Sunday, May 5, 2019

How have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, Research Paper

How have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, and Isolation to Attain Equality and urbane Rights - Research Paper ExampleVarious methods have been evident in this endeavor with others being dropped because of their incapability to address their needs. Most of these methods have worked and they have contributed to the success of the liberation of the black population from the discriminatory practices of the whites. in that location are various methods and tactical maneuver that were used to achieve equality and end discrimination and isolation in particular after the end of civil war in America. The most common were based on cardinal philosophies and were seen as very effective in achieving their intended outcomes. But, as we shall see, these methods emerged as ineffective and other tactics had to be thought of to help in the struggle. The first method or philosophy was based on Booker T. upper-case letter ideas who advocated for the philosophy of acco mmodation (Dautrich, Yalof, Prindle, Newell, & Shomaker, 2010). This philosophy promoted vocational training for the African Americans and was against the aspect of confrontation with the white power structure that was in place in the post-civil war America. He believed that the practice of thrift, industry and Christian morality will eventually earn the blacks their rights (Sitkoff & Franklin, 2008). This was a very still approach to dealing with the various problems that they faced as black Americans but chapiter urged them to accept the current conditions of the state. He urged them to even tolerate racial segregation and other forms of discrimination. According to Washington and his philosophy it was only through engaging in law abiding practices and standing by their occasion white oppressors that the black Americans would get prepared for the exercise of the franchise. He said in his speech at the opening of the Atlanta Exposition on September 18, 1895 in all things that ar e purely social they could separate just as the five fingers, but remain united as the hand to all things that are essential to the mutual progress (Sitkoff H. , 2010). According to various authors this philosophy of struggle fit well in the within the then dominant conservative political and economic structures of the time. His critics on the other hand saw Washington as accepting second class citizenship for his race. The speech especially symbolized his acquiescence to segregation and the erosion of Blacks rights (Korstad, 2008). Washingtons philosophy continued to localise people to avoid confrontation and only engage in peaceful activities but this stretched the people to the limit with the various discriminatory practices that were seen as continuing to be stringent (Peterson, 2003). This was evident keeping in principal that there was no other individual that could help the Black Americans to advocate for their rights as the only person who was of great help Frederick Dou glas died in 1895 and so they had to adopt this philosophy of self-help (Peterson, 2003). The second philosophy was in remote to the above passive philosophy of accommodation. The agitation philosophy urged the African Americans to challenge the discriminatory practices that were affecting their lives such as racial segregation and injustice through various forms of political activity. The person that is most certify for supporting this philosophy is W.E. B. Du Bois (Dautrich, Yalof, Prindle, Newell, & Shomaker, 2010). During the early 20th century, he and his colleagues proposed a specific platform

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