developed enterprise risk management in response to a new corporate governance requirement. A positive thing about Hydro One’s ERM process is that it includes all layers of the organization. Employees need to participate in a series of workshops to learn more about the company’s objectives and their risks. The method that Hydro One applies is structured, systematic and on a timely basis which are all key principles of risk management. It provides a foundation for all risk data across the organization and delivers visibility to this data. This has improved accountability and control within the company. An enormous benefit of the ERM process for Hydro One was that the company achieved a lower cost of debt. However, if the company decides to change its client-based strategy, it might be wise to review the ERM process and make some necessary changes. The corporation also uses the Delphi-method, which is a valuable communication technique when properly used. One needs to keep in mind, when applying the Delphi method, that the role of the supervisor may not be underestimated. It is he who needs to rearrange the data. Subjectivity might play a role, so it might be wise for Hydro One to find somebody else than Fraser to handle the risk management activities. In the end, ERM is more a state of mind than a technique or process. When all layers of the company have a mutual understanding about the company’s objectives and risks, one can say the ERM process has been successful. Hydro One’s ERM process will surely pass this test. 6. Framework There are a lot of different frameworks available these times. But the ISO 31000 Framework is the best practice framework because it is relatively easy to implement in an organization’s structure and still gives some good outcomes for the company. The Frameworks are used to facilitate the implementation of the ERM process into an organization. The core of the ISO 31000 Framework is the Risk Management Process (RMP). RMP consists of five important tasks. Further, the ISO 31000 Framework adds Management Information System (MIS). Risk management activities should be recorded. In this way, it is easier to know which actions are taken to counter the risk threats. The company will be able to react in a faster way to important changes in factors that could affect the organisation. Another important feature of the Framework can be found in Commit and Mandate. It is important to fully intergrate the ERM process in the organization. Every agent or stakeholder should be involved in the ERM process. Communication and consultation are key elements in every organization. But to implement the ERM process, communication becomes even more important. Communicating with all your stakeholders is crucial. Everyone needs to be aware of the possible risk the company is facing and the actions that are taken to mitigate these risks. The next important process of the ISO 31000 Framework is Accountability. For every identified risks, the company will have to assign a manager as risk-owner. They need to make clear who is responsible for which risk. Obviously, every agent or stakeholder has to participate in the process of countering risks. It is clear that the ERM process should be monitored and reviewed continuously. Because of a fast changing economic world, the ERM process should be adapted to these conditions. 6. 1 Establishing the context Hydro One is trying to be able to meet the high demand in hot weather springs and summers. Due to the aging infrastructure, Hydro One is facing high maintenance and growing costs. While they were planning to introduce cost-cutting initiatives they have to take into account these costs. Their main goal is to be able to report optimal financial results. This can be done in two ways. On the one hand, they have to make sure there are sufficient revenues. On the other hand, costs and expenses have to be kept under control. The problem of the 18-week during strike has caused an environment in the company where not everyone is heading in the same direction. So Hydro One is challenged to make sure there is a common culture in the company. 6. 2 Risk assessment Risk identification Identifying the likelihood and consequences of the different risks is done by organizing workshops wherein employees can participate. They are asked to express their feelings about the risks that might threaten the organization. Risk analysis Employees need to identify which business activities are affected by those different types of risks and in which degree on a 5-point scale. By doing this, every risk is looked at from another point of view. Each person identifies a different impact based on his or her area of expertise. Risks that are rated higher than 3, are more investigated in detail. They identify the worst-case scenario for each of those risks if something goes wrong within the company. After this process the company will have a clear view in the magnitude of a given risk, the probability of occurrence of a certain risk in a 2-3 year time period and the strength of the key controls in the company. If some of these key controls fail, it could cause a lot of damage to the company. Risk evaluation One had to be aware of the fact that risk is not a static concept. The level of risk a company is facing can depend on the whole environment of the company and the actions taken to mitigate the risk. So twice a year Hydro One made up a Corporate Risk Profile report to understand the changes in risk threats. 6. 3 Risk treatment options To reduce the risk threats to a tolerable level, action had to be taken. Everyone had to participate in these actions plans, but each manager was assigned as a risk-owner and had the full responsibility for taking actions to mitigate the risks. . 4 Communication and consultation It is really important to have a good and stable communication when implementing the ERM framework. Everyone has to know what their responsibilities are and what is going on in the company and its environment. If everyone is getting involved in the ERM process, each person will be able to look for solutions and thinks about different alternatives to handle different situations. Even the employees on the work floor should be consulted in the ERM process. They could have another view on the risks that threaten the company. They can discover some needs of the company the management could never be aware of. In conclusion, all stakeholders should be involved in the ERM process of the organization. 6. 5 Monitoring and reviewing To make sure the ERM Framework is implemented in the right way and has a positive effect for the company, it is important to monitoring and control the implementation of the Framework. And if needed some adjustments should be done to make the ERM process optimal. As mentioned earlier, the environment of the company and the risks threatening the company are not stable concepts. As a consequence, the ERM process is not stable even. 7. Conclusion One may never underestimate the importance of a well-balanced ERM process. By weighing up the implications of key decisions, appropriate actions can be agreed and delivered to support the chosen strategy. We can conclude that Hydro One’s ERM process is a valid one. ERM adds value for the company and supported the corporation’s managers in making good decisions about risk-based issues. [ 1 ]. ISO 31000, clause 4

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understand

Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume states, â€Å"there is not, in any single, particular instance of cause and effect, any thing which can suggest the idea of power or necessary connexion† (Hume, 1993: 41). Hume establishes in section II that all ideas originate from impressions that employ the senses (11). Therefore, in order for there to be an idea of power or â€Å"necessary connexion,† there must be impressions of this connection present in single instances of cause and effect; if there are no such impressions, then there cannot be an idea of â€Å"necessary connexion† (52). To illustrate his statement, Hume examines four situations: bodies interacting in the world, mind causing actions of the body, mind causing ideas of ideas, and God as the source of power. I will highlight Hume’s reasons and outline his arguments to establish that there is no â€Å"connexion† between cause and effect on the basis of singl e instances. Hume’s first reflection focuses on worldly bodies. Assuming that a â€Å"necessary connexion† exists between cause and effect, this effect could be determined, without prior experience, through reasoning, upon observation of the cause alone. We, however, observe the body and we observe the effect on the body or system but â€Å"the power or force, which actuates the whole machine [universe or chain of effects] is entirely concealed from us, and never discovers itself in any of the sensible qualities of body† (42). Hence, this situation demonstrates no impression of, and therefore no idea of, â€Å"necessary connexion† in â€Å"single instances of their (bodies) operation† (42). The second reflection in... ...out being ever able to comprehend any thing like connexion between them† (46). He expresses that this conjunction through similar experience is what allows us to relate cause and effect relatively accurately. On the other hand, Hume entertains the situation that â€Å"it is God himself, †¦ which we erroneously attribute to our own power and efficacy† (47). Hume argues that â€Å"there must arrise a strong suspicion †¦ (when we arrive at) conclusions so extraordinary, and so remote from common life and experience† (48). Further, Hume illustrates that no matter how ignorant we are â€Å"of the manner in which bodies operate on each other† we are equally ignorant of the supreme mind; we should reject the more unintelligible prospect (48). Works Cited Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. 2nd edition. Hackett Publishing: Indianapolis. 1993. Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understand Cause and Effect in David Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding In An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume states, â€Å"there is not, in any single, particular instance of cause and effect, any thing which can suggest the idea of power or necessary connexion† (Hume, 1993: 41). Hume establishes in section II that all ideas originate from impressions that employ the senses (11). Therefore, in order for there to be an idea of power or â€Å"necessary connexion,† there must be impressions of this connection present in single instances of cause and effect; if there are no such impressions, then there cannot be an idea of â€Å"necessary connexion† (52). To illustrate his statement, Hume examines four situations: bodies interacting in the world, mind causing actions of the body, mind causing ideas of ideas, and God as the source of power. I will highlight Hume’s reasons and outline his arguments to establish that there is no â€Å"connexion† between cause and effect on the basis of singl e instances. Hume’s first reflection focuses on worldly bodies. Assuming that a â€Å"necessary connexion† exists between cause and effect, this effect could be determined, without prior experience, through reasoning, upon observation of the cause alone. We, however, observe the body and we observe the effect on the body or system but â€Å"the power or force, which actuates the whole machine [universe or chain of effects] is entirely concealed from us, and never discovers itself in any of the sensible qualities of body† (42). Hence, this situation demonstrates no impression of, and therefore no idea of, â€Å"necessary connexion† in â€Å"single instances of their (bodies) operation† (42). The second reflection in... ...out being ever able to comprehend any thing like connexion between them† (46). He expresses that this conjunction through similar experience is what allows us to relate cause and effect relatively accurately. On the other hand, Hume entertains the situation that â€Å"it is God himself, †¦ which we erroneously attribute to our own power and efficacy† (47). Hume argues that â€Å"there must arrise a strong suspicion †¦ (when we arrive at) conclusions so extraordinary, and so remote from common life and experience† (48). Further, Hume illustrates that no matter how ignorant we are â€Å"of the manner in which bodies operate on each other† we are equally ignorant of the supreme mind; we should reject the more unintelligible prospect (48). Works Cited Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. 2nd edition. Hackett Publishing: Indianapolis. 1993.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Positive and Negative Effects of Technological Advancements

Cez Danielle M. Lagbas Technological advancement, with no doubt, is such a huge impact in shaping the world. As humans, unlike any other living creature, we have the ability to use our mind for reasoning. Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. [1] With this power, we are able to imagine things, and with our clever minds, we are also able to create these imaginations.Creators, inventors, experimenter, maker, founder, innovator, pioneer – these are what we call the people behind every technology existing at present. Invention has made the world what it is today. It absolutely helped our society develop into a much better world. This whole aspect of invention is what we see as technology. Technology  is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of  tools,  machines, techniques,  crafts,  systems, methods of organization; in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. [2] Technological advancement is responsible for many changes as well in world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living, and the nature of work, communication, healthcare, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment. Not just these conditions are affected, but also our society and our individual selves. [3]I. Medical Technology Technological Advancements have been a really huge help to the field of medicine. Technology has cured and healed millions of people all around the globe. It has affected the living of humans in a good way, and if abused, affects us in a bad way. This field deals with the maintenance, prolongment, and restoration of human health through the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injury. Research in this field has allowed doctors and researchers to discover many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have helped lengthen the human life span. 3] This aspect of technology ensures the survival of humanity. Without technology, people would have been struggling with their health. Medicine has saved numerous innocent lives, and today it is much safer for people and for the environment. Medical technology instruments include contact lenses, wheelchairs, stethoscopes, prosthetic limbs and any other instrument that can help in diagnosing or treating an ailment. Filipinos with tumors can get a scan from a machine and this can already cause them accurate results for their surgery.Transplants also involve a very modern technology which has also helped lives. Pregnant women can check if t heir baby has abnormalities at a young stage of their pregnancy with the aid of technology. Neuroprosthetics have been invented so that people with paralyzed body parts can move again like they used to. Neuroprosthetics are implants placed on a nerve, or onto the central nervous system, in order to replace mobility lost by accident or disease. Motor functionality in the body reacts to outside stimuli, whether it is natural or un-natural.Neuroprosthetics could not only one day allow people with lost limbs to replace those limbs, but also may serve as a replacement parts directory for most functions of the human body. [5] Some other examples of the current advances of medical tools are CAT (Computerized Tomography) scanners , MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), defibrillators (electronic devices that are used to rescue patients who go into cardiac arrest or who are experiencing irregular heartbeats), laser cutters and medical robots. There are many benefits of using medical robots duri ng surgery.First of all, medical robots require smaller incisions to operate, which typically mean shorter hospital stays, lesser pain, and quicker recoveries. Also, many robots eliminate the problem of hand tremors machines can be calibrated to translate relatively large motions at the controller’s console into tiny, ultrafine actions by the instruments. Doctors do not even always have to be in the same room as a patient to operate using a robot. Furthermore, robots limit blood loss in an open procedure it is not unusual for the patient to lose a liter of blood, but robots lessen this amount drastically.Additionally, robots are more precise, with arms that can rotate 360 degrees. Finally, the robotic cameras offer a clear, magnified view of surgical fields that surgeons often did not see by themselves they had to feel around for the correct parts, because fingers often obstructed their line of sight. [4] You can really see that medicine is advancing rapidly and as it advance s more people are saved from diseases and sicknesses, but of course these advances would not have been made because of the previous technology they had before.In present, medical technology is already well-developed and still is developing. II. Environmental Technology Now, that our world is over populated and our resources are getting smaller, we need to preserve and save our environment. Advances in technology are helping us in doing so. Some parts of the world have a shortage of water supply. Desalination, basically removing salt and minerals from seawater, is one way to provide potable water in those parts of the world. Hydrogen fuel usage has also been experimented as a way to using pollution free fossil-fuels.With this kind of technology, cars will be running in the streets emitting nothing but clean water. As we all know, the sun is one big ball of energy, and can be converted into heat or electricity. There are two widely known solar collectors, but researchers are pushing t he limits to convert the sun’s energy into electricity by using mirrors and parabolic dishes. Someday, this technology will be able to create electricity for the whole Earth and will help in preserving our resources. There is also another way to create electricity, and that is by the ocean waves and tides.People have created turbines to collect the energy from the waters, which can turn this mechanical energy into electrical energy. Carbon dioxide is the most striking greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Researchers are trying to fix this huge problem, and they have thought of a way already. Experts suggest a method that can solve this problem, and it is by injecting the carbon dioxide into the ground before it can reach the atmosphere. [6] Today, it is very clear that man is harming the Earth. Scientists have thought of these ways to stop the harmful practices. These are the emerging nvironmental technologies of the modern world, and these technologies can save the Earth from doom. III. Gadgets, Home Electronics and Communication Communicating with different people is a great need in the life of a person. Advancements in technology have made it super easy to communicate with people who are near and afar. Gadgets like the cell phone, personal computers, telephones, the Apple Products, etc. are great examples of communication gadgets. The earliest forms of communication are the pictograms, signal, and, of course, language. Communication has advanced so much through the years.The 20th and 21st centuries have been the most rapid advancement in communication technology. The greatest advancements today is the internet, wireless free internet (Wi-Fi), E-mail, smart phones, and social networking. With just one tap of a finger, a message can already go a very long way. [7] The internet is a remarkable technological innovation that represents humanity today. The internet is the world wide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data between themselves. The internet is created for the purpose of somehow making the world smaller.It allows the people all around the globe, in modern day, to interconnect and promote globalization and information sharing. [3] Social Networking is one service from the Internet. Examples are; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and etc. These social networks provide men and women everywhere means to interact with each other despite the distance between them. They are able to share ideas, have a meeting, chat, and talk with the use of the Internet. With just the internet connection itself and the social network you are able to see different people in your own computer screen, you can also hear them.You don’t need to meet with other people in the real life, because it already feels as if that person is with you at that particular time. With these networks too, you can go online shopping. You can buy things off the Internet and have them shipped to your house the next d ay. It is so easy to do, and is much affordable because the retailers don’t have to pay a rent. You don’t need to go outside your house and search for the things you need to buy. With just one click, materials are sold with the use of this technological advancement. Social networking isn’t just for these purposes though.It is also for education. There are actually schools which are online. Teachers and students also use it as a communication tool. Teachers have observed that students are frequently on the net, so they have also familiarized this trend to extend their discussions in chat forums, and to post assignments, quizzes, and tests outside the school. College students also use the Internet to apply for jobs and internships. Many schools have implemented online alumni directories which serve as makeshift social networks that current and former students can turn to for career advice. [8]Before, people need to fire some wood to cook or heat something up. Now, we have different electronics that can heat something up in seconds. Television sets back then, were large and fat. Now, they’re as thin as paper, and the visuals are amazing. Your plasma TV can also be your own computer, how incredible is that? There are also these gadgets called the iPod where in you can enter a thousand songs inside a little device. How can anyone ever expect such a small thing hold so much memory. Tablets like the Apple iPad is somehow like a laptop already. You can download numerous applications in it to use.You can even make it your own library of books. It is like an all in one gadget, which is very useful to a person’s daily life. There are still various gadgets that have been invented, which have made life easier for everyone. In the year 2006, South Korea has invented Robots that say, relay messages to parents, teach children English, and sing and dance for them when they get bored. This developed in the year of 2007. These robots help famil ies in their homes and outside of their homes. If according goes all to plan robots will be in every South Korean household between 2015 and 2020.This plan will really change the daily habits of man and it can affect the whole world. [9] IV. Occupational/ Career Call centers use a wide variety of different technologies to allow them to manage the large volumes of work that need to be manages by the call center. These technologies ensure that agents are kept as productive as possible, and that calls are queued and processed as quickly as possible, resulting in good levels of service. Call centers have been a huge help in job applications here in the Philippines. Thousands of Filipinos have jobs because of call centers.This is one branch of technology that has promoted the economy and society to rise. [10] Technology has allowed millions of people in the world to get a job. Buildings, offices, hospitals, malls, schools everywhere involve some kind of technology somehow, and this has o pened opportunities for a lot of lives. V. Effects of Technology in the World With the advancement of technology today, it is clear that it has changed the way people live their lives. Filipino families have been reaping the best out of technology in keeping their own families intact.The Filipino family still embraces traditional values with the family remaining as a person’s number one priority. Families have given 10. 9 hours of their day in the consumption of media and 14 hours for technology. Filipinos spend 6. 1 hours with their families and almost 1. 9 hours with their friends while 23. 2 hours are spent for every day essentials like sleeping, school, or work. Technology enhanced Filipinos’ Social lives. 76% said that they have friends in different countries and cities because of the internet. Also, 53% said that the technology provided them a platform in overcoming their shyness. 11] The advancements are also accompanied by the reduction in the time, effort, cos t, for production of any materials from those tiny microchips to the huge machines or from the modern futuristic devices to the mega structures, they have been made with ease in design and development with the help of technology. These advancements also lead to the development of the economy due to the right use of technology which reduces the material production cost and the overhead charges which create savings and thus starts national development.When we look at the effects of technological advancement, even though there are a lot of good effects to be named, we must not forget the side effects and risks involved with technological advancement. Making a lot of processes digital does not only increase the comfort of the people using it, it also increases the risk of people being spammed or scammed. [12] Technology can provide us with comfort and ease, but it can make us very lazy as well. The higher risk of being scammed is also something to be constantly aware of. 1. So We Need S omething Else for Reason to Mean†,  International Journal of Philosophical Studies  8: 3, 271 — 295. 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Technology 3. http://www. academia. edu/346486/Technological_Advancements_and_Its_Impact_on_Humanity 4. Shannen Lambdin, Lillian Bornstein, Kaitlyn Reichwaldt, Jaquelin Garcia, and Holly Lombard, http://cse. unl. edu/gem/essays/10-11/HS_1st_TheSpontaneousCombustions. pdf 5. http://www. toptenz. net/top-10-ways-sci-fi-could-help-you-live-1000-years. php 6. Sara Goudarzi, â€Å"Top 10 Emerging Environmental Technologies†, www. livescience. om/11334-top10-emerging-environmental-technologies. html 7. Michelle L. Cramer, â€Å"Advances in Communication Technology†, www. ehow. com/about_5347491_advances-communication-technology. html 8. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Social_networking_service 9. Philippine Daily Inquirer, South Koreans Ready For Life With Robots, April 3, 2006 10. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Call Centers: From Office Basics to Global Impact, March 26, 2006 11. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Research Claims Technology Good For Filipino Families, May 21, 2007. 12. http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_the_effects_of_technological_advancement

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dreams come true Essay

When I was 3 years old my mother used to tell me mesmerising bedtime stories about the greatest world inventions ever made. I liked whenever, she talked about medical inventions or greatest cure to diseases, and I told her one day I will become a great biomedical scientist, and I will find cure for cancer. The prospect of becoming outstanding member of the society was overwhelming, and I always wondered when I will accomplish that dream. The journey of that dream of becoming a great scientist started when I first opened my science book in year three. The stories my mother used to relay when I was young were great, imaginative, and not feigned, and I always used to wonder if I will one day discover new technologies to cure the incurable diseases. My childhood dream of becoming a great scientist is taking shape and here I am operating computerised machines, collecting data and analysing them. My dream was to be accepted to study my chosen field of science at one of the best universities in the world, and here I am in 2016 studying biomedical science at one of the prestigious universities in the world. My dreams came to light, and I cannot wait to conduct research and challenge theories, and kill cancer for good. I am very excited about this. The creative juices are really flowing, and I exploit the bed time stories of my mum as a motivation, and a vehicle to push me through the challenges of daily life. To succeed in life and achieving your childhood dreams needs a lot of hard work, and I have gone through grueling years of high school studies to achieve success. Dreams come true, and I am a living proof.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write an Evaluation Essay

How to Write an Evaluation Essay How to Write an Evaluation Essay The evaluation essays are written based upon a certain criteria of the essay thesis. What you should do is to evaluate and judge the thesis from the criteria’s point of view that you have chosen. It is very important to pick carefully the criteria which can be debated well in order to create a good evaluation essay. You have to analyze correctly both sides of the criteria; you should also research and explore your thesis fully and provide numerous examples and ideas that prove it. Some authors claim that evaluation essays are similar to reviews, however, in order to understand what is important in writing an evaluation essay you should carefully read below. How to write an evaluation essay In order to choose the right thesis for your evaluation essay, you should first brainstorm and analyze different ideas and topics. Your topic could be something from your daily life or something you encounter for the first time. The important thing is to have a strong, reasonable and well-augmented opinion on it. The opinion can be negative, positive or even humorous; as long as it is well debatable and researched, it will do. At the beginning students find it easier to write on something they have experienced personally but it is not necessary. As long as you feel comfortable writing on a specific topic, you are welcome to do it. If you have problems understanding what exactly the criteria are, here is an example. Let’s say you have decided to write an evaluation essay on a book, movie or even on an ad commercial, the chosen criteria can be the plot, value, genre, chemistry between characters, etc. Think of what you are going to write about, how does it make you feel, how can you support that feeling, do you think the audience will feel the same way about it; if not, how can you make them accept your point of view. Think what the best example for your thesis is and develop it. Then again, analyze your thesis for one last time and make a draft of the whole essay. This way it will be easier to write it. Introduction of an evaluation essay The purpose of the introduction is to state your thesis and criteria and introduce it to the audience. The word count of the evaluation essay and therefore the introduction will depend on your instructor notes. The language of the introduction should be clear and understandable. You have to develop your thesis and criteria very well. It is good to make your introduction captivating and interesting in order to engage your audience. However, the most important thing in the introduction of your evaluation essay is to state clearly what you are evaluating and the criteria on which the evaluation is based. Body of evaluation essay Some claim that the body of the essay is the most important part of it. However, an essay is a complex organism which has to be regarded as a whole. The body of the evaluation essay should be descriptive. In it you should examine and write in detail the evidence you have found which supports the chosen criteria and thesis. Writing an evaluation essay is easy if you have prepared well. In the body you should state at least three arguments that support your criteria and thesis. You can also use a counter argument but you have to debate it well and at the end turn it into your favor. Always double check the body of your evaluation essay. Make sure it sounds trustworthy, check whether there’s something missing, something that can be added in order to make it sound more professional. In order to write a good body of an evaluation essay you must research well, draft it in advance and brainstorm on it even after it is initially written. Conclusion of evaluation essay The conclusion of your evaluation essay should be strong and straightforward. Repeat the thesis you have chosen as well as the criteria. Also briefly remind your audience about the main arguments, ideas and points in your evaluation essay. The conclusion is the place of the essay where you can make final overall evaluation of it. Always proofread your essay and remove any grammatical or contextual mistakes.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Premodifiers in English

Definition and Examples of Premodifiers in English In English grammar, a premodifier is a modifier that precedes the head of a noun phrase. Most often, premodifiers are adjectives (a beautiful day), participles (broken heart), or other nouns (time management). Premodifers are sometimes referred to as epithets. As noted by Douglas Biber et al., Premodifiers and postmodifiers are distributed in the same way across registers: rare in conversation, very common in informational writing (Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English, 2002). Examples and Observations The next morning, Lonsdale was spotted coming out of a nearby house.Indeed, it is a commonplace observation that a truly intelligent youth is aided but little by the average college education.(H.L. Mencken)We have enjoyed some extremely varied and consistently excellent performances at this theater.The road deteriorated until it resembled a casually discarded trail of large and sharp stones.The problem is not just our junkie-like behavior; it is that there is another energy junkie in the neighborhood with a growing habit- China.(Ed Schultz, Killer Politics: How Big Money and Bad Politics Are Destroying the Great American Middle Class. Hyperion, 2010)Younkers was the most elegant, up-to-the-minute, briskly efficient, satisfyingly urbane place in Iowa.(Bill Bryson, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. Broadway Books, 2006) Four Major Types of Premodifiers There are four major structural types of premodification in English: - general adjective: big pillow, new pants, official negotiations, political isolation- -ed participial modifier: restricted area, improved growth, fixed volume, established tradition- -ing participial modifier: flashing lights, growing problem, exhausting task- noun: staff room, pencil case, market forces, maturation period In addition, . . . determiners, genitives, and numerals precede the head and modifiers, and help to specify the reference of noun phrases. Premodifiers are condensed structures. They use fewer words than postmodifiers to convey roughly the same information. Most adjectival and participial premodifiers can be rephrased as a longer, postmodifying relative clause . . .. (Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech, Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Pearson, 2002) Premodifiers and Compounds Premodifying elements in prehead position are often used as qualifiers, which means that they restrict the reference of the head of the noun phrase to a subset of the things it denotes. In many cases the resultant expression is fairly permanent, and is used regularly. Eventually the meaning of the combined expression may differ from the meaning that is derivable from the meaning of its constituents. In this case the term compound or nominal compound is often used. . . . (29) lighthouse- light music(30) software- soft option(31) hothouse- hot house(32) blackbird- black bird(33) darkroom- dark room The first element in these examples is always the compound which is contrasted to the second element that is not usually regarded as a compound. Compounds tend to have a primary stress on the first element, whereas noun phrase combinations are written as two words. (Andreas H. Jucker, Social Stylistics: Syntactic Variation in British Newspapers. Mouton de Gruyter, 1992) The Problem of Stacking: Excessive Premodification A particularly disturbing feature of scientific writing is excessive premodification- the piling up of adjectives, or words being used adjectivally, in front of a noun: a mobile hopper fed compressed air operated grit blasting machine. . . . As a general rule, we recognize that listeners find it difficult to cope with the delivery of so many qualifications before the main noun. So we put some of our modifiers before it, and most of them after it. . . . a mobile grit-blasting machine, fed from a hopper and operated by compressed air (John Kirkman, Good Style: Writing For Science And Technology, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2005)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Minuit Chretien French Christmas Carol - O Holy Night

Minuit Chretien French Christmas Carol - O Holy Night Minuit Chrà ©tien is the French Christmas Carol Equivalent of O Holy Night. Its a traditional Christmas Carol. Here are the lyrics and translation. The lyrics and translations are quite different. Youll find a version here on YouTube sung by Pavorotti.   Lyrics For The Christmas Carol Minuit Chrà ©tien - O Holy Night Minuit, chrà ©tiens, cest lheure solennelle,Oà ¹ lHomme-Dieu descendit jusqu nousPour effacer la tache originelle Midnight, Christians, its the solemn hour,When God-man descended to usTo erase the stain of original sin Et de Son Pà ¨re arrà ªter le courroux.Le monde entier tressaille despà ©ranceEn cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur. And to end the wrath of His Father.The entire world thrills with hopeOn this night that gives it a Savior. Peuple genoux, attends ta dà ©livrance.Noà «l, Noà «l, voici le Rà ©dempteur,Noà «l, Noà «l, voici le Rà ©dempteur ! People kneel down, wait for your deliverance.Christmas, Christmas, here is the Redeemer,Christmas, Christmas, here is the Redeemer! Le Rà ©dempteur a brisà © toute entrave :La terre est libre, et le ciel est ouvert.Il voit un frà ¨re oà ¹ nà ©tait quun esclave, The Redeemer has overcome every obstacle:The Earth is free, and Heaven is open.He sees a brother where there was only a slave, Lamour unit ceux quenchaà ®nait le fer.Qui Lui dira notre reconnaissance,Cest pour nous tous quIl naà ®t,QuIl souffre et meurt. Love unites those that iron had chained.Who will tell Him of our gratitude,Its for all of us that He is born,That He suffers and dies.   Peuple debout ! Chante ta dà ©livrance,Noà «l, Noà «l, chantons le Rà ©dempteur,Noà «l, Noà «l, chantons le Rà ©dempteur ! People stand up! Sing of your deliverance,Christmas, Christmas, sing of the Redeemer,Christmas, Christmas, sing of the Redeemer! If you enjoy this article, you may also enjoy my enunciated recording of the Catholic mass prayers in French. Jai à ©crit beaucoup darticles et dhistoires sur Noà «l en France:- Christmas in France Dialogue - French English Bilingual Easy Story- Qui est Saint Nicolas ? Dialogue en Franà §ais Facile- Meet the French Santa - French English Bilingual Easy Story- 8 Gift Ideas for Your Francophile Friends- Petit Papa Noà «l - The Most Famous French Christmas Song (with a link to a video of my daughter singing it!) Joyeuses fà ªtes de fin dannà ©e ! Happy Holidays.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Project Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Project Management Paper - Essay Example Project management possesses great importance in the business world because it is widely believed that the successful operations of every scale and type of business organization depend upon the successful accomplishment of its defined targets that can be met through proper project management (Means and Adams, 2005). The following discussion aims to provide a complete understanding of different phases of project management. Moreover, the essay also explains the importance of project management to attain the business tasks and the significance and contribution of proper project management for the success of an organization. The complexity and scope of each project depends upon the nature of the business and the industry and sector in which the business operates, however the management of a project is equally important for the businesses operating in each sector and scale. In order to ensure the proper management of project, it has been divided in different stages that are referred as the phases of project life cycle. These four phases are the logical sequence of the activities associated with the commencement of a project (Means and Adams, 2005). These phases are â€Å"initiation, planning, execution and closure†. Following is a brief description of each of these phases of project life cycle. The first phase of the project life cycle is called â€Å"Initiation† that is also known as the birth phase of the project. As the name tells itself, in the first phase, the management decides the scope of the project and makes the key decisions about the selection of the appropriate approaches that can help in attaining the desired output. The role of the project managers plays a crucial role because keeping in view the human resource requirements of the firms; he has to manage a team that possesses the skills and qualification required

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors Essay

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors - Essay Example I used the concepts and arguments from the following major theorists: Murray and Conrich (2008), Barclay (1990), Pihama (1996), Alia and Bull (2005) and Mita (1996). Murray and Conrich (2008) explore the meaning of ‘indigenous self-expression,’ while Barclay (1990) describes the process and effects of ‘talking in’ for indigenous people. Pihama (1996) emphasises the importance of contextualising Maori violence in order to avoid ethnic stereotyping. Alia and Bull (2005, p.64) argue that as indigenous groups internalise outsider views and develop their own internal understanding of their societies, they are involved in the ‘invention of tradition.’ Mita (1996) asserts that films provide the opportunity of decolonising themes. For this essay, I ask: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990), and â €˜decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996)? Once Were Warriors reflects ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990) through emphasising the remaking and reclaiming of the warrior Maori culture in different ways and ‘decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996) through reducing Western influences and focusing on the legitimacy of the hybrid Maori-modern culture. The paper concludes that Once Were Warriors signifies the remaking of Maori identity through the process of reclaiming their warriorhood status that simultaneously decolonises Maori identity development. ii. Reflexive Introduction I chose this film because it represents the breakdown of the indigenous social fabric, after colonisation has eroded the cultural fabric of the colonised. As a person who has a strong sense of colonisation history and who values family and clan ties, I can relate to the impacts of colonisati on and urbanisation on the social ties and identity-making of the Maori. Colonisation and its subsequent urbanisation and commercialisation effects have eroded the Maoris’ sense of identity, affecting not only their ethnic group as a whole, but also their family roots and individual personalities. I am then interpreting the film, not only from the views and concepts of the aforementioned theorists, but also from my own family and social values and experiences, because I am someone who deeply respects and values collectivistic societies, of which I am also a proud part of. I continue to strongly ground my analysis on scholarly research, nonetheless, through using textual analysis and semiotics that can help me attain a balanced perspective. iii. Background Introduction Since the early 1970s, a significant cultural shift is changing Maori representation in films, a shift called the â€Å"Maori Renaissance† (Keown 2008, p.197). Lee Tamahori’s Once Were Warriors bel ongs to this shift, as it portrays the implications of one of the historical events in the Maoris’ lives, their migration from rural, coastal ancestral lands to Pakeha-dominated urban areas and the effects of this migration to their ethnic identity-making process and identities (Keown 2008, p.197). For this essay, I explore how the film reflects indigenous expression and decolonisation themes. My research question is: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Review paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Review paper - Essay Example Their shape varies from simple helical and icosahedral (polyhedral or near-spherical) forms, to more complex structures with tails or an envelope. Viruses infect cellular forms of life and are grouped into animal, plant and bacterial viruses. There always been a discussion whether viruses are living organisms. Some consider them non-living as they do not meet the criteria of the definition of life. For example, unlike most organisms, viruses do not have cells. However, viruses have genes and evolve by natural selection. The viruses mutate and compete. They have been described as organisms at the edge of life. The main feature of virus is that it usually destroys or modifies the cell it infects , thus exist as a potential agent that could afflict mankind and cause numerous dieseases as ranging from common cold, rabies, small pox, mumps, polio ,chicken pox , measles, rubella, hemorrhagic fevers to the Acquired Immuno Deficiency syndrome. Viral infections in human as well as animal hosts usually result in an immune response and disease. Often, a virus is completely eliminated by the immune system. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, but antiviral drugs have been developed to treat life-threatening infections. Vaccines th at produce lifelong immunity can prevent virus infections. The main area still now developed in antiviral therapy to stop the viral replication is targeted either on viral replication or the process of polyprotein clevage. Over a long period of known human history terrible epidemics involved humanity. The flu, smallpox, and plague killed millions of people. The epidemics of â€Å"Black Death† in the 14th century killed almost one third of Europe’s population. These terrible epidemics left traces in the genome of populations. There appeared a probability to resist diseases. Scientists find new surprising abilities of immunity to resist viral attacks. In this paper I would like to discuss some of the

Capital Market Efficiency Hypotheses Observations in Croatia Essay

Capital Market Efficiency Hypotheses Observations in Croatia - Essay Example Jordon (1983. pp1325-1327) proved that efficient market hypotheses cannot be viewed from the ideal perspective whereby the signals (of internal information) and the corresponding return on assets need not be normal if the dimension of signal space is larger for a smaller number of assets. In such cases, the researcher argued that the market equilibrium is generally inconsistent with the efficient market hypotheses. If investors are risk neutral, the equilibrium price of each asset can be equal to its expected returns. However, investors do have risk aversion – in the form of relative risk aversion and constant risk aversion. Each signal, when known to the investors adds to the risk perception thus affecting the return from the asset – positively or negatively – depending upon how the signal has been perceived. Beaver (1981. pp23-26) described the phenomenon of â€Å"incomplete markets† whereby the expectations are formed on future prices based on informal signals and the equilibrium is characterized as dependent upon these expectations that have formed from the informal signals. In growth times (bull markets) or during uncertainty (bear markets) the polarity of the signals automatically changes as a result of relative risk aversion of the investors. Hence, during bull markets, even the companies not rated high may still enjoy a rally and during bear markets, even the best-performing companies may suffer crash of security prices.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit 3 Discussion 2 Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unit 3 Discussion 2 - Annotated Bibliography Example Gray, S. (2012). A Study of Negotiation styles between business managers from UK and Indian cultural backgrounds. Dissertation paper presented to University of Wolverhampton Business School. West Midlands. The above research paper researches aims at developing an in depth understanding of the culture led differences in business negotiation styles in India and UK. The paper begins by defining culture to create an understanding of its implication to different areas of life including business. Data analyzed in the paper shows that there is a significant difference in how business people in India and UK want to be treated and thus it is important to understand these differences for effective negotiation. The paper generally recommends a more conservative form of business negotiation style in India than in the UK. The above book by Kumar and Worm seeks to advice people who intend to venture in emerging economies such as India and China on how to effectively negotiate in these two cultures. The book offers extensive coverage of the culture differences between the West and these two Asian economic giants. The book recommends that business negotiators must appreciate the culture differences in these countries and their home countries in order to succeed in business. The conduct of diplomacy in the 21st century has been affected by new forms of challenges that arise from globalization and interdependence among nations. Diplomacy has gotten intensive, volatile, plural-directional and multifaceted. This is as a result of the large numbers of objectives, ways of communication, dialogues subjects and the heightened complexity in terms of factors. Having been written by a Foreign Service expert and leading scholar, this book analyses all these factors

Feedback and Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Feedback and Evaluation Paper - Essay Example It has a diverse workforce from all around the continent with recognized worldwide reputation for its innovation and leadership (CalPERS, 2012). The feedback mechanisms are a way to improve the services provided by the Calpers the Retirement agency for the state of California employees. Mostly, the problems are difficult, secrecy, and also pension programs tend to get boring with time. So, feedback is essential for this retirement agency of California as well. First of all, the scale of the problem should be recognized. Identifying the problem is the basic step from where feedback is generated. It is the feedback of the customers, as well as employees which pave the way for feedback mechanisms. The internal and external feedback mechanisms allow the company to prosper more successfully and enhance the atmosphere of the organization (State University, 2012). Firstly, the political leaders of California should realize the profundity of current financial deficits in the economy as what will the future implications will be. The company has found out that if pension systems even earn 7.5 to 7.75 percent on a yearly basis, CALPERS will only learn 73.5 to 75.3 correspondingly. The pension systems today cannot find their way out of this current scenario which is absolutely devastating. The debt of the state of California is rapidly increasing everyday as political instability continues to pertain in the region. Obviously, the retirement agencies like CALPERS are highly affected by such traumas. This situation is rather tragic and disappointing, but it is very costly for Retirement firms as well (CalPERS, 2012). Whenever the leaders do not act on the situation, the cost increases to the citizens and state and possibly to public workers to whom the state owe pension. This condition is comparable to an adverse loan amortization, which is a scenario where the owner of the house does not pay much for the principal owed and thus goes into an even shredder condition. The dela y which takes place in this situation over the period of next year can be figured out from any underfunded sum. The 6.2 percent rate of discount leads to yearly pitfalls for the CALPERS system and thus only $16.8 is estimated to be given to CALPERS, CalSTRS and UCRP combined. This problem has to be highlighted in the company (CalPERS, 2012) The feedback and evaluation programs are very important for CaLPERS. For this purpose, direct administration of Associate Program or Program Evaluator is required who assists in the planning and conducting of field audits of employment records and payroll at the public agencies to testify that the agencies are enrolling employees in accordance with the Law set by the Public Employees Retirement Law. Also, the agencies have to report rewards as well in accordance to this law. This situation helps then go to different public agencies located all across the state of California. Furthermore, the Associate Program Evaluator or Program Evaluator may as sist in carrying out the reviews and internal audits of the company which includes the EDP operations, administrative controls, and internal accounting and several other programs (CalPERS, 2012). The fiscal analysis of this public firm extensions for funding and also various other special programs is done by the Program evaluator. The present findings are then presented to the general public and are highly expected to show official dress and manner, in addition to sticking to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Unit 3 Discussion 2 Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unit 3 Discussion 2 - Annotated Bibliography Example Gray, S. (2012). A Study of Negotiation styles between business managers from UK and Indian cultural backgrounds. Dissertation paper presented to University of Wolverhampton Business School. West Midlands. The above research paper researches aims at developing an in depth understanding of the culture led differences in business negotiation styles in India and UK. The paper begins by defining culture to create an understanding of its implication to different areas of life including business. Data analyzed in the paper shows that there is a significant difference in how business people in India and UK want to be treated and thus it is important to understand these differences for effective negotiation. The paper generally recommends a more conservative form of business negotiation style in India than in the UK. The above book by Kumar and Worm seeks to advice people who intend to venture in emerging economies such as India and China on how to effectively negotiate in these two cultures. The book offers extensive coverage of the culture differences between the West and these two Asian economic giants. The book recommends that business negotiators must appreciate the culture differences in these countries and their home countries in order to succeed in business. The conduct of diplomacy in the 21st century has been affected by new forms of challenges that arise from globalization and interdependence among nations. Diplomacy has gotten intensive, volatile, plural-directional and multifaceted. This is as a result of the large numbers of objectives, ways of communication, dialogues subjects and the heightened complexity in terms of factors. Having been written by a Foreign Service expert and leading scholar, this book analyses all these factors

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Law - Nike v. Kasky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law - Nike v. Kasky - Essay Example Kasky went on to say that this was a case of false advertising and that this clearly constituted commercial speech, this was important because the protection that is offered under the First Amendment offers protection to non commercial speech and does not in any way protect commercial speech. Nike’s response stated that the laws on false advertising did not cover the company’s expression of its views in respect of public issue and the fact that such views were clearly protected under the First Amendment as what had been said and done by Nike was non- commercial speech. The trial court agreed with the arguments of Nike and went on to say that such action was non-commercial speech and was therefore protected under the federal and state constitutions without leave to amend. The Plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeal which in turn acknowledged the findings of the trial court and stated the same things that is what was important was the fact that the alleged false and misleading statements by Nike were commercial or non-commercial. This was so because it would determine the protection that was offered by the First Amendment. The court went on to reiterate the fact that these were non commercial speech and so protection under constitutional free speech provisions was provided. Thus the Court of Appeal granted the plaintiff’s petition for review. Thus the main issues that needed to be determined first were whether the speech that was made by Nike was commercial or non-commercial. This would be necessary because of the degree of protection provided as well as determination of false advertising. In the current scenario it is clear that the requirement that a person making such a statement gives it as a commercial speaker is satisfied, this is because the persons who gave such statements were in business. Furthermore, the main reason for giving such a statement was to protect

Monday, October 14, 2019

Korean Drink Sikhye Essay Example for Free

Korean Drink Sikhye Essay Seol, the biggest traditional Korean holiday of the year, is when family members gather and eat a traditional meal with a variety of dishes which eventually, leads to overeating. What drink is used help digest all those food, Sikhye. Sikhye is a sweet drink made of malt and rice that has been a traditional beverage throughout Korean culture. It was first introduced in a book on knowledge of living called Samunsaseol in 1740. In the 1800s the recipe was revealed in cook books named Gyungonyoram and Siuijeonseo. There are various kinds of sikhye, Andong sikhye, Jinju sikhye, dried meat sikhye from Gyeongsangdo, dried pollack sikhye from Gangwondo, halibut sikhye from Hamgyeongdo, sailfin sandfish sikhye, and yeonan sikhye. It is said that Sikhye was created in North Korea and made mainly of fishes, powdered red pepper, and radish. Then it was introduced in the South and instead of fishes, malt was put in. After that it gradually known to be established with malt and rice only. Sikhye is a fermented drink made through patience. This drink was first drunk due to its job of stimulating digestion. Sikhye is also referred to dansul or gamju. While Sikhye is rice punch with rice floating in it, gamju is rice punch without rice floating in it. The famous drink is made by pouring malt water into boiled glutinous rice to leave for a while to ferment. Then the rice is removed from the water and rinsed and drained. The remaining water is boiled with sugar and ginger and served cool with the rice. The taste of this refreshment is the malt that is used. Malt is also significant due to its nutritional value. Sikhye is a natural sweet drink made without any artificial sweeteners. This drink prevents food from decomposing in our bodies and has anti-cancer substances. That is why it is important to drink sikhye after a meal. Due to this fact, it was served to Kings as a dessert. The beverage helps balance the body warming a cold body and cooling a hot body. Therefore it is good for diets and hangovers. Sikhye, one of the most cherished Korean drinks, is an important factor in Korean Culture. With its refreshing while unique sweet taste, it grabs people from different ethnicities. It is found in almost every Korean grocery store. While its great while bought, it best when homemade especially in Korea. In Korea, homemade Sikhye is naturally made which makes it distinctive from other drinks. It is known to be one of the best drinks in the culture. There are little ingredients that go in Sikhye, but there it needs a lot of patience to make. The ingredients in this refreshment are Korean rice, malt powder, warm water, caster sugar, ginger, and pine nuts if want to garnish. When making sikhye, what you need to do first is to mix warm water and powdered malt and leave it for three to four hours until the water becomes yellowish. The next step is to mix hard-boiled rice with the malt water in a small earthenware jar and keep it warm for four to five hours. The temperature should be kept at 60 to 70 degrees. If it were lower or higher temperatures, it would spoil the fermentation process. After about four hours, open the jar and check to see if the grains of rice are floating and if they are, take the rice out of the jar using a strainer, and rinse it with cold water and place it in a separate container. Then refrigerate the rice. The next step is to boil the remaining water and add some sugar for taste. Remove the foam that appears on the surface while boiling. After boiling the water, put it in a jar and refrigerate it, to make it cold. When served in special occasions, pour the water in a glass bowl and put the floating rice and other ingredients for decoration. If need more sweetening, add more sugar. This is how to prepare Sikhye and serve it during occasions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a fictional story based on realistic events in history. The main topic presented in the book is the animals wanted to avoid being exploited by their current oppressor; however, their own allies exploited the other animals. The author used animal actions to mirror events that happen in the Russian Revolution. The author’s purpose is to inform his audience to be mindful of government decision, to know those decisions and learn the events in history because history has the tendency to repeat itself. Explain the Relationship: Orwell’s experience in World War Two caused him to produce Animal Farm. While working as a volunteer soldier, he developed hate for fascism and Stalinism. His assertions originated from observing the corrupt government of the Russian Revolution and reading literature. Although the author’s novel has entertained many students, his goal was to inform readers of satire of the Soviet Communism. The author’s studies relate to Dr. Stovall’s social science class, because this novel contains sociology between people and demonstrates human nature inside of the text. The elements of the novel expressed the author’s observations of a corrupt government. The first element is its genre, fiction. The author used fictional animals to depict the humans of the Russian Revolution. These animals’ actions developed themes. When the animals overthrew the farmer, the pigs rose to power and became a corrupt government. This signified the theme that the Soviet’s government ideas were corrupt. Another theme arose when Snowball and Napoleon struggled for superiority. This event was a theme similar to the human story where Stalin, who is represented by Napoleon, vanquishes... ...d power and violated the commandments. The animals were unable to realize they were oppressed like in the past, because they did not learn about the past. The book also implies the readers should become knowledgeable so that they would not become oppressed. My stance about the book is it is a must read for students and people who are a part of the working class. This situation can happen to many people in my generation because students fail to read. Like the farm animals, who could not read, they accept almost anything someone tells them because they do not know their history and rights. While reading the novel, I developed my likes and dislikes. I liked the event, when the animals first had the idea to rebel against the farmer. However, I disliked Boxer’s death the most as well as the farm animals working hard while the pigs reaped the benefits. Essay -- Introduction Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a fictional story based on realistic events in history. The main topic presented in the book is the animals wanted to avoid being exploited by their current oppressor; however, their own allies exploited the other animals. The author used animal actions to mirror events that happen in the Russian Revolution. The author’s purpose is to inform his audience to be mindful of government decision, to know those decisions and learn the events in history because history has the tendency to repeat itself. Explain the Relationship: Orwell’s experience in World War Two caused him to produce Animal Farm. While working as a volunteer soldier, he developed hate for fascism and Stalinism. His assertions originated from observing the corrupt government of the Russian Revolution and reading literature. Although the author’s novel has entertained many students, his goal was to inform readers of satire of the Soviet Communism. The author’s studies relate to Dr. Stovall’s social science class, because this novel contains sociology between people and demonstrates human nature inside of the text. The elements of the novel expressed the author’s observations of a corrupt government. The first element is its genre, fiction. The author used fictional animals to depict the humans of the Russian Revolution. These animals’ actions developed themes. When the animals overthrew the farmer, the pigs rose to power and became a corrupt government. This signified the theme that the Soviet’s government ideas were corrupt. Another theme arose when Snowball and Napoleon struggled for superiority. This event was a theme similar to the human story where Stalin, who is represented by Napoleon, vanquishes... ...d power and violated the commandments. The animals were unable to realize they were oppressed like in the past, because they did not learn about the past. The book also implies the readers should become knowledgeable so that they would not become oppressed. My stance about the book is it is a must read for students and people who are a part of the working class. This situation can happen to many people in my generation because students fail to read. Like the farm animals, who could not read, they accept almost anything someone tells them because they do not know their history and rights. While reading the novel, I developed my likes and dislikes. I liked the event, when the animals first had the idea to rebel against the farmer. However, I disliked Boxer’s death the most as well as the farm animals working hard while the pigs reaped the benefits.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Indigo :: essays research papers

Amber Hutchison Post Modern Fiction Indigo February 23, 2000 People are born with passion. The irony is that most people spend all their lives searching for that passion without looking inside that soul to the heart of the passion. The trick to discovering that passion is to find what makes us happy. For Indigo the main character of Sassafras, Cypress and Indigo by her passion lies in the music she creates from her soul while using her violin as her tool. From a modern literary criticism standpoint this passion is seen through her characterization and the symbolic use of the violin. However in peeling back the layers and focusing on this story from a Post – Modern standpoint the reader uncovers deeper issues. There is a sense of discontinuity in the linear structure that leads to a discovery about the cultural issues in this story. Indigo challenges the boundaries of her age and a society that struggles to find a place for her and her soul. That is going under the assumption t hat there is a place. "Indigo did not tell her mother about Mr. Lucas being so evil, nor did she mention that her new fiddle could talk."(Norton 43) With in the first few lines of the story Indigo’s violin begins its transformation from merely and instrument to an extension of her soul. Symbolically Indigo’s violin is representative of her soul. With her violin Indigo pursues the passions of her soul as she struggles to find her place somewhere between childhood and womanhood. Indigo’s mother begs her not to play the violin anymore at night because the neighbors complained about the awful noise. She forces Indigo to take lessons or go somewhere else to play. By rejection her violin her mother rejects the heart and soul of Indigo. Only when she flees to Sister Marie Louise’s shed is she able to play her music and bare her soul to the world. The violin takes on the presence of sin in her life as her mother forbids her to play. It is the forbidden fruit that Indigo longs to taste. Indigo’s character constantly revolves through the turmoil of a young adolescent on the brink of woman hood. "Then she would blush, hurriedly out the fiddle back into the case, the Colored and Romance having got the best of her."(Norton 45) Indigo is not ready to take that final step into womanhood but she is brave enough to sample.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Analysis of Langston Hughes Poetry

Steven R. Goodman AASP100 England May 5, 2010 Reaction #2 Langston Hughes Poetry A Literary Analysis of â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† The Harlem Renaissance can be considered as â€Å"the cultural boom† in African-American history. Spanning from the 1920s into the mid-1930s, the Harlem Renaissance was an apex in African-American intellectualism. The period is also recognized as the â€Å"New Negro Movement†Ã¢â‚¬â€named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke. Alain LeRoy Locke was an American educator, writer, and philosopher, who most consider as the father of the Harlem Renaissance. Historians recall him as a leader and chief interpreter of the movement. In his anthology, he brings out a montage of works by many well-known Africans and African-Americans including such figures as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Jacob Lawrence, Richmond Barth, William Grant Still, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, Ralph Bunche, and John Dewey (Locke). One of these figures wrote one of the most profound poems still read today. Langston Hughes was an American poet whose most prominent works came out during the Harlem Renaissance. The poem, â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† was Hughes’ first published poem and it was his signature too. Only 17 years old when he wrote it, Hughes created the poem while he was on a train headed to Mexico where he would live with his father for a year. As his train crossed the Mississippi River, he was astonished by how beautiful the river was and the thought of how that river had a role in maintaining slavery in America came into his mind and he started writing. Let’s start off with the title. The title has the term â€Å"negro† in it. Now how can we identify this? Well, the term â€Å"negro† tells us about the time period which takes us back to the early 20th century when â€Å"negro† was self-identifiable with the black community for that is the term that they adopted. However, we see that the term is only used in the title which places emphasis on its overall collective meaning of the ideas it portrays. Now let us dive into the poem. There are two metaphorical themes in this poem and they are â€Å"rivers† and â€Å"darkness. † In line one, the Hughes says, â€Å"I’ve known rivers. † In this line, â€Å"I,† the speaker, is standing for the entire black community throughout history. All of the rivers mentioned in the poem constitute as part of an extended metaphor that is comparing the souls of black people to the ancient, wise, and great rivers of the Earth (Shmoop). In the line two, the simile, â€Å"as ancient as the world,† is constructed to emphasize the comparison of the age of the rivers to the age of the Earth. In line three, we see rivers being used as a metaphor to depict the rivers of blood that flow through human veins. So the flow of blood in veins is compared to the flow of rivers. In line for, Hughes creates a simile comparing how deep his soul is to how deep the rivers are. Now as we get to line five the story of the path of the black community in history unfolds. In line five we start off with the first river, the Euphrates River, which is supposedly where all life began; known as the cradle of civilization. Hughes notes that he bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. This symbolizes that there was peace and freedom. Line six entails the black community’s journey into central western Africa. In line six we continue with the second river, the Congo River, where he built his hut and it lulled him to sleep. The black community is still undergoing peace and freedom. They are building a civilization. In line seven we see Hughes going into the third river, the Nile River. Now in line seven, we can certainly say that freedom hasn’t necessarily stopped, but history has shown that black people amongst white people, and yellow people were slaves and all participated in the building of the pyramids. Lastly, Hughes enters into the fourth and final river, the Mississippi River. Hughes describes here the moment in history when Abraham Lincoln sailed the Mississippi River and he witnessed the horrors of slavery at its finest. In this same line, Hughes has the river come alive when he describes the river singing. In lines nine and ten Hughes creates some imagery when he tells of how the sun setting on the Mighty Muddy Mississippi R. changed its color to gold. He also personifies the river when he depicts it having a â€Å"bosom† acquiring feminine attributes. The second theme of â€Å"darkness† can only be seen when literally picking away at the poem. We see that Hughes is very descriptive when he introduces darkness and light throughout the poem. In lines nine and ten we see Hughes describing how the Mississippi R. oes from â€Å"muddy† to â€Å"golden† as the sun departs and the night arrives. So we can also take from this as muddy being a metaphor for skin color when talking about slavery. Once the river becomes golden, slavery is abolished and slaves are freed. As we view the word â€Å"dusky† when describing the nature of the rivers, the metaphor can be not just for skin color, but also to remind our reader about the author’s past which haunts him. In line 13 the poem ends with â€Å"My soul has grown deep like the rivers. † What can we take from this? Everytime the black civilization moves to a different point in time, the rivers get deeper, as well as the black man’s soul. The author has seen the upbringing of civilizations, he has contributed in building the pyramids, and he has witnessed slavery being abolished. This poem is a time machine of events. In conclusion, Langston Hughes was a New Negro because as a voice for the black community, through his poetry he influenced other people to take pride in their heritage, culture, and triumphs noting racism when needed while showing pride in the black community. Alain Locke. † The #1 Site for African American Literature – Books, Novels, Authors, Movies, Resources, Discussion and More African Diaspora. Web. 06 May 2010. http://aalbc. com/authors/Alainlocke. htm. â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers Symbolism, Imagery & Wordplay. † Shmoop: Study Guides & Teacher Resources. Web. 06 May 2010. http://www. shmoop. com/negro-speaks-of-rivers/symbolism-imagery. html.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Narrow Escape Essay

This is a true story. It is the story of our narrow escape from sudden death. My brother who is handicapped & myself went to Dadar in Mumbai to visit an Aunt. She lived very near the beach. I was just 15 then & my brother 5. We loved going to the beach but normally always went with our mother or elder sister. On our way back, temptation got the better of us & we came up with the great idea of walking along the beach instead of taking the taxi back home. If we walked along the beach we could get onto the road at the Mahim Fort some distance away from Dadar, from where we could take a taxi to our home. All this seemed fun. We were very excited. My brother totally agreed with my idea. However, we did not tell our aunt about all this, as she might refuse. She thought we were going to take a taxi back home. So off we ran to the beach, once our aunt closed the door. On the beach, we got playing on the sand, making little sand castles, collecting sea shells of all shapes & sizes & time & again dipped our legs in the water enjoying the waves that lashed against the shore. We wrote our names on the sand only to be erased by the coming waves. The tide was coming in but we were blissfully unaware of anything. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. We had a great time. We drank coconut water, ate bhel puri & leisurely walked along in the sand. My brother has a paralyzed right hand & walks with a limp. But nothing came in the way of his enjoyment on the beach that day. We splashed water on each other’s faces. I ran and he tried to catch me. We had so much fun. Time passes so quickly when one is happy. Our games continued. We never knew when afternoon turned to evening. It was beginning to get dark now and it was then that we decided to move on. Engrossed in play we had forgotten to look around. We moved ahead slowly, not noticing the tide. We walked on crossing the rocks and boulders. As we moved ahead, at one point, we were shocked to see that we could not go any further as the waters had covered the place ahead. The tide had come suddenly. Gripped with fear we turned back. But to our astonishment the waters behind us had also touched the shore. Now we were left on a small dry patch of land & were surrounded by water on all sides. We could not move forward, nor go back. There was nowhere to go. Now we realized that we had landed ourselves in a great danger. We could see the Mahim Fort some distance away; the waves lashing against it. That was the place from where we had planned to exit. We stood there confused, afraid and shocked. Alas, we found there was no way out. It seemed our mind has stopped working. We were terrified. In desperation we looked around for some way out. Our only hope was a tall wall that was before us & there were huge boulders near the wall. But how could we climb the wall ? It was dark & no one in sight. The water level was increasing and threatening to cover this place too. Everything was happening so fast. We had very little time left with us. My younger brother was frightened and started crying. I tried to console him, but I myself was also much terrified. What next ? It seemed like an impossible situation. Escape seemed more & more difficult. Only God could save us. So we began praying desperately for God to work a miracle & send His angels to save us. I started cursing myself for not being careful. Due to my folly, we had landed in such a terrible situation. We called for help with the hope that someone would be around that high wall. The water came & brushed our feet pulling us backward into the sea. Would we have a watery grave ? The sea which looked so pleasant and beautiful in the day now looked wild and dangerous, eager to devour us. I thought, what will happen to my parents and sister? They will be devastated. Probably, nobody would know about us or find us. But I restrained my thoughts and decided that I must do something. With great effort, I managed to get my brother onto a huge boulder. He was safe, at least for the time being. The water was now rising. It had reached a little above my knees & I clung onto a boulder for dear life. We were shivering with fear, but we did not give up. We shouted for help, but it appeared there was no one to help us. I decided to get my brother across the wall by myself. I picked him up and made a desperate attempt to get him across the wall, but in the process we slipped and he barely managed to prevent the fall from the boulder into the surging water. His legs got a bit hurt and he cried in agony and pain and fear. I realized that on our own, we can never cross that big wall. Now only help from outside could save us, and there seemed to be none. The ever rising water level was making us frightened more and more. In our desperation, we shouted in a chorus for help. Then miracle happened. Suddenly, we saw two men looking from over the wall. They seemed very scary, rugged, rough & tough guys. But I knew that this was help sent from God in answer to our desperate prayers. They were also shocked to see us in that condition. I pleaded with them for help & they were astonished to see us out there almost drowning. At first, they stood there hesitated. They knew that it was dangerous and they had to risk their own lives to help us. But then they decided to come to our aid. It was not an easy task. Time was running out for us. We were drowning but God was with us. The men came down the wall slowly and carefully & along the boulders. One mis-step and they would fall into the water. But, they moved very carefully and finally succeeded in getting hold of my brother & carried him to safety over the wall. I felt a sense of relief & gratitude. I felt tremendous joy to see that my brother was safe and across that wall. For a moment, I forgot that my own life was still in danger. Now I made every conscious effort to climb the boulders. The men were strong and they pulled me up. With their help, I got over the wall. I got some bruises in my hands and legs, but who cares, since we were alive and safe. Once up, they screamed at us for being so careless & warned us never to do this again. We had learnt our lesson. Overwhelmed with gratitude we thanked the men for their timely help & also tried to give them some money. But they refused to accept that. They too were happy that they were able to save us. They had taken a risk to come down the high wall & walk over those boulders which could have given way & caused some more trouble. Those two men, appeared to be rough guys, but for us, they were like angels, who came as if from nowhere, and saved us from a certain death. They were kind and risked their own lives to save us. The men then stopped a taxi for us. We thanked them once again and hoped to meet them sometimes. We got into the taxi and reached home. Scared & terrified by what we had just experienced we looked like old turkey buzzards. We were wet and bruised, and heaved sigh of relief that we had reached home safely. We narrated all the events to our parents. They were speechless and could not believe what we said. At first they were angry & upset and scolded us for our carelessness, but also happy to see us safe. My mother cried and hugged us and made us promise never to repeat this mistake ever again. We praised & thanked God together for saving our lives. It felt so nice to be back to safety in our home with our parents. All this seemed like a miracle. We could not believe that we had been through a near catastrophe. It was indeed a very narrow escape. This is a lesson for all children who venture on the beach to be alert & watch the tide coming in & come back to safety in good time. Luck may not always be on our side. Rather one should be careful and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Life is precious and one should not waste it by sheer negligence. We got our lesson that day. A Narrow Escape Essay I wake up from my sleep in the class and made a loud screeching sound with my chair. Everyone attention is now at me. I go out of the class since my History teacher was absence today. I climb the stairs heading to the rooftop. I sit at a corner and thinking about the same nightmare that I kept dreaming these days. One day, I went out of the house to hang out with my best friend, Nuha. I waited her at a cafà © where we usually talked nonsense. I started to get bored so I fished out my phone and played games. After 30 minutes waiting, there still no presence of her. I quickly got out of the cafà © and decided to go back home. I messaged her that I left the cafà © and going back home. While I was walking down the street, I felt a presence of someone behind me. The street was empty except me and that person. I quickened my pace as negative thoughts were getting in my mind. I turned to face the person. He wore a black scarf covered half of his face. I felt really scared and I ran anywhere as I could. I only wished one thing that I’ll find a crowded place later. As I reached a busy road, I can still feel that person is trailing behind me. I ran towards the road without thinking of anything. Suddenly, there was a horn and screeching sound from every direction. I stopped at the middle of the road and covered my ear. I opened my eyes and I saw a blue van coming towards my direction. I just thought that my life will be ended anytime by now. A few moments later, I didn’t feel anything. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a blue van was just right in front of me. It really was a narrow escape. Then, I can’t think anything and everything went black.

Applications of Data Mining in the areas of Marketing Communications Essay

Introduction In the information age, technological advancements have facilitated the collection of large amounts of information on various fields to include military intelligence, scientific and business data amongst several others. Computers are able to sort out this data with the aid of database management systems. Data can be classified according to predefined criteria. Data mining involves the extraction of implicit and useful information from databases. Use of relational databases is more helpful in the sense that it allows linkage with the structured query language (SQL) that allows for predicting, comparison and the determination of variations (Che, Han & Yu, 1996). In websites, this technology is used by businesses in crawling through web pages and collect information that enables the organization to enhance business, analyze the market trends and utilize the information obtained to their best interest (Web Data Mining, 2013). Applications of Data Mining In the Areas of Marketing Communications, Public Relations and Corporate Communications With the development of business intelligence, corporate management through the use of data marts and reporting software can obtain data from any region or field of interest in computer readable form in a relatively short time. It uses this data to forecast on future market expectation and consumer trends. Through its models and tools, managers are able to predict future events (Web Data Mining, 2013). It allows the analysis of past records and marketing to tailor and narrow target audience. It also helps in the determination of marketing methods; in the end, it increases revenue on sales with fewer campaigns. Data mining can predict consumer behavior, the psychology of the consumer, behavior while shopping, influence of business environment on consumers and consumer motivation depending on the importance of the product.   The products sold to consumers provide data on items how they are positioned. Data mining analyzes consumption patterns, for instance, during festive seasons to find out which products sell more and the association between one product and another. It is common to associate the purchase of bread with butter (Raorane & Kulkarni, 2011).Association is utilized in making decisions in cross marketing. Through web crawling information on consumer preferences are collected, their purchase records are used in making inventory decisions and analysis of fraudulent payments (Web Data Mining, 2013). Data mining can be categorized according to the data that is collected, in businesses the identification of high profit and low risk customers is an important task for business owners, customers can be segmented with associated characteristics as loyalty and other traits. This is useful in marketing and customer relationship management (Rajagopal, 2011). Accuracy is how often models get their predictions right while reliability is a measure of consistency of the model. Validation is done to determine how models perform against real data; quality and characteristics of a data mining model must be evaluated before deployment. However, data mining models are considered reliable if they generate the same type of predictions and return the same pattern of findings regardless of the test data. Reliability in data mining is also dependent on the skill, knowledge and the ingenuity of the analyst. Meaningful relations between variables can be extracted from databases in complex formats that are unachievable through manual systems. However, reliability is no longer assured in data mining due to its complex heterogeneous and dynamic nature. It is necessary to incorporate preventive measures to safeguard data validity and integrity (Kavulya, Gandhi, & Narasimhan, 2008). Conclusion Data mining is an effective tool in fields as medicine, marketing and crime prevention amongst many others. The use of computers has seen this lessen the time required for researches. The tools and models it utilizes are very helpful in business in determining and predicting consumer trends and consumption patterns that were unknown in the past. This seeks to promote revenues with little campaigns. Additionally, the use of web data mining allows businessmen to monitor consumer patterns, clusters and associations for inventory purposes. However, this technique may not be completely reliable, this depends on the skills of the user and preventive measures installed checking on reliability. Through legislation and technological interventions these issues can be alleviated. References Kavulya, S., Gandhi, R. & Narasimhan, P. (2008). Gumshoe: Perspective. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 866-883. Rajagopal, S. (2011). Customer data clustering using data mining technique. International journal of Database Management Systems, 3(4), pp. 1-9. Raorane, A & Kulkarni, R.V. (2001). Data mining techniques: a source for consumer behavior analysis. Retrieved November 13, 2014 from: Web data mining. (2013). Predictive analytics and data mining. Retrieved November 13, 2014 from: Â