Friday, May 31, 2019

Human Genetics :: essays research papers fc

humankind Genome Project A genome is defined as the complete collection of an organisms heritable material. The human race genome is composed of about 50,000 to 100,000 factors set(p) on 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell. It is said that a single human chromosome may contain more than 250 million DNA udder pairs, and it is estimated that the entire human genome consists of about 3 billion base pairs. The DNA is gathered through blood samples taken from many different people. Though all(prenominal) person has a unique set of DNA the difference in a given pair of samples is less than 1 percent making the differences picket in comparison to the similarities. The Human Genome Project is an international collaboration of scientists whos goal is to gain a basic understanding of the genetic blueprint of a human being. This information is found in each cell of the body, encoded in the DNA. The intent of this project is to identify all genes in the nucleus of a human cell, to ma p where those genes are on the chromosomes of the nucleus, and to determine the seqeuncing or the order of these chemical subunits of the DNA. The idea to undertake such a project was came about through a series of scientific conferences held between 1985 and 1987. The actual project ,however, did not begin until 1990 with the expansion of funding from the NIH and DOE. There are many nations involved with this project as part of an informal pact including France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many other european nations. Also in an effort to speed up the mapping and sequencing process some(prenominal) private companies have been enlisted to help such as Celera Genomics. Today there is a lot of research being done under the umbrella of the Human Genome Project. For instince gene therapy is being developed as a very real cure for such hereditary diseases as Cystic Fibrosis and Parkinsons where somewhere in the genetic make up of the body there is a glich tht alows the nervo us tissue of the brain to deteriorate at a slow but steady rate. With gene therapy we will be able to replace the tissue in the brain with correctly funtioning tissue from an animal such as a pig. As of earlyish 1999 the Human Genome Project was ahead of schedule. There is said to be nearly 10 percent of the genome sequenced already or about 7,600 genes have been mapped to particular chromosomes.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Electoral Systems of Britain and Sweden Essay -- comparative polit

The Electoral Systems of Britain and SwedenThe quality of a democracy is regulated by the electoral system that awards seats in democratic assemblies to those seeking office. This typography will compare the electoral systems of the parliaments of the United Kingdom (herein called Britain) and Sweden in order to determine which country has the preferred electoral system. The quality to be measured is the fair-mindedness of democratic representation, which is to say, how properly the various public interests are represented and how much control voters have over their government. The first part of the paper will convey each electoral system separately, looking at the mechanics of how the members of parliament are elected, what kind of political party system can participate in the parliament, and how the parties go about setting up the executive branch of government. The second part will compare and contrast the two parliaments, and afterwards it will be shown how one of the parliame nts represents its electorate more fairly and democratically. These two countries have been chosen because Britain?s electoral system is characterized as a system of single-member districts, and Sweden?s system is considered to permit proportional representation, which strives to elect members of political parties in the proportions in which votes were cast.The Electoral System in BritainVoters in Britain elect members of the House of Commons, the more powerful lower kin of the Westminster Parliament, for maximum terms of five years. Each one of the 659 electoral districts sends one member to the House of Commons after being chosen on the root of plurality. Candidates obtain their places on the ballot by being nominated by their party. Frequently the w... ...). The Election of the Swedish Riksdag, September 2002, Representation. 39(2) 146-156.Kavanagh, Dennis (2000). British Politics Continuity and Change. impertinent York Oxford University Press.Mattila, Mikko and Tapio Raunio (2002). Government Formation in the Nordic Countries The Electoral Connection, Scandinavian Political Studies. 25(3) 259-280.Metcalf, Michael F (1987). The Riksdag A History of the Swedish Parliament. New York St. Martin?s Press.Nation crucify (2003). British House of Commons. St. Petersburg, Florida WikiMedia. .Nation Master (2003). Elections in Sweden. St. Petersburg, Florida WikiMedia. .Petersson, Olof et al. (1997). Report from the Democratic Audit of Sweden 1996. Stockholm SNS Frlag.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Religious Spirits :: essays research papers

The new millennium has finally arrived and technological advancements atomic number 18 still being make at a rate faster than is often conceivable. Among the various inventions and discoveries of the modern era is unmatched that has already become a mediocre item to the clean some single the cell sound. As one takes a stroll down the street, grabs a bite to eat, or simply takes a single step into the away(p) world, one may realize that nearly each and every individual is affected by the cell shout phenomenon. Cell thinks are a bureau by which individuals are able to communicate with others that are not present. However, the fascinating characteristic of the cell shout out is that it allows the personal and private act of talking on the border to take place in public, around complete strangers. As a result, the cell phone has various roles as a mode of chat whereas one may use the cell phone simply to ensure connection and communication with commonwealth not around, ot hers may treat the cell phone as a mechanism used to display a specific attitude towards outsiders. These varying manners in which people utilize the cell phone are extremely significant. The cell phone, when utilized as both a means of communication with a single person and the general public, simultaneously depicts the users underlying settlement on other people, as well as an element of the users sociability, confidence, and importance. The cell phone is a channel by which people may communicate a message both in an social and mass fashion however, the typical perception of the cell phone is that is a straining of interpersonal communication. When Jane was preparing to leave the house to see a movie, I suddenly felt the need to question her instinctive drive to toss her cell phone into her purse. It puzzle me that Jane felt she would answer a phone call or need to initiate a phone call while sitting in a dark theater. Jane responded that at any possible moment an emergency c ould occur and her cell phone would be the only possible thing that could have her. She explained that it soothe her to know that in case her mother, who is currently ill, needed to reach a hospital, Jane will be the first to know and respond promptly, no occasion where she may be. In addition, Jane stated that she nevertheless needed to always know that if she became stuck on the freeway due to a shortage of gas, help is only a phone call away.Religious Spirits essays research papers The new millennium has finally arrived and technological advancements are still being made at a rate faster than is often conceivable. Among the various inventions and discoveries of the modern era is one that has already become a mediocre item to the average individual the cell phone. As one takes a stroll down the street, grabs a bite to eat, or simply takes a single step into the outside world, one may realize that nearly each and every individual is affected by the cell phone phenomenon. Cel l phones are a means by which individuals are able to communicate with others that are not present. However, the fascinating characteristic of the cell phone is that it allows the personal and private act of talking on the phone to take place in public, around complete strangers. As a result, the cell phone has various roles as a mode of communication whereas one may use the cell phone simply to ensure connection and communication with people not around, others may treat the cell phone as a mechanism used to display a specific attitude towards outsiders. These varying manners in which people utilize the cell phone are extremely significant. The cell phone, when utilized as both a means of communication with a single person and the general public, simultaneously depicts the users inherent dependency on other people, as well as an element of the users sociability, confidence, and importance. The cell phone is a channel by which people may communicate a message both in an interpersonal and mass fashion however, the typical perception of the cell phone is that is a form of interpersonal communication. When Jane was preparing to leave the house to see a movie, I suddenly felt the need to question her instinctive drive to toss her cell phone into her purse. It perplexed me that Jane felt she would answer a phone call or need to initiate a phone call while sitting in a dark theater. Jane responded that at any possible moment an emergency could occur and her cell phone would be the only possible thing that could save her. She explained that it comforted her to know that in case her mother, who is currently ill, needed to reach a hospital, Jane will be the first to know and respond promptly, no matter where she may be. In addition, Jane stated that she nevertheless needed to always know that if she became stuck on the freeway due to a shortage of gas, help is only a phone call away.

Essay --

The fritter away Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind focuses on the interesting topic of memory. The film follows two of import characters, Joel and Clementine, who have both chosen to erase part of their memory. What both characters, and other characters in the movie, find divulge though is that our memory is complex and very conciliative to what we make of it. The film reflects the tendency that we have as humans, to think that we are in control of our memory. The truth is that our memory is not like a video tape of the events in our lives nor is it a library of the knowledge we have collected. As I watched the movie, I couldnt help but think our memory is more than like a ball of clay. Our minds can take the clay and make it into a figure of speech and we can stare at that shape and know that shape but our minds will play with that clay and mold it into something different eventually. The idea portrayed in the movie is that no memory is safe from our meddling minds. The film emphasizes on the power of our long-term memory and our episodic memories. Would we be happier if we forgot about traumatic past experiences? Or are our long-term memories so tangled up with emotions and sensations that our brain is unable to truly let go of long-term memories? The film also looks at the difference between explicit and implicit memories. Although the film plays out in non-linear progression and is somewhat confusing at times, the audience quickly catches on to the plot. Joel and Clementine are in a relationship for two age before finally deciding to break it off. Like most couples, the two shared a lot of good memories but the fights that lead to their breakup were in addition emotionally heavy for free-spirited Clementine to bear any more. She pays some futuristic company ... ... to look past all the terrible things in their past and they chose come again. This film challenges the audience to actively get involved with the two characters, Joel and Clem. We see both characters try and take control of their memory. First by undergoing the procedure and then(prenominal) especially when Joel tries to keep his memories of Clem. But the characters find out that memory is more complicated than we think it is. We can mold out memories, change our memories, repress our memories and flirt with things we didnt even know we experienced. In some ways, the writers challenge us to think about our own memories. If we were given the chance would we erase some of our traumatic memories? I think we are unable to detangle our memories. I think that our memories are stacked and tangled with each other and deleting or tampering with those memories is dangerous and unnatural.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Cesar Chavez :: Cesar Estrada Chavez Migrant Workers

Cesar Estrada Chavez was born March 31, 1927, on the small farm near Yuma, Arizona that his gramps homesteaded during the 1880s. At age 10, life began as a migrant farm worker when his father lost the land during the Depression. These were bitterly poor years for Cesar, his parents, brothers and sisters. together with thousands of other displaced families, the Chavez family migrated throughout the Southwest, laboring in fields and vineyards. Cesar left school after the eighth grade to help support his family.Cesar served as CSO national manager in the late 1950s and early 1960s. But his dream was to create an organization to help farm workers whose suffering he had shared. In 1962, after failing to induce the CSO to commit itself to farm worker organizing, he resigned his paid CSO job, the first regular paying job he had. He moved to Delano, California where he founded the interior(a) Farm Workers Association (NFWA).In September 1965, Cesars NFWA, with 1200 member families, joi ned an AFL-CIO sponsored union in a strike against major Delano area table and wine grape vine growers. Against great odds, Cesar led a successful five-year strike-boycott that rallied millions of supporters to the United Farm Workers. He forged a national support coalition of unions, church groups, students, minorities and consumers. The two unions coordinated in 1966 to form the UFW, and it became affiliated with the AFL-CIO.Cesar called for a new worldwide grape boycott. By 1975, a Louis Harris poll showed 17 million American adults were honoring the grape boycott. It forced growers to support then California Governor Jerry Browns collective bargaining law for farm workers, the 1975 Agricultural Labor Relations Act. Since 1975, the UFW won most of the union elections in which it participated. Despite the farm labor boards bureaucratic delays, farm workers made progress. By the early 1980s farm workers numbered in the tens of thousands were working under UFW contracts enjoyed h igher pay, family health coverage, pension benefits and other contract protections.In 1991, Cesar received the Aguila Azteca (The Aztec Eagle), Mexicos highest award presented to people of Mexican heritage who have made major contributions outside of Mexico. On opulent 8, 1994, Cesar became the second Mexican American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. President Bill Clinton presented this award posthumously.Cesar Chavez passed away on April 23, 1993, at the age of 66.

Cesar Chavez :: Cesar Estrada Chavez Migrant Workers

Cesar Estrada Chavez was born March 31, 1927, on the small farm near Yuma, genus Arizona that his grandfather homesteaded during the 1880s. At age 10, life began as a migrant farm worker when his father lost the land during the Depression. These were bitterly poor age for Cesar, his parents, brothers and sisters. Together with thousands of other displaced families, the Chavez family migrated throughout the Southwest, laboring in fields and vineyards. Cesar left school after the eighth grade to help support his family.Cesar served as CSO subject field director in the late 1950s and early 1960s. But his dream was to create an organization to help farm workers whose suffering he had shared. In 1962, after impuissance to convince the CSO to commit itself to farm worker organizing, he resigned his paid CSO job, the first regular paying job he had. He moved to Delano, California where he founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA).In September 1965, Cesars NFWA, with 1200 membe r families, joined an AFL-CIO sponsored union in a strike against major Delano area table and drink grape growers. Against great odds, Cesar led a successful five-year strike-boycott that rallied millions of supporters to the United Farm Workers. He forged a national support coalition of unions, church groups, students, minorities and consumers. The twain unions merged in 1966 to form the UFW, and it became affiliated with the AFL-CIO.Cesar called for a new worldwide grape boycott. By 1975, a Louis Harris poll showed 17 million American adults were ceremonial occasion the grape boycott. It forced growers to support then California Governor Jerry Browns collective bargaining law for farm workers, the 1975 Agricultural Labor Relations Act. Since 1975, the UFW won approximately of the union elections in which it participated. Despite the farm labor boards bureaucratic delays, farm workers made progress. By the early 1980s farm workers numbered in the tens of thousands were working under UFW contracts enjoyed higher(prenominal) pay, family health coverage, pension benefits and other contract protections.In 1991, Cesar received the Aguila Azteca (The Aztec Eagle), Mexicos highest award presented to people of Mexican heritage who have made major contributions outside of Mexico. On August 8, 1994, Cesar became the second Mexican American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. President Bill Clinton presented this award posthumously.Cesar Chavez passed international on April 23, 1993, at the age of 66.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Perception and Decision Making

It is impossible to live a life that does not involve the abstract concept of randomness. lore is essenti entirelyy how people perceive information in relationship to their personal environment and then form a set of beliefs or opinions from said sensings.In the business world, management is required to make finiss. man a great deal of the termination devising exploit would appear to be foundd on trial-and-error facts, the reality is that apprehension of fact as opposed to actual fact is often the barometer used to make ratiocinations.Because different individuals may have different perceptions on the same issue, it becomes genuinely important for tutors to base their decisions on critical thinking and facts so as to avoid the potential problem of making decisions on perceptions that be not entirely close.The idea that unbowed reality is never truly graspable by humans sensory and cognitive equipment goes back at least to the works of Plato. There is, for instance, the distinction between appearances and reality. direct a three-year-old a red ball beneath a green filter and he give typically say that the ball is black, even though he had previously been given the ball to examine.Understanding of this appearance-reality distinction seems so necessary to everyday life that it is hard to imagine a society in which normal people would not acquire it. But the lesson is relatively b atomic number 18-assed historically, such as the lesson of perspective in painting, or the intentional designing of optic illusions (such as the Ponzo illusion), or in the differing testimonies of eye-witnesses of the same event. The fact is that we all do not perceive the same things a equivalent. (Kearl)If in that respect was one caveat about perception, perception is not necessarily reality. information is a persons interpretation of reality that may or may not be completely accurate, if it is accurate at all. Because of this, it is important for management toas certain reality, as opposed to a perceptual reality or a problematic situation might be the result.What sets great leaders apart is their ability to manage perceptions. What people observe or assess as your ability to be a leader and your effectualness becomes their perception, which in turn becomes reality. Perceptions that are not manages become rumors, then gossip, then backbiting, which leads to destruction. Unmanaged perceptions become a reality that was not intended. Perception management requires asking questions and acquire feedback from othersFor example, oftentimes, management will ask other employees for a report on a new hire. This is a terrible idea because second progress information can often be skewed and it is best for management to make decisions based on first hand experience rather than second hand experience, yet handlers will repeatedly make such an extremely foolish error.Consider the following a manager asks an employee how a new hire is performing. The e mployee speaks very badly about the performance of the new hire so the manager fires the employee. This is based on a perception of the new hire based on second hand information that has been deemed accurate. However, not all is what it seems.When the new hire is fired, something comes to light that turns out to be very embarrassing to management. The employee who provided the poor evaluation of the new hire turns out to have based the negative report not on the truth, but rather on discriminatory biases. The terminated employee later files EEO complaints and lawsuits against the company, all of which proves to be incredibly embarrassing to the management, if not costly.What was the root cause of this disaster? Management drew a perception of the employee that was not based on reality. Because there was no first hand data that shaped the perception, the perception that was shaped was one that was not based in reality. In short, perception is utterly ineffective if it is inaccurate because it will lead to decisions that come from a thoroughly flawed perspective. If the perception is harmful, then what good can possibly come from it?This importance for the empirical assessment of facts in the decision making process works on both an internal and external level, as it is important that management decisions provide customers with what the customers really want. Again, the adopt for proper feedback plays a great factor in this.In other words, it is of absolute paramount importance for management to understand what their customers want. Again, there will be a perception as to what customers want vs. what they actually want. If management becomes single minded and focused on what customers want and that perception is inaccurate, the results can be cataclysmic. Nothing more(prenominal) famously illustrates this problem more that the total failure of New Coke in the 1980s.Believing that the public was more interested in Pepsi because of its sweeter taste, the Coca- Cola Company believed that the public would be willing to accept a new type of Coke that would taste similar to Pepsi. This was one of the almost insanely inaccurate perceptions of consumer desire in historyIn reality (not perceptually), the public was not interested in a form of Coca-Cola that tasted like Pepsi nor did Coca-Cola do itself any favors by essentiallycommunicating that Pepsi had a superior product. The campaign was a complete and total disaster and it was the result of poor perception of the consumer market on the part of Coca-Cola.So, what is a manager to do when it comes to making sure that perception and proper decision making go hand in hand?Arguably the most difficult and critical step in the decision making process is to identify and clarify the problem or issue. press for time and feeling a sense of urgency, governance leaders often rush through this step. An incomplete diagnosis or assessment restricts a boards electrical condenser to expand options and selec t the most appropriate one. Without proper watchfulness paid to this step, boards may come up with a solution that fails to address the etiology of the problem. (Scott)Again, the diagnose to making a proper decision is to manage perception and the key to managing perception involves staying properly informed. If anything, a flawed perception is one that is based on limited or inaccurate information as seen in the case of new Coke or in the hypothetical case of the terminated employee. Ultimately, decision making will always be based on personal perceptions, but the more informed a manager is, the closer the managers perception will be to actual reality and not aligned to ignorance or flawed logic.While this seems like an academic point, managers can often blast a problem with blinders on based on personal biases in the decision making process. Regardless of what decision one makes, it will fall into the menage or either a good decision or a bad decision. If flawed, then manageme nt must face the consequences.BibliographyKearl, Michael. (DB) Social Factors Shaping Perception and Decision Making.Retrieved February 17, 2007 from http//, Jefffrey. (2001) Are You Managing Perception? Retrieved February 17,2007Scott, Katherine Tyler. (2006) The Dynamics of Decision Making. Retrieved February16, 2007Perception and Decision MakingDecision making occurs when one chooses a choice among reasonable alternatives. Perception is a very important component of the decision making system. In a psychological perspective perception can best be set forth as the process of inquiring, processing, and organizing information necessary to make a decision. Or in other words perception can be scene as ones thoughts on a situation. When one is in the midst of a decision making situation they select to evaluate all factors concern and make a decision, which will hopefully be reasonable and satisfactory. Decision making is a unique tool that is inquired over the course of time. Students can discipline about logic, philosophy, and psychology. They can understand the concepts behind decision making, but they must first have the opportunity to make important decisions themselves to fully understand the process (Randall, 2004, pp. 10-24).A leadership expert Anthony Robbins said as a manager, however, your decision not only effects yourself but all the employees on your team. For this reason, it is important to strengthen your let decision making skills and prepare for a time when your decisions will shape the events of many peoples lives (Making Decisions). In the simulation as the newly promoted manager I had the opportunity to assist the senior manager in very important decisions including reprimanding an employee, a hiring situation, to create an employee evaluation system, and look into an ethical dilemma which could make or loss millions of dollars for the company.Each of these situations requires perception to set out a route to the final decision making process. Management in organizations today is largely people management. If people are the important asset, effectiveness is related to how managers perceive the individual how people relate to one another how we get maximum contribution how we go about ever-changing from a situation which is seen to be ineffective to one that ensures high standards of performance(Randall, 2004, p. 46). Today we will evaluate the situations these three situations and examine perception in the decision making process and how the perception from a new managers viewpoint could effect these decisions (Making Decisions).The first situation involved Mark, a long term employee who had been dawdling for work for the past week. There were many different decisions that could be made to come to a conclusion about Marks tardiness including, bring this to the attention of Marks coworker and ask their thoughts on the situation, checking Marks employment records, check all employee time records, speak with Mark individually, or take this to Sarah for advice. In this instance I believe it is best to speak to Mark by himself and see what is going on. Bringing undesired attention to an employee by a manager is never a good route to go so this should be avoided at all costs.Also taking a trivial problem to a manager can be looked down upon. At this point after one week of tardiness sneaking a peak at the records might be reformatory but going straight to the source is the best decision as we all have personal issues that arise. Plus by informally addressing Mark you are letting him eff he can come to you and that you can see eye to eye on some matters. It is important to build relationships with employees (Making Decisions).The decision to hire the interviewee, Berk, is an important decision for the company. Berk carried himself well during the interview, had enthusiasm, and similar skills to those needed in the near future. Although Berk did a gre at job in the interview all of his abilities and skills need to be evaluated to ensure he is right for the position. In this situation I perceived Berk as highly intelligent and skilled. I did not look throw out to realize his skills are not what the company needs. I let my impression of Berk steer my perception of his eligibility for the job in a positive way. This is important to not in decision making situations. Perception may not always work in your favor (Making Decisions).Creating an employee evaluation system as a reward system is a great idea. Employee evaluation should include job performance, attitudes, helpfulness, dedication, and team work abilities. The perception of how valuable an employee is to a company can be skewed for many reasons. The creation of an effective evaluation system will greatly contribute to seeing employees for what they truly achieve for the company. I believe that this half a dozen step system will greatly help reward the best employee (Making Decisions).The last decision is one of ethical nature. An employee has come to me to let me know she has secretly obtained the designs of our biggest competitor. If we take the designs we will have the opportunity to create something better and make more money than our competitors. The downfall is getting caught. This will cause a multimillion dollar lawsuit and will destroy the company as we know it. Although the idea of making lots of money is very attractive it is necessary to take a breath and step back to evaluate this situation. Perception is very important in this decision making process as perceived triumph and wealth can ultimately alter a reasonable persons decision making abilities.All aspects of the perceived or likely consequences of acting on this offer need to be taken into consideration before a decision can be made (Making Decisions). There are ten values the magnetic core of ethical understanding caring, honesty, accountability, promise keeping, pursuit of excell ence, loyalty, fairness, integrity, respect for others, and responsible citizenship. When put into practice, these values generate widely recognized virtues that provide benchmarks for ethical decision making (Guy, 1990, p. 17). Perception constitutes everything necessary to make a decision. Perceived values and prior experiences help give one insight into the types of decisions they choose to make. Perception of situations can be influenced in either positive or negative ways. Having a mentor such as Sarah giving constructive feedback with apiece decision helps my views on each situation become clearer. Managers make decisions based on perception of people, influences, and support system around them. Perception of all of these concepts is vital.ReferencesGuy, M. E. (1990). Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations. Westport, CT Quorum Books. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Questia database http//, J. (2004). Managing Change, Cha nging Managers. New York Routledge. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Questia database http// Making Decisions in Business Situations. Western International University. 26 Mar. 2007 .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How does Steinbeck present the relationship between George and Lennie in âہ“Of Mice and Menâ€Â Essay

George and lennies relationship is unusual from the suspire, as they both have each other, while the rest of the raanch workers are alone. They say we travel around together which shows that they always have each others side. The rest of the ranch workers fidn their frienship really weird, because they have never experienced it themselves. I think that Steinbeck is shewing to show that relationships were hard to build back in the 1930, hence there werent many around.Lennie says i got you and you got me, which suggests that lennie is extrememly happy in having a friend. peradventure its because Lennie too hasnt ever experienced friendship before.Finally, Carlson says wha the hell ya suppose is eatin them guys which suggest thats hell never undertsand what friendship is, as hes never experienced it before, and perhaps wont ever experience it ever in the future.George was Lennies only hope, he relied fully on him and expect him to tell him all the instructions.Steinbeck could be show ing that relatiosnhips dont last forever, as george killed lennie in the end. Perhaps people knew this hence why they didnt try to build relationships because they knew what the outcome would be like. Theres more pain in knowing and caring for someone then cleanup them, than just killing someone without knowing them. Carlson doesnt undertand this pain, and just continues killing. In the end George is left alone, hes given up hope on the american dream. save Slim does get close to George which shows its no the end, but the beginning of a new life and friendhsip. perhaps Slim will understand George emend than Lennie as we found out during the midle of the novel, he has a better compatibility with him.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Development Plan Reflection Essay

Whilst reading various sources on the importance of reflecting after an experience I came crosswise some wise wrangling, that of Aitchison and Graham cited in Stoobants et al (200730) that say, We do not learn from experience. Experience has to be arrested, examined, analysed, considered and negotiated in order to shift it to know leadge. With these words in mind I began to see why it is important to reflect on my first MBA assignment.I see the MBA course as a schooling journey, it is through reflecting on my past experiences that I will easily identify my strengths and weaknesses and thus easily identify areas that I should concentrate on developing during my MBA journey. In this assignment you will read about an experience that happened during the early stages of my career as a manager. I will analyse and discuss how this experience has led to where I am today and how it has affected my plans going frontward in both my personal and functional life.This was in year 2010. I was a sked to act in the role of Management Accountant as my manager at that time resigned. I was then already hungry for more challenges and so I fain accepted without hesitation as I was determined to prove that I am ready for it. Later that day it suddenly dawned on me that it was going to be challenging with the many vacancies in the aggroup (Refer to Appendix 1 for the team structure). With this challenge in mind, I rearranged the team in order for it to work split. We embarked n the annual budget process later that year which did not go well as we did not complete the budget presentation within the stipulated timelines, did not get to analyse the critic all the amount thoroughly and as a result the region was not ready for presenting the annual budget on time to Head Office.Post the experience below are the key things that I took out of that experience that I thought would enable me to manage teams better going forward * Ensure that adequate training on the system is provided an d requesting the melody to provide more IT support people even outside of business hours during the budget process. Learn to lead and delegate and know that I cannot juggle my role and others as I can only achieve so such(prenominal) myself as I was doing most of the work that needed to be done by the Financial Planner Benrose. * Seek advice from manager and not be afeared(predicate) to ask for coaching. * Plan better around the timelines to take into account inexperience of some of my team members e. g. Plan a trial run presentation * Be more assertive as I realised that as a manager I could choose negotiating additional resources since our headcount was lean so as not to compromise our deliverables.After having been through my first workshop at Henley, I liked Belbin (1981)s team role model that was presented and in his prevail where he goes on to look at why management teams succeed or fail which I ironically discovered lying in my parents take on and till now never bothered to even look at. He identifies 9 team roles in 3 categories. The action orientated people (Shapers, Implementers and everlasting(a) finishers). The thought orientated people (Co-ordinators, Teamworkers and Resource investigators).The last group are the people orientated (Specialists, Monitor evaluators (MEs) and plants). Had I applied his model to understand my team dynamics prior to starting the budget process, I would have seen that I had gaps in key roles that prevented us from completing the task on time. Please annotation the below roles assigned to my team members are just base on my own perception based on how I know them not based on the questionnaire that is normally completed. AFP Implementer and Resource Investigator (She was the organiser for the team and was good at providing new knowledge or something new discovered whilst working on the new system and she would share it with the rest of the team) * FP Midrand Plant and Resource Investigator (He was creative and generally looked at issues, he was cheerful and enthusiastic one-on-one but was easily distracted and would want to start looking at new things without completing a task) * Me Specialist and Monitor Evaluator.These were my top 2 roles from the results of the questionnaire I completed for my first workshop at Henley. I was a specialist in the team because I had more knowledge of the business and finance than my team. In retrospect, I would have been able to easily match the correct people with the rights tasks. I also could have put plans in place to ensure the future(a)* I had no shaper in the team. Belbin describes a shaper as generally someone able to drive a team and give nidus not having this I think contributed to us missing the deadline. So in requesting additional resources (e. . a temp person the business would have allowed) I could have ensured that I selected someone who is a shaper or developed more of shaper qualities in myself. * As we did not get to critically ana lyse the numbers prior our submission, if we had someone strong on being a completer finisher in the group chances of us submitting quality information would have been high as this role is effectively used at the end of a task, to polish and scrutinise the work for errors. I would definitely use this to my advantage going forward in my team tasks going forward.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Analyse how information is presented in Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

This testify will discuss in depth, the techniques both Tabloids and Broadsheets employ to present the study in their respective new-sprung(prenominal)s motifs. The definition of a Tabloid is a small size paper with many pictures, whilst a Broadsheet is cosmopolitanly a larger sized paper with a focus more(prenominal) on text than pictures. Size is not the only topic that will be covered in the essay this essay will also explore the character up of row of a paper, the main conventions of a paper such as The Headline and puffs, the habit of visual effects such as pictures, adverts and special features such as double page spreads.The title poses the question of how information is presented in Tabloid and Broadsheet newspapers. From the iris to the Article the proof contributor is inundated with information, this comes in many forms depending on the paper and its format. Tabloids utilize a number of methods for the transfer of information this could include the use of Head lines, pictures and use of Language. The use of pictures in Tabloids is crucial to their success and popularity.Like about points the use of Pictures is important but is complimentary to another aspect of Tabloids and would not piddle just about the aforementioned(prenominal) amount of effectiveness without the other conventions of the paper. The expression that a picture is worth a thousand words is not to be underestimated when examining tabloids. Tabloids often pick at their pictures specifically for the casing of story they want and more importantly the stance they want to take for this story, for example the picture featured in the workaday pull out 6 September 2005 depicted two heavily armed police finish officers in the recently devastated city of New Orleans.This greatly complimented the article which regular though reported on the recent disaster of Hurricane Katrina focused more on the lack of security forces in the ara and the actions police had to take to keep suppress over the general populous. The picture itself did implement the reader a feeling of the type of place New Orleans instantaneously was, that being a really dangerous one, and so in that sense the picture succeeded in ro utilize some sort of emotion in the reader before even having distinguish about reading the text. The picture was very sensationalist as was the language and so the two complemented each other perfectly.This use of pictures to complement articles by prominent the reader an insight on the article issuing is common practice by both Tabloids and Broadsheets. But it is Tabloids who take it one step further and use pictures to stir emotions within the reader which to some extent subsidises and even does a focusing with the need for emotive language within the article but not altogether. As pictures still do in many subject areas support the text. Everywhere we look on a paper we are consciously or subliminally gathering information.When a reader ticks a masthead such as that of The Sun they have already gained information on the kind of paper it is and in that respectfore what kind of stories it features. The Suns masthead for example with its big and bold white font set on a bright red background suggests that the paper is cheerful, not too salutary and is a light read. This information can be gathered simply by the connotations that the actual masthead emanates as well as the simple prepossession that the reader has from hear say and maybe previous experience of the paper.One of the main aspects of Tabloids is their use of Headlines and Sub-titles. Tabloids are shrewd in the art of Headlines, they are disingenuous manipulators of language and this is one of the main weapons in their armoury. The Headline is one of the foremost things a prospective customer sees when browsing through the racks of papers, if the headline sounds challenge then hopefully the paper will be just as good, a lot of Tabloid sales depends on their he adlines. Tabloids use such techniques as puns, rhetorical questions, alliteration, assonance and more.These techniques make a headline appealing to the reader and therefore make the paper more appealing, for example, Runaway Roadent Rescued this is a pun regarding the story of a hamster finding its way onto a road and being rescued by a passer by. This play on words is natural among Tabloids but that particular quote was from the 25 September 2005 Sun newspaper. This is directly linked to the use of language in newspapers and also the type of information in newspapers as the headline dictates what the article will be and vice versa.By far the most relevant part of the Tabloid is the news or information which is represented by its use of language. Language plays a critical role in the composition of a Tabloid. As with headlines, techniques such as puns and alliteration are common place within the articles of such Tabloid papers as The Sun and The News of The World. The type of lang uage used in Tabloids can be most easily defined as Sensationalist. This is when the journalist or newspaper use lurid and often exaggerated material in this case, as its general style to gain public attention or sales. This comprises all writing techniques exploited to gain readership.Being sensationalist might also include centering on one side of the article as is the case with the article from The periodic Express 6 September, in which the article was focused mainly on the action of the police and on the aggression posed to George W. Bush by The Louisiana Senator yesterday threatened to punch President Bush if he iterate his accusation that the local sheriffs had failed in their duty , this type of focus is another common characteristic of many tabloids who cannot seem to give an unbiased judgement on any situation. In most Tabloids you would find such words and phrases as living hell, boozy etc.It is not uncommon for Tabloids to coin their experience phrases for events, th ese phrases sometimes get adopted by the mainstream media and sometimes even broadsheets, for example the very recent events about Roy Keane and his propose move from Manchester United has hailed a new nickname for him thought up by tabloids, The Sun Dont leave Keano as its headline. While in October 2, 2005 The Observer its opening statement on the story was whatso of all time the future for Keano, Manchester United There is a great difference between the average article lengths of Broadsheets and Tabloids.Generally Broadsheets would have the longstanding more analytical articles whilst Tabloids would dumbfound to their more bias based short articles unless the subject matter is about a scandalous celebrity in which case you would be lucky to see such an article in a Broadsheet unless it really was big news, whilst Tabloids would devote a two page spread no doubt with a big compromising picture of the celebrity in question. The language used is casual, colloquial and often sla ng. This is how we would talk when addressing friends and so in using colloquial language the Tabloids are only reinforcing their friendly, cheerful image.Opening paragraphs are common place and another main convention in all papers. Their purpose is to give the reader a quick summary of the article topic whilst simultaneously introducing the article. Opening paragraphs do not differ very much between Broadsheets and Tabloids apart from the type of language used in them. Tabloids generally have more action orientated opening paragraphs, a good example of this would be in The Daily Espress September 6 BATTLE-hardened Iraq war veterans were among 40,000 troops patrolling Americas stricken Deep South in the end night as the rule of law of nature at last began to be reimposed.This as an opening paragraph was very action orientated, in the quotation itself please note the BATTLE, the first word being in lug capital letters, this was the newspaper itself wishing to obviously highlight this feature. This is not uncommon in Tabloids whose readers skim through the article at best and rely more heavily on the opening paragraph as an insight into the article itself, this action orientated opening was fully intended by the Tabloid and was there to catch the readers eye with its Capital letters and its manipulative placing.Broadsheets generally keep their opening paragraphs brief but use more narrative techniques. In The Daily Telegraph, September 6 the article starts of with a quote and goes on to describe the scene following Hurricane Katrina as the familiar battered blue Buick station-wagon of her neighbours lumbered into their water-logged street for the first time in over a week. This type of writing is familiar in Broadsheets who introduce the article in a more composed way so as to avoid both bias and proceed to the analytical approach that many Broadsheets take in their articles.Vocabulary in both Broadsheets and Tabloids sidetrack depending on the paper. Gen erally Tabloids arguably have a more primitive use of dictionary while Broadsheets have a more developed use of vocabulary. Quite simply Broadsheets use longer and more complicated words than Tabloids but Tabloids have an excuse. The average reader of a Tabloid is arguably meat to Lower class, people who want a light read with not too much analysis and intense storytelling which is what papers are, storytellers.So the Tabloids mitigate their vocabulary so as not to offend any lower class readers who did not get the same standard of education as the average reader of The Times for example who is probably from a Middle or Upper class family and might have gone to a good Grammer or macrocosm school therefore receiving a higher quality of education than his Sun reading counterpart. This is all a generalisation and therefore not a alone accurate view on society and who reads what paper, it is a mere illustration of the typical reader of certain Newspapers.Broadsheets on the other han d have an widen use of vocabulary and therefore one can conclude that the average Broadsheet reader is probably not poorly educated and therefore of at least a high lower class background. But the one aspect of all this that is an anomaly is that Tabloids use their language in a more manipulative and therefore intellectual way. The ability to use such techniques as puns and alliteration in an article is a very advanced use of language. This shows that even though on surface Tabloids use less sophisticated language they are really very shrewd manipulators of language.Such as the Tabloid the ever closer to extinction Broadsheet is a newspaper, and as the name suggests its main purpose is to inform the reader of yesterdays events. This is a big problem for Broadsheets, the fact that we now have twenty four hour news stations working tirelessly round the clock to give the news to the public the minute it happens is pose a threat to Broadsheets. Tabloids on the other hand rely on their light read and fun loving image to sell papers, but Broadsheets have an ever growing task ahead of them. As with most papers the masthead is the first factor that gives off information.With The Daily Telegraph for instance, the paper gives off the connotations of being honest, conservative, traditional and important news not to mention being daily. All of these features make up the image of the paper and obviously that is the image that most people get when thinking of The Daily Telegraph with its traditional but automatically recognisable font. This is correlated with the use of language in a paper as the masthead is an indicator of the general readership of a paper which determines the type of language used in the paper. Comparable to Tabloids the Broadsheet sells on its Headlines and subtitles.Instead of using puns and word play to attract customers it uses comparatively normal headlines and rarely utilizes puns but on occasion does use alliteration. Broadsheet Headlines are a l ot more narrative than those of Tabloids, the story rather than relies on opinion and sensationalism, e. g. New Orleans was living hell and Families go home to pick over the remnants of ruined lives. The power of the two quotations is from The Daily Express while the latter is a headline from The Daily Telegraph, both of whom were some might say surprisingly reporting on the same story, The New Orleans disaster.As the quotations illustrated, Tabloids make use of a variety of techniques when composing their Headlines while Broadsheets generally simply tell the reader the subject matter of the article in more sophisticated methods than as was described. This is directly linked with the language used in Broadsheets as the Headline is an indicator of the complexity of the language in the article. The language used in the Articles of a Broadsheet like The Headlines differ to those in a Tabloid. Whilst in Tabloids you would expect to find colloquial and rather simple use of language, Br oadsheets are very different in this way.They are analytical in their approach to the subject and without any bias inappropriate Tabloids. Broadsheets use more complex language with a more narrative style of writing rather than the sensationalist style you would find in a Tabloid. There is also a great contrast in the coverage of a story. In the Tabloid the article was firmly set around the law enforcement in New Orleans centring mainly about issues of action, as well as being very brief partly because there is only so much coverage you can give to the security forces when there is a noticeable lack of them.In the broadsheet article covering exactly the same story, The New Orleans disaster, the article is focused more on the victims and their loss post hurricane period rather than the security situation. The article is analytical offering a post hurricane analysis of all the key individuals to do with the matter. This is complemented by the more sophisticated use of language. The l ength of the Article is also a lot longer than that of the articles in Tabloids. Tabloids generally report directly on the story while Broadsheets analyse the story.A good example of this would be the recent hijacking of a British tank in Iraq. The Tabloids reported on the story itself and on how the soldier involved was a hero, while The Broadsheets analysed the whole episode, reporting on the story, analysing on why it happened, how it happened giving a step by step account on the days proceedings and the consequences of those events. Tabloids usually hone in on a single story while Broadsheets try to give an analysis on the bigger picture. The differences between Tabloids and Broadsheets are wide and varied.Tabloids are a forward-looking creation, created to contend with magazines rather than the traditional news, they are popular newspapers simply because to find the news the average person can simply turn on the idiot box and any relevant stories will be on. This is how Tablo ids can be so successful in todays markets, they do not bother competing with giving the news sort of they give opinion and stories the public want, another reason why Tabloids spend so very much money on exclusive scoops such as the recent wedding of Katie Price (Jordan, Glamour model) and Peter Andre (pop-singer). Broadsheets on the other hand are a victim of circumstance.The world has been changing in the last century and they have been slow to pick up on this, this is a simple answer to their dwindling sales, but they are good at what they do. They give out opinion as well but for the readers benefit, it is often thought provoking and welcome by the reader, not subliminal and unknown like the case is with Tabloids. Broadsheets are sophisticated newspapers who give the news in its best possible way, refined and with a touch of sophistication. In conclusion the way information is presented in Tabloids and Broadsheets are varied and quite unique to their respective formats.Tabloid s are cunning and develop their stories through their many techniques. Broadsheets are equally if not cleverer than tabloids and still keep back their dignity and self worth, but they are fighting a losing battle against todays on the spot news broadcasting. They still have a devoted readership and hopefully a growing one but in the media world it truly is survival of the fittest and Broadsheets are only now realising that evolution is the answer even if it does hatch the alienation of a small percentage of their readership.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Didi Holdstock Oscar Nomination Film Studies Essay

To The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This twelvemonth s trump Picture Category nominations should be Steven Spielberg s Jurassic put. The adventure-filled movie shows narrative transitivity finished the continuously progressing, capturing secret plan and the usage of realistic cinematography and station production techniques much(prenominal) as particular effects, wildsound and lighting every bit good as the carefully devised screenplay which displays a subject of scientific discipline versus moralss.The cinematic shootings of Jurassic Park merit to be applauded beca expend of the attentive framing, angle and motion of each shooting in the movie. For illustration, the long shooting of the first visual aspect of the Tyrannosaurus Rex where the tv camera is placed at oculus degree, as if the spectator is literally some distance from the existent mayhem and the handheld camera moves with the T-Rex, yanking down and up with each, slacken measure it takes demoing the full length and power of the immense dinosaur.In add-on, an illustration of first-class cinematic shootings is Nedry s brush with a Dilophosaurus. The camera cuts through some(prenominal) types of shootings a low angled long shooting with the camera traveling as the eyes of the dinosaur through the tall grass, an extreme close up, over the raise shooting of the dinosaur with Nedry s face in the spread between the flaps of its caput and a low angled medium shooting where the rib chicken coop and external respiration of the dinosaur is highlighted with Nedry s organic structure prevarication in the background. The assortment and specialness of the different shootings in Jurassic Park are exceeding. thither is even an aerial shooting as a bull is lifted into the lair of the Velociraptors.In connexion with Nedry s brush with the Dilophosaurus, the grandness of coloring corporal is depicted through his bright xanthous rain coat amongst the green and browns of nature Spielberg has br ightened the pictorial matter through coloring material. Throughout the movie, he uses natural, bland colorss. Global, slew can do the connexion between nature and escapade in Jurassic Park. This is another illustration of the intelligence of the manager.Furthermore, the lighting pays a cardinal duty in the illustriousness of a movie and Jurassic Park is really familiar with this construct. In a specific scene, the kids and Dr. Grant wake up to a comely position of many diplodocuses. The subdued lighting of the landscape creates a composure, comforting temper after the on-going pandemonium in the old scenes. Silhouettes are created when Spielberg places the histrions in the lab, with a dorsum visible radiation behind two round Windowss making deepness to the scene and doing the spectator feel insecure by the out of use visible radiation, adding to the suspense of the scenario. An first-class usage of cardinal lighting is used when a Velociraptor equals through the round window of the kitchen door with the light bright on the left, go forthing merely the right manus side of the dinosaur s face distinguishable.Furthermore, the sound effects in a movie are of equal, if non greater importance to lighting. Both have the ability to alter the temper of the spectator and create pragmatism within the movie. In Jurassic Park, the most distinguished sounds are the dinosaurs booms. to each one one holding its alone sound, enabling the spectator to match sounds with specific dinosaurs. Realism is besides created through wildsound, for illustration, the uninterrupted rain in the movie. The non-synchronous sound of Jurassic Park ingeniously alters the temper of the spectator. For illustration, when the characters thirstily try to get away from the Velociraptors, the music is fast-paced and becomes about baleful, doing the spectator anticipate their destiny. Or, another illustration is when Dr. Sattler runs through the jungle in her chase to return power to the park the music is fast-paced and tense, but when she enters the edifice, the door sweep behind her seting an instantaneous halt to the non-synchronous sound, go forthing merely the sound of her heavy external respiration. The spectator s pulse now has the chance to return to normal. Anticipation, suspense and tenseness are critical in a scientific discipline fiction escapade movie.Not merely are the cinematic techniques superb, but the chosen cast including the astounding extended dramatis personae of attractively built dinosaurs proved to be extremely successful in Jurassic Park. Their endowment, as histrions, is esteemed. This is clearly depicted throughout the movie through their natural appearance and facial looks ( as seen in their first brush of dinosaurs where the daze of Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler is utterly converting. ) Even the kids of Jurassic Park are first-class histrions. In the kitchen scene the kids are forced to expose their best visual aspect of fright and insecurity w hen they are trapped by Velociraptors. Lex Murphy is perceptibly exceeding at this when she shrieks in fright whilst seeking to shut herself in a compartment of the counter. Good playing is indispensable in a movie to maintain viewing audiences interested and keep a sense of pragmatism. In the instance of Jurassic Park, barely any betterments in moving could be made.Further, there are many motives, symbols and subjects viewing audiences may come across in Jurassic Park. Such as John Hammond s imprudency to construct the park because he can afford to, the bitterness of scientific discipline versus moralss whether making life which was one time nonextant is morally right and Nedry, the computer-network applied scientist who amorally steals the embryos from the lab after being paid off. Viewing audiences are left in expectancy of a surprising message when a streamer stating When dinosaurs ruled the Earth flows over the scene in the dramatis personae s last brush with dinosaurs. Throughout the movie, Spielberg inquiries the moralss of adult male.Hence, Jurassic Park is shooting at its best. Every facet of the movie is illustrated to flawlessness. The cameraman, manager and manufacturer moldiness be extremely commended for their successful scientific discipline fiction escapade movie. It is possible that the subject vocal may still be recognised and enjoyed in the decennaries that follow its release. With the most advanced particular effects and shooting techniques the universe has seen this twelvemonth, Jurassic Park deserves an award every bit elite as that of the Best Picture Category.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Disadvantaged Status

Do you wish to be directed a disadvantaged applicant by any of your designated medical schools that may consider such factors (social, economic, or educational)? The initiative in creating change has always been an integral aspect of man. Equipped with their relative skills and competencies, they engage in various efforts to create opportunities that pass on improve their capabilities and cater to the service of individuals. Amidst the trials and difficulties in the process, hard reach and determination remains to be a vital factor in attaining their desired objectives and mark in life.With this mindset, I wish to present my intention to apply at this prestigious institution. I feel that I should be considered as a disadvantaged applicant because of the fact that I indeed have faced ch aloneenges that qualify me for such. At a very young age, I have always been monetaryly challenged and this led to a number of difficulties as well. Not having enough money, I did not have access to clean water or electricity. Since I was sprightliness in a devastated area, I had to walk in fear at night just to get clean water.From an educational standpoint, I could only picture in candlelight at night under the covers for fear of being discovered. School was the highlight of my day. Though I had to walk most 10 to 15 miles to school every day, I still looked forward to being able to learn more and escape from the harsh realities of my life by learning about other places. I did not have the benefit of having my own textbook and would share with my more fortunate classes as we were crammed into tiny rooms since at that place were not enough teachers.Suffice it to say that this experience has not only prepared me for life but it has also taught me the value of a good education. I do not wish to be called disadvantaged because I feel that what I went through was not a disadvantage but more of an advantage since it prepared me for this moment. culmination to America becam e easier because while I had to work and support myself while in school this was in stark contract from the perilous circumstances of my childhood.I have been working full time most of the time and go to school full time to support myself and my family in Ethiopia financially even though I had financial aid and student loan. I work hard every day because I want to be able to give my family the same opportunity that I had to have a good education and some day be able to live a good life. As such, I will neer let my grades fall low, let alone be average. I will work hard to get the best grade for I am cocksure in myself because I have a strong academic background. I have consistently received the best grades in my high school old age until today thanks to my work ethic.As for me, scholarship recipient means taking more responsibilities compare to other students and must be leading other students all the way. I will be the one who will serve role models for other students. That is why I deal that this scholarship is a crucial yard for me. My success and my accomplishments here will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals. It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever ride away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well.While I personally believe that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that (Insert Name of University) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Art is life Essay

wilework is life, it is beauty, it is emotion, it is you, it is me, it is everything. Art defines all that we are, and all that we could become. Art is of the past and of the future, of the influences of our passing(a) lives, of our pasts combined with who we are today. Art is an indescribable joy, an expansion of the mind, body and soul. We are machination, every last respective(prenominal) of the human race. Art comes in the form of music, dance, theater, painting, drawing, blowing, throwing, and even in the math equations or scientific experiments of the in force(p) brained population.Art is feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting and hearing. Art is here to titillate our senses, to create emotional and physical reactions to the viewer. Art is healing. Art is loving. Art is everything. The Value of Art After a distinctly self-contemplative night, I began to wonder what it is that attracts people to prowess. sure as shooting I consider myself an artist of sorts scarcely what is it that makes me an artist? Why do I practice art? Why does anyone immerse themselves in abstract activities that, for the most part, do not add to financial warranter or other measurable values?We know that art has been around before written language. past carvings and cave-wall paintings attest to an early drive to participate in fastidious endeavors. I would say that our skills as artists brook improved since the first cave paintings but I think there must be the alike(p) seed of creativity that connects long forgotten ancestors and modern artists. I think that the most obvious comparison is that dedicated artists tend to create art that reflects important aspects of their lives.When it comes to ancient man, what could have been much important than victuals and reproduction? Ancient art is ripe with images of hunting and pregnant women. As human society evolved into more stable communities, the art changed. Over time the focus on survival was supplanted with self-emulati on. In ancient Egypt, for example, the art turned to worshipping the value of great kings and all-powerful gods. The same happened in most cultures.I doubt that common slaves of Egypt felt that preserving kingly honor for eternity was a motivating factor slaves probably would have produced an only when different art than what wefind in tombs had they the resources to create art. What is telling is that the art that survived from ancient times reflects like a shot the values of the people producing and preserving it in terms of Egypt it was of the Pharaohs. European Medieval art reflects a mixture of non-Jew and Christian ideals. We can deduce that local kings whose roots were largely pagan mixed with the influence of Rome. The artistic work commissioned throughout this time is a constant reminder of those influences.Take this on up to our own time. An important note to take is that as the traditional religious values of historic sizeableness in the west have been challenged in intellectual circles, the focus of art has strayed. Prehistoric art was focused on life and death ancient art turned to the afterlife and mysticism modern art has no focus. I am confident that mass media and the internet have a large agency in the change perhaps we are still too early in the new duration to be able to define the motivating factor behind the art that will last but I feel that the reality is that art has no focus in our age because it is not the cloistral craft of the gifted and appointed.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Notebook Analysis

Analysis of The Notebook flick Clip Lindsey Scott ENG225 alliceon Sansbury November 18, 2012 Analysis of The Notebook Movie Clip There are m whatsoever people involved in making a mental picture possible. When everything is put together it seems as though it was just one simple camera shot. But tone closer and at a short mag of a movie shows a little calorie-free on how much was actually done to make it realistic. The first thing people nonice and apply attention to are the actors. But who tells the actors where to stand, what to say, and what emotions to portray? Who adds that little bit of background music to bring give a mood the anger, sadness, or love in a scene?When going through the outtakes of a movie it shows that thither is someone creditworthy for putting just the right shots in the right place. There is more to a movie than just the actors and someone yelling cut. Watching a clip of the movie clout for The Notebook brings all of these things to hang. In the movi e The Notebook the director is Nick Cassavetes. His role is to translate the film writers story so that the actors and crew ignore successfully play it out. Its up to the director to turn the elements into film with words, images, and sound. This brings together an entertaining movie.Nick was able to take Nicholas Sparks book and bring the characters, emotions, and story to life. The way be brought together Nicholas Sparks vision and his own created an amazing movie. The production designer Sarah E. Knowles, was responsible for the overall go to of a project. They direct the art department and set builders to turn their imagination into reality. (http//filmtvcareers. about. com/od/basics/p/CP_ProdDesigner. htm). In this clip the characters are outside a beautiful house. This background is simply and an area that everyone can relate to.By not having them in some farfetched place Sarah kept the realistic feel to the couples argument. ruse director Scott T. Ritenour over seed the artistic design of advertisements and print materials, as well as the filming of television commercials. He was the decision maker responsible for the finished product. The art director chooses a photographer, an illustrator, models, and any props necessary for an ad. If a print ad comes back from the printer with an imperfection, the art director is responsible for retouching it. (http//careers. stateuniversity. com/pages/115/Art-Director. tmlixzz2CKahNlDp) This clip in particular is at night. The sky is dark with just the crystallizeing of the porch light and driveway lights. Yet the lighting that the artists used allows us to be able to see the expressions on the characters faces. It sets a serious mood with the added emotion of trying to read each others faces in the dark. As the couple bickers back and forth they move along with the other to try and read their facial expressions. The clip ends with Noah driving away in his truck. As he is driving down the driveway the only light is the path lights.This allows him to drive into the dark of the night and sets the thought of him being gone. As this is happening it shows Allie standing(a) alone. The sin of the night emphases Allie feeling alone and left behind as Noah drives away. Allie is from a wealthy family while Noah is preferably poor. Throughout the movie you are constantly reminded about their social grad standing by their appearance. In the clip of them breaking up, Allie of course is in a very nice and clean dress and jacket. Her vibrissa is curled and her natural makeup gives her the innocent girl look. She continuously has matching earrings to her outfits.While Noah is in a albumen jacket, messy hair and using his work truck. Having Noah in lower class clothes while standing in front of Allies parents house shows the difference and why he would feel misplaced. Her family has already do it very clear that they are not ok with their consanguinity. Back in the 1940s (the time setting of th e movie), it was not acceptable for a women from a wealthy family to court such a lower class man. We can see the struggle and heartache the two go through just to be together. Allis is always worried about what everyone else will think and what her parents want for her.Yet Noah is such a free liven and just wants Allie to be happy. Showing Allie dressed so prim and proper whenever she is around anyone yet not caring if she is dirty, messy or dripping wet around Noah is a symbol of her love. It shows that she is so loose with him and truly does not care about the money or class statue. Noah tries to look his best when conflict her parents. By changing his appearance for Allie to try and make her feel more comfortable and have her relationship accepted by her family is such a kind gesture. Even though these costume changes are end-to-end the movie, it is

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Prince Metternich

Samantha Meyers 01/20/13 Wld Hist. HN Pd. 2 Prince Metternich Prince Metternich was natural in Coblenz on May 15, 1773. He owed most of his early education to his mother because his father showed no interest in his education. In 1788, Metternich enrolled in Strasbourg University He served as foreign minister of the Austrian empire from 1809 to 1848 and restored Austria to its former power after the devastating sleepic Wars. He held continuous office in European affairs for almost 40 years.One of his first tasks was to set up a detente with France that included the marriage of Napoleon to the Austrian Arch-Duchess Marie Louise. Soon after that he engineered Austrias entry into the War of the Sixth Coalition on the Allied side, he signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau that sent Napoleon into evict. In recognition of his service to the Austrian Empire, he was raised to the title of Prince in October 1813. Prince Metternich lead the Congress of Vienna.He helped restore balance of power t o any of Europe and proposed a peacekeeping organization called the Concert of Europe. He attempted to restore hereditary monarchs that at sea power but only ended up making the people favor nationalism. Under his guidance, the Metternich dodging of international congresses continued for another decade as Austria aligned herself with Russia and Prussia. This marked the high point of Austrias diplomatic importance, but soon Metternich slowly slipped back into the periphery of international diplomacy.At home, Metternich also held the post of Chancellor of assure from 1821 until 1848, under both Francis II of Austria and his son Ferdinand I of Austria. After a brief period of exile in London, Brighton and Brussels that lasted until 1851, he returned once more to the Viennese court, this time to offer only advice to Ferdinands successor, Franz Josef. Having outlived his coevals of politicians, Metternich died at the age of 86 in 1859. Metternich was one of the most capable diploma ts of his time.He was responsible for the stability of European governments. In the end, however, Metternich failed because his basic strategy was to support autocracy when the political development in Europe locomote rapidly towards democracy. Bibliography Prince Metternich. World History The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO,2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. World History Notes on 19th ascorbic acid Nationalism Conservative, Sophisticated, Skilled Diplomat. Emersonkent. com. Emerson Kent, n. d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. .

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Drama Evaluation Essay

When we did the 6 hour workshop on capital punishment, we looked at some extreme cases same(p) two Somalia women one was raped and stoned to death the some other was alike stoned because she committed adultery, which was seen as crime by law in her country. The other case was approximately a man who was trying to quiver his lovers aunt to sell him her farm. When she refused he killed her, merely he didnt want to go to jail, so he told his lover that she should draw back the blame because, she is nonaged and therefore wouldnt go to jail. However, she did o to jail still she is on death row and is console awaiting her death.Even though, we studied all the capital punishment cases, it was the short plays about Derek Bentley that I decided to evaluate.The other throng decided to focus on Dereks personal development throughout their play. The first cyclorama is mess with Derek reminiscing about his life on the day of his execution. The meeting use a monologue to set the first flashback of the play. He talks about how he was born and how the umbilical cord got wrapped well-nigh his neck this was a possible cause of his mental problems.The groups use of levels is done actually well since Derek is represented by a prop which is very small and his p arents are above him with the restore and the reminiscing Derek is putting a behavior from the flashback this was representing how far away from his family he is. This persuasion was very effective at emphasising Dereks innocence, since babies are usually associated with purity. However, I think the outlook couldve been improved if the doctor faced the audience, unless that was an intentional way of showing that this character isnt as important.The second scene isnt as long but it shows how Dereks personality has been developing. He is playing with his toys on the floor and he looks very happy and clueless. His parents pay back in to talk to Dereks teacher, who informs them about Dereks disabilities. The vulnerable side of Derek is seen because of the use of levels the parents and the teacher are yet again on a higher level then Derek, making them seem like theyre in control of the situation. The scene could have been improved if more emotion was shown in the knock after Dereks parents found out about his disabilities. If they hugged to comfort each other of they walked over to Derek himself, it would unfeignedly show what kind of loving environment Derek grew up in.In the third scene Derek is in petty(a) school messing round in the corridors with Chris. They soon get caught by a teacher and Chris runs off, leaving Derek to take the blame. The scene isnt done as well as the other scenes the use of voice isnt clear because sometimes Derek and Chris are shouting and sometimes its not easy to understand the confabulation between the two. The character of the teacher does a profound job at showing the anger and botheration in the boys.The fourth and fifth scenes merge into one s cene which makes it confusing for the audience. The 4th scene further involves Chris and Derek when theyre planning their raid. Chris is trying to convince Derek that its a favourable idea and knows that Derek is going to outfit anyway. There is a very quick pause and the 5th scene starts with Chris and Derek climbing up the stairs. The group used imagery props to show theyre climbing. This scene is the polar trice of the play, when Chris and Derek get caught by the police. It becomes a bit confusing because everyone is shouting and running around, although at the same time it creates a good scene of panic and a very realistic image of what it most likely wouldve been like in reality.My group focused on the friendship between Chris and Derek. We start the first scene with the diametrical moment of the play, where Derek shouts let him have it Chris and Chris shoots the policeman. The scene is a lot like the last scene of the last group there is a lot of shouting and panic and w hen the shooting happens, we used a freeze-frame to emphasise the moment. I think we couldve improved it by having a longer pause in the freeze-frame to make it clear that this is the pivotal moment.The second scene was set when Derek first met Chris at school. They sit in the middle of the mesa and get Derek gets laughed at by the other children. This scene could be improved if Chris and Derek were sitting on a table away from others, to show that their friendship gets stronger.The third scene uses actors as props Derek and Chris are now in one of their gardens, trying to build with wooden branches. They look happy and really close as they sit in their new building. This scene could be improved if body propping was used to build something else and if the levels of Derek and Chris would depart from time to time because in some parts of the scene it is clear that Chris is the leader of their friendship.The fourth scene is quite short it only includes Derek and Chris. Chris is trying very hard to persuade Derek that the raid is a good and safe idea. The use of voice is very effective as Chris voice becomes more high-pitched when he talks about how easy the raid is going to be. The use of space, however, is the thing that needed improving if Chris walked around more to show how great the raid is going to be, it wouldve added more of an affect.The fifth scene goes back to the pivotal moment of the shooting, but this scene is about what happens afterwards. The shooting is now much quicker and the rest of the scene is Chris getting taken away by police. This scene couldve improved if the scene showed what happened to Derek after the shooting.Overall, both groups had unlike ideas but both interpreted theirs by using the same techniques. My group used a serial of flashbacks to pinpoint Derek and Chris friendship and the other group used flashbacks to show the development of Dereks personality. This workshop had a big impact on how much we knew before and how much we know now. I thought these punishments werent happening around present time, but they are and my feelings are very much against this, no librate how bad the crime was.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Starbucks vs Tim Hortons

A Comparison of Starbucks and Tim Hortons Starbucks and Tim Hortons are two companies that specialize in the provender and deep brown service industries. Information about each company, a comparison of how each trades their spot and their differing distribution methods go forth be nominated. Starbucks is a premier roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty java (Marketline 2012). This company is globally accepted because of their vast amount of stores, consisting of more than 17,000 retail stores in over 55 countries.Most retail stores are in highly populated areas, like downtown and suburban centers, situation buildings, university campuses and in select rural and off-highway locations (Marketline 2012). Starbucks sells early(a) products in addition to coffee, like teas and fresh food items. It in any case licences its trademarks through grocery store stores and national food service accounts (Marketline 2012). Some of the brands, besides Starbucks, are Tazo Tea, Seat tles Best Coffee and Starbucks VIA Ready Brew.Products for sale in Starbucks stores include Italian-style espresso beverages, cold and iced shaken drinks, and some(prenominal) breakfast and lunch items such as pastries, salads and sandwiches. Starbucks also sells heartily food items, coffee equipment tenders free wireless internet within its stores. Tim Hortons is like Starbucks in the sense that they provide uniform products like premium coffee, flavored cappuccinos, specialty teas, home-style soups, fresh sandwiches, wraps, hot breakfast sandwiches and fresh bake goods (Marketline 2012). Tim Hortons has 3,750 restaurants in Canada and the United States.Most of these (3,148) are in Canada. It also offers home-brew coffee through various lines of distribution in Canada and the US, including certain grocery stores (Marketline 2012). The way in which both Starbucks and Tim Hortons distributes their products is through the various licensing channels. For example, Starbucks directl y advertises and sells its products in grocery and warehouse club stores in Canada, the U. K. and countries in Europe. This channel is also known as the CPG Channel, which represents the four pedigree segments the U. S. , international, global consumer products group and other (Marketline 2012).Many licensees also have license agreements with Starbucks where Starbucks sells its ingredients to make these products that are sold in retail stores. Regarding Starbucks, some of these licensing agreements are with North American Coffee Partnership (joint venture with Pepsi-Cola Company), Arla, Suntory, and Dong Suh Foods. With these license agreements, Starbucks is able to have these other companies manufacture and market ready-to-drink beverages like the Frappuccino and Doubleshot espresso drinks as well as manufacture, market and distribute Starbucks chilled cup coffee beverages in Europe, Japan and South Korea.Super-premium Tazo Tea and ice cream products in the U. S. with Unilever is another example of how the manufacturing and distribution works with Starbucks. Most of these products discussed are sold to foodservice companies that serve the following industries businesses, education, healthcare, office coffee distributors, hotels, restaurants, and airlines, among many more. National accounts also receive Starbucks (Seattles Best Coffee brand), such as SYSCO Corporation, US Foodservice and others (Marketline 2012).Like Starbucks, Tim Hortons uses warehouses for distribution efforts as well. They also market their goods in restaurants and also have self-serve kiosks that consist of pastries and both hot and cold beverages. What differs from Starbucks is the distribution of paper and dry goods in the Canada-based restaurants as well as the cold baked goods that are delivered to Ontario-based restaurants. Coffee-roasting plants in areas like Rochester, New York and Hamilton, Ontario are also used as three party distributors, which differs from Starbucks methods (Marketline 2012).Tim Hortons doesnt have as many joint ventures as Starbucks, but still also shares that distribution method, as Tim Hortons operates the Maidstone Bakeries facilitiy, which is a 50-50 joint venture with a subsidiary of IAWS and a subsidiary of Starbucks (Marketline 2012). In comparing both Starbucks and Tim Hortons regarding distribution, Starbucks definitely has more of a wide range of distributors and concentrates mainly on coffee and fresh food distribution. Tim Hortons concentrates on their beverages as well as bread, dry foods and pastries distribution as well.So in this sense, they differ a bit in what they distribute and how, as Starbucks uses a lot of licenses and partnerships while Tim Hortons relies on third party distributors and warehouses. Marketing is another key aspect that both Starbucks and Tim Hortons do differently for their company. Starbucks has intensely used technology applications such as for the iphone, in which a customer can use their ro ving phone to make their purchases and it is also connected to the Loyalty Card that Starbucks has (Baker 2012). Starbucks also uses Facebook and online obtain to market their products.For example, in regards to social media, that area is part of the Marketing team in the UK and Ireland. They include customer care and humankind relations people, as well. Ian Cranna, Vice President for Marketing, stated that Starbucks believes that customers want genuine and authentic interaction with the brands they engage to engage in online (Lifting the lid on social 2012). Starbucks hosted a Frappuccino Happy Hour and Cranna also admitted or so of the best ideas come from their customers and Facebook is a great way to stay connected. Lifting the lid on social 2012). Also, regarding the online shopping aspects, the Verismo, recently released in September, is Starbucks world-class home coffee machine and can be bought on Starbucksstore. co. uk. This is the first time the chain has ventured int o e-commerce (Baker 2012). According to Androich and Laird, a managing director, Kris Engskov, stated, Up until today making a Starbucks caffe latte at home was just not possible. Now customers who have been asking for more convenient slipway to enjoy Starbucks need look no further (2012).Starbucks is aiming to also provide self-serve Go machines. Its aim is to provide the quality of Starbucks anywhere (Baker 2012). Tim Horton also uses technology like social media to attract customers and advertise, just as Starbucks does. Tim Hortons did a Facebook campaign with the Rolling up the Rim promotion, which also included television, radio and both outdoor and in-store promotions. Those who care the Facebook page could download a free ringtone of the Roll Up ringtone as well as spend a penny profile pictures with the theme.Free coffee for a year and gift cards were available to win. This attracted thousands of likes on Facebook and really promoted the Tim Hortons holler (Androich a nd Laird 2012). However, what differs from Starbucks is that Tiim Hortons is especially associated with Canada life, and the few regions it inhabits in the northern United States area, while Starbucks is more of an internationally recognized brand because of its wide spread stores. According to Chris Koentges, a writer in Vancouver, Tim Hortons attracts Canadians.In his article, Why we are Tim Hortons and Tim Hortons is us was a headline on Canada. com (Koentges 2012). Overall, Tim Hortons and Starbucks differ in their marketing by who they market to as Tim Hortons is mainly in Canada and Starbucks, although predominantly in the United States, is also all over the world. However, they do market their brands in similar fashions on Facebook or other social media channels and providing chances to win certain prized items. References Androich, A. & Laird, K. (2012).Facebook done right. Marketing Magazine, 117(3), 44-47. Retrieved from EBSO waiter on November 11, 2012. Baker, R. (2012 ). Starbucks launches new caffeine fruit drink. Marketing week (Online Edition), 11. Retrieved from American Psychological Association on November 11, 2012. Koentges, C. (2011). The Pandoras Box of the new Tim Hortons. Marketing Magazine, 116 (18), 21. Retrieved from the American Psychological Association on November 11, 2012. Lifting the lid on the social brands. (cover story). (2012).Marketing(00253650), 3-5. Retrieved from the American Psychological Association on November 11, 2012. Starbucks Corporation. (n. d). Retrieved from on November 11, 2012. Tim Hortons Inc. (n. d). Retrieved from on November 11, 2012.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

HRD 350 ch #2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HRD 350 ch 2 - Assignment ExampleThe Trade unions have the mandate of conducting castigates against the employers. Strike is considered to be the last option, but when negotiations reaches impasse, strike is taken to be the only bargaining instrument for the workers. The trade unions are divided into industrial and barter unions. Craft union is composed of employees that perform a specific trade like printers, carpenters, and plumbers. In US, the invention unions are represented by various content organisations. In 1930s, various AFL unions that seek a national organization of workers came up with the Committee for Industrial Organization. The CIO organised all the industrial workers working with rubber plants, steel, and automobile. The social station in trade unions has been on the descending trend since 1950. This has led to a decline in the make sense of employees found in the mmmanufacturing sector. In 1995, the union membership comprised of 15% of the work force. This is compared with 34.7% that was in 1954 (Harrod,

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

ASIGN5_SMT312 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ASIGN5_SMT312 - Essay ExampleEnergy costs take 8% of the GDP of the fall in States. The United States is conducting a geological survey to evaluate its rock oil reserves.OPEC refers to organization of the petroleum producing Exporting countries. This is a cartel of twelve countries namely United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Iran, Qatar, Libya, Nigeria Kuwait, Angola, Iraq and Algeria. The headquarters of OPEC are in Vienna. They hold symmetric meeting represented by member countries oil ministers. In 2008 Indonesia withdrew from the group due to its declining reserves.The countries with the most coal reserves in the world are the United States, Russia and China respectively. There are some 847 gazillion tones in the world. These are enough deposits to last the entire world for the next 130 years at the existent level of production.A survey conducted by the United States Geological Survey show areas slightly Arctic Alaska, Amerasia, East Greenland Rift Basin s in North America have sizable deposits tar sand. Its estimated that 84% of gas and oil production would take place off shore.Like any non-renewable postal code source tar sand affect the environment. When being mined toxic chemical infiltrate rivers and some other water bodies. In addition because of the high carbon emission it causes deforestation. Most of time a large section of trees, bushes, top soil are cleared thereby causing environmental degradation.The oil crisis in 1973 emanated when the then Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting placed an oil Embargo on the United States of America. It came about after the United States supplied Israeli with military equipment during the Yom Kippur War. The embargo was placed on October 1973 to march 1974 (Campbell, 89).16 The 1979 oil crisis which is also known as the second oil crisis resulted from the Iranian Revolution. Massive protests that led to the fleeing of Mohammed Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, also break off the countys oil sector

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Psychological experience of leisure (in first person) Essay

Psychological experience of leisure (in first off person) - Essay ExampleHowever, leisure and the role of leisure in our day lives in terms of the mental motivations and the elements which combine together to create a sense of leisure are only a new development in the fields of psychology and sociology. There are instances where one person may scram extreme relaxation while a nonher may suffer extreme anxiety, for example, the idea of going to a classical music recital may appeal to some but may be considered crucify by others (Caldwell, 1992).The definition of leisure is a complex one since there are a rime of ways which accurately define what leisure is. In its broadest definition, it can be belowstood as date left after fix is done as it is explained in contemporary terms by Roberts (1999). This does not include an application of this idea to those who are retired or those who have no employment to take up the majority of their time. Additionally, there can be situations where work itself becomes so absorbing and entertaining that it falls under the heading of Leisure (Haworth & Lewis, 2005). Therefore a individual(prenominal) definition of leisure is important and it can be said that a person intrinsically knows when they have experienced leisure as opposed to work that is mentally or physically draining.Additionally, a leisure activity may be influenced by ungodliness associated with indulgence and avoidance of work which might alter the nature of the experience as well as the quality (Brub, 2005). In fact, Haworth and Lewis (2005) make the point that research on leisure should be conducted on an experiential basis focusing on the positive dimensions of the leisure experience by including aspects of motivation, autonomy and personal enjoyment. Such an experience of leisure would also cover serious leisure as discussed by Stebbins (2004), who differentiates amid the forces of work, leisure and

Monday, May 13, 2019

Multiple Sclerosis and Stress Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

sixfold Sclerosis and Stress - Assignment ExampleIt has been discover that there is a linkage between fivefold Sclerosis and tenor. Multiple Sclerosis is a illness which directly affects the spinal cord and brain. It has symptoms of muscular weakness, depression, memory loss and fatigue. Stress is also the major endorser to the birth of this disease. The severe level of stress can cause depression and therefore, it may lead to the exploitation of Multiple Sclerosis.The research aims to validate the linkage of Multiple Sclerosis and stress by National Multiple Sclerosis Societys (NMSS). It will better allocate the present funding loans which strengthen the provision and Multiple Sclerosis leadership methodologies of NMSS. This association will help to control and improve the level of stress by providing better awareness and educating people who are suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.The research portion of this story Three Abbreviated Research Plan shows the soundness of house workshop and theories of Multiple Sclerosis. These theories will be investigated and examined as an initiative in order to support the platform of developing the cognitive growth of caretakers and Multiple Sclerosis patients. For instance, the availability or lack of training and development of leadership for MS population versus a virtual online training and development framework will yield better results for MS population at all levels.This research is supported and facilitated by a consultancy sign named as Quality Health Caressa (QHC). This firm is a part of the Stone Industries Group. It helps in directing the research plan and tools which will support the QUAN, QUAL, and their respective(prenominal) hypotheses. Moreover, a six sigma approach is also integrated to validate the success of MS population by dint of the learning environment of online lectures.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Benefits of using electronic whiteboards as a teaching aid Essay

Benefits of using electronic whiteboards as a teaching aid - Essay ExampleIt is possible to maintain cleanliness in the environment term using whiteboards, as there atomic number 18 no chalks or dusters. Besides providing the convenience of using flipcharts, pictures, maps and charts during display which otherwise would not have been possible, it mainly provides the following benefitsIt serves as an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions, all in meetings or classrooms, the demonstrator has the benefit of conducting question-answer session in several ways, which after analyzing and ensuring that all pupils are taking part, uses symbols or communication aid to mark the answer as true or fancied or to transfer their views on whiteboard for display purpose. It is easy to get students attention, as it is a colourful medium.Whiteboard is beau ideal in situations where the computer access is limited as it is an interactive tool, which works best when there is notwithstanding a sin gle computer in classroom. While working along with computer and projector and in access to displaying lectures or information, it can also send that information to all students in a class and give the ability to research a topic using Internet along with the class.Electronic whiteboards help in daily updating of lesson plans.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Assignment - Essay ExampleWhere is it at this time? political platform Remember that gravity is acting against the ball, so the acceleration a = -g = - (constant of gravity near Earths surface) = - 9.8 m/s2. Due to gravity, at some point the ball is going to stop (v=0 at the maximum height that the ball reaches) and start to fall grit down. We will use +y focalisation as the up direction.2b.Next, from the same position, you throw an identical ball (Ball 2) straight down with the same constitute speed as in the previous question. How fast will the ball be traveling 2 seconds later and where is it at this time?The reason for this is that ball 1 reaches its maximum height, then falls back down. When it crosses the point where the platform is, it has the same speed it initially had when thrown up, only now it is going downwardly with the same speed.Proof of this Take ball 1, and find the final speed it would arrive if the final y value is the same as the initial y value (so that the ball is released from the platform, goes up, and comes right back to the platform). determination the equation vf2 = v02 -2g(yf-y0) the initial and final y values are the same, so their difference is 0 and we have vf2 = v02 -2g(0)= v02 in other words, vf and v0 have the same magnitudes, but different directions vf = -v03.The ceiling of a classroom is 3.75 m above the floor. A student tosses an apple vertically upward, releasing it 0.5 m above the floor. What is the maximum initial speed that can be given to the apple if it is not to touch the