Friday, August 9, 2019

Academic Honesty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Academic Honesty - Research Paper Example The present paper has identified that teachers occupy the central position in determining the academic honesty of students because students visualize their teachers as role models for them. This also has a strong relationship with the contemporary business scenario. In an attempt to gain competitive advantage and maximize their profits, many businessmen have opened schools and employed them as a means of business without academic sense and knowledge of what tutors to hire to meet the needs of a particular educational level. In order to inculcate honesty in students, it is imperative that the teachers hired are first checked for the same through properly designed strategies and tests. Often, tutors hired have little emotional association with their profession apart from earning money. Many tutors work only for money and have no long-term plans of setting an ethical base for the prospective citizens of the society through their teaching and moral conduct. Such tutors tend to be forgetf ul of their duties. They tend to miss lectures, come to the class later than the start time, and leave the class earlier than the break-off time. Even if they are fulfilling their duties completely as expected of them, they tend to send a negative signal to many honest students who don’t cheat in the exam by not taking action against those who do cheat in the exam. Many tutors tend to knowingly overlook the act of cheaters for such reasons as lack of courage to stop them, fear of insult by the students and unwillingness to display harsh attitude. Such tutors serve as a potential source of discouragement.

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