Sunday, August 18, 2019

Technology and the Weakening of Human Gene Pool Essay -- Genes Heredit

Technology and the Weakening of Human Gene Pool Technology exists in countless forms. From sticks used to pry apart clamshells, to nuclear plants that generate energy. One thing that all technologies have in common, is that they advance the human race. Technology acts as a catalyst to bring about new world views, fix problems, and bring answers to questions that could never have been answered in the past. Medicinal technologies in particular bring incredible benefits to mankind. With new medical technologies emerging, society must question their morality, and more specifically, how they should be used. Throughout history, medicine has existed in many forms. As the technology of cultures advanced, so did the applications of medicine. In the early 1700’s if a person’s liver failed, they would certainly be doomed to death. Who would of thought at that time that a transplant could of occurred, that a liver from a different animal, or another human being could save that person’s life. Though there were theories at that time of organ transplants, the technology nee... Technology and the Weakening of Human Gene Pool Essay -- Genes Heredit Technology and the Weakening of Human Gene Pool Technology exists in countless forms. From sticks used to pry apart clamshells, to nuclear plants that generate energy. One thing that all technologies have in common, is that they advance the human race. Technology acts as a catalyst to bring about new world views, fix problems, and bring answers to questions that could never have been answered in the past. Medicinal technologies in particular bring incredible benefits to mankind. With new medical technologies emerging, society must question their morality, and more specifically, how they should be used. Throughout history, medicine has existed in many forms. As the technology of cultures advanced, so did the applications of medicine. In the early 1700’s if a person’s liver failed, they would certainly be doomed to death. Who would of thought at that time that a transplant could of occurred, that a liver from a different animal, or another human being could save that person’s life. Though there were theories at that time of organ transplants, the technology nee...

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