Sunday, October 20, 2019

Minuit Chretien French Christmas Carol - O Holy Night

Minuit Chretien French Christmas Carol - O Holy Night Minuit Chrà ©tien is the French Christmas Carol Equivalent of O Holy Night. Its a traditional Christmas Carol. Here are the lyrics and translation. The lyrics and translations are quite different. Youll find a version here on YouTube sung by Pavorotti.   Lyrics For The Christmas Carol Minuit Chrà ©tien - O Holy Night Minuit, chrà ©tiens, cest lheure solennelle,Oà ¹ lHomme-Dieu descendit jusqu nousPour effacer la tache originelle Midnight, Christians, its the solemn hour,When God-man descended to usTo erase the stain of original sin Et de Son Pà ¨re arrà ªter le courroux.Le monde entier tressaille despà ©ranceEn cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur. And to end the wrath of His Father.The entire world thrills with hopeOn this night that gives it a Savior. Peuple genoux, attends ta dà ©livrance.Noà «l, Noà «l, voici le Rà ©dempteur,Noà «l, Noà «l, voici le Rà ©dempteur ! People kneel down, wait for your deliverance.Christmas, Christmas, here is the Redeemer,Christmas, Christmas, here is the Redeemer! Le Rà ©dempteur a brisà © toute entrave :La terre est libre, et le ciel est ouvert.Il voit un frà ¨re oà ¹ nà ©tait quun esclave, The Redeemer has overcome every obstacle:The Earth is free, and Heaven is open.He sees a brother where there was only a slave, Lamour unit ceux quenchaà ®nait le fer.Qui Lui dira notre reconnaissance,Cest pour nous tous quIl naà ®t,QuIl souffre et meurt. Love unites those that iron had chained.Who will tell Him of our gratitude,Its for all of us that He is born,That He suffers and dies.   Peuple debout ! Chante ta dà ©livrance,Noà «l, Noà «l, chantons le Rà ©dempteur,Noà «l, Noà «l, chantons le Rà ©dempteur ! People stand up! Sing of your deliverance,Christmas, Christmas, sing of the Redeemer,Christmas, Christmas, sing of the Redeemer! If you enjoy this article, you may also enjoy my enunciated recording of the Catholic mass prayers in French. Jai à ©crit beaucoup darticles et dhistoires sur Noà «l en France:- Christmas in France Dialogue - French English Bilingual Easy Story- Qui est Saint Nicolas ? Dialogue en Franà §ais Facile- Meet the French Santa - French English Bilingual Easy Story- 8 Gift Ideas for Your Francophile Friends- Petit Papa Noà «l - The Most Famous French Christmas Song (with a link to a video of my daughter singing it!) Joyeuses fà ªtes de fin dannà ©e ! Happy Holidays.

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