Monday, May 27, 2019

Perception and Decision Making

It is impossible to live a life that does not involve the abstract concept of randomness. lore is essenti entirelyy how people perceive information in relationship to their personal environment and then form a set of beliefs or opinions from said sensings.In the business world, management is required to make finiss. man a great deal of the termination devising exploit would appear to be foundd on trial-and-error facts, the reality is that apprehension of fact as opposed to actual fact is often the barometer used to make ratiocinations.Because different individuals may have different perceptions on the same issue, it becomes genuinely important for tutors to base their decisions on critical thinking and facts so as to avoid the potential problem of making decisions on perceptions that be not entirely close.The idea that unbowed reality is never truly graspable by humans sensory and cognitive equipment goes back at least to the works of Plato. There is, for instance, the distinction between appearances and reality. direct a three-year-old a red ball beneath a green filter and he give typically say that the ball is black, even though he had previously been given the ball to examine.Understanding of this appearance-reality distinction seems so necessary to everyday life that it is hard to imagine a society in which normal people would not acquire it. But the lesson is relatively b atomic number 18-assed historically, such as the lesson of perspective in painting, or the intentional designing of optic illusions (such as the Ponzo illusion), or in the differing testimonies of eye-witnesses of the same event. The fact is that we all do not perceive the same things a equivalent. (Kearl)If in that respect was one caveat about perception, perception is not necessarily reality. information is a persons interpretation of reality that may or may not be completely accurate, if it is accurate at all. Because of this, it is important for management toas certain reality, as opposed to a perceptual reality or a problematic situation might be the result.What sets great leaders apart is their ability to manage perceptions. What people observe or assess as your ability to be a leader and your effectualness becomes their perception, which in turn becomes reality. Perceptions that are not manages become rumors, then gossip, then backbiting, which leads to destruction. Unmanaged perceptions become a reality that was not intended. Perception management requires asking questions and acquire feedback from othersFor example, oftentimes, management will ask other employees for a report on a new hire. This is a terrible idea because second progress information can often be skewed and it is best for management to make decisions based on first hand experience rather than second hand experience, yet handlers will repeatedly make such an extremely foolish error.Consider the following a manager asks an employee how a new hire is performing. The e mployee speaks very badly about the performance of the new hire so the manager fires the employee. This is based on a perception of the new hire based on second hand information that has been deemed accurate. However, not all is what it seems.When the new hire is fired, something comes to light that turns out to be very embarrassing to management. The employee who provided the poor evaluation of the new hire turns out to have based the negative report not on the truth, but rather on discriminatory biases. The terminated employee later files EEO complaints and lawsuits against the company, all of which proves to be incredibly embarrassing to the management, if not costly.What was the root cause of this disaster? Management drew a perception of the employee that was not based on reality. Because there was no first hand data that shaped the perception, the perception that was shaped was one that was not based in reality. In short, perception is utterly ineffective if it is inaccurate because it will lead to decisions that come from a thoroughly flawed perspective. If the perception is harmful, then what good can possibly come from it?This importance for the empirical assessment of facts in the decision making process works on both an internal and external level, as it is important that management decisions provide customers with what the customers really want. Again, the adopt for proper feedback plays a great factor in this.In other words, it is of absolute paramount importance for management to understand what their customers want. Again, there will be a perception as to what customers want vs. what they actually want. If management becomes single minded and focused on what customers want and that perception is inaccurate, the results can be cataclysmic. Nothing more(prenominal) famously illustrates this problem more that the total failure of New Coke in the 1980s.Believing that the public was more interested in Pepsi because of its sweeter taste, the Coca- Cola Company believed that the public would be willing to accept a new type of Coke that would taste similar to Pepsi. This was one of the almost insanely inaccurate perceptions of consumer desire in historyIn reality (not perceptually), the public was not interested in a form of Coca-Cola that tasted like Pepsi nor did Coca-Cola do itself any favors by essentiallycommunicating that Pepsi had a superior product. The campaign was a complete and total disaster and it was the result of poor perception of the consumer market on the part of Coca-Cola.So, what is a manager to do when it comes to making sure that perception and proper decision making go hand in hand?Arguably the most difficult and critical step in the decision making process is to identify and clarify the problem or issue. press for time and feeling a sense of urgency, governance leaders often rush through this step. An incomplete diagnosis or assessment restricts a boards electrical condenser to expand options and selec t the most appropriate one. Without proper watchfulness paid to this step, boards may come up with a solution that fails to address the etiology of the problem. (Scott)Again, the diagnose to making a proper decision is to manage perception and the key to managing perception involves staying properly informed. If anything, a flawed perception is one that is based on limited or inaccurate information as seen in the case of new Coke or in the hypothetical case of the terminated employee. Ultimately, decision making will always be based on personal perceptions, but the more informed a manager is, the closer the managers perception will be to actual reality and not aligned to ignorance or flawed logic.While this seems like an academic point, managers can often blast a problem with blinders on based on personal biases in the decision making process. Regardless of what decision one makes, it will fall into the menage or either a good decision or a bad decision. If flawed, then manageme nt must face the consequences.BibliographyKearl, Michael. (DB) Social Factors Shaping Perception and Decision Making.Retrieved February 17, 2007 from http//, Jefffrey. (2001) Are You Managing Perception? Retrieved February 17,2007Scott, Katherine Tyler. (2006) The Dynamics of Decision Making. Retrieved February16, 2007Perception and Decision MakingDecision making occurs when one chooses a choice among reasonable alternatives. Perception is a very important component of the decision making system. In a psychological perspective perception can best be set forth as the process of inquiring, processing, and organizing information necessary to make a decision. Or in other words perception can be scene as ones thoughts on a situation. When one is in the midst of a decision making situation they select to evaluate all factors concern and make a decision, which will hopefully be reasonable and satisfactory. Decision making is a unique tool that is inquired over the course of time. Students can discipline about logic, philosophy, and psychology. They can understand the concepts behind decision making, but they must first have the opportunity to make important decisions themselves to fully understand the process (Randall, 2004, pp. 10-24).A leadership expert Anthony Robbins said as a manager, however, your decision not only effects yourself but all the employees on your team. For this reason, it is important to strengthen your let decision making skills and prepare for a time when your decisions will shape the events of many peoples lives (Making Decisions). In the simulation as the newly promoted manager I had the opportunity to assist the senior manager in very important decisions including reprimanding an employee, a hiring situation, to create an employee evaluation system, and look into an ethical dilemma which could make or loss millions of dollars for the company.Each of these situations requires perception to set out a route to the final decision making process. Management in organizations today is largely people management. If people are the important asset, effectiveness is related to how managers perceive the individual how people relate to one another how we get maximum contribution how we go about ever-changing from a situation which is seen to be ineffective to one that ensures high standards of performance(Randall, 2004, p. 46). Today we will evaluate the situations these three situations and examine perception in the decision making process and how the perception from a new managers viewpoint could effect these decisions (Making Decisions).The first situation involved Mark, a long term employee who had been dawdling for work for the past week. There were many different decisions that could be made to come to a conclusion about Marks tardiness including, bring this to the attention of Marks coworker and ask their thoughts on the situation, checking Marks employment records, check all employee time records, speak with Mark individually, or take this to Sarah for advice. In this instance I believe it is best to speak to Mark by himself and see what is going on. Bringing undesired attention to an employee by a manager is never a good route to go so this should be avoided at all costs.Also taking a trivial problem to a manager can be looked down upon. At this point after one week of tardiness sneaking a peak at the records might be reformatory but going straight to the source is the best decision as we all have personal issues that arise. Plus by informally addressing Mark you are letting him eff he can come to you and that you can see eye to eye on some matters. It is important to build relationships with employees (Making Decisions).The decision to hire the interviewee, Berk, is an important decision for the company. Berk carried himself well during the interview, had enthusiasm, and similar skills to those needed in the near future. Although Berk did a gre at job in the interview all of his abilities and skills need to be evaluated to ensure he is right for the position. In this situation I perceived Berk as highly intelligent and skilled. I did not look throw out to realize his skills are not what the company needs. I let my impression of Berk steer my perception of his eligibility for the job in a positive way. This is important to not in decision making situations. Perception may not always work in your favor (Making Decisions).Creating an employee evaluation system as a reward system is a great idea. Employee evaluation should include job performance, attitudes, helpfulness, dedication, and team work abilities. The perception of how valuable an employee is to a company can be skewed for many reasons. The creation of an effective evaluation system will greatly contribute to seeing employees for what they truly achieve for the company. I believe that this half a dozen step system will greatly help reward the best employee (Making Decisions).The last decision is one of ethical nature. An employee has come to me to let me know she has secretly obtained the designs of our biggest competitor. If we take the designs we will have the opportunity to create something better and make more money than our competitors. The downfall is getting caught. This will cause a multimillion dollar lawsuit and will destroy the company as we know it. Although the idea of making lots of money is very attractive it is necessary to take a breath and step back to evaluate this situation. Perception is very important in this decision making process as perceived triumph and wealth can ultimately alter a reasonable persons decision making abilities.All aspects of the perceived or likely consequences of acting on this offer need to be taken into consideration before a decision can be made (Making Decisions). There are ten values the magnetic core of ethical understanding caring, honesty, accountability, promise keeping, pursuit of excell ence, loyalty, fairness, integrity, respect for others, and responsible citizenship. When put into practice, these values generate widely recognized virtues that provide benchmarks for ethical decision making (Guy, 1990, p. 17). Perception constitutes everything necessary to make a decision. Perceived values and prior experiences help give one insight into the types of decisions they choose to make. Perception of situations can be influenced in either positive or negative ways. Having a mentor such as Sarah giving constructive feedback with apiece decision helps my views on each situation become clearer. Managers make decisions based on perception of people, influences, and support system around them. Perception of all of these concepts is vital.ReferencesGuy, M. E. (1990). Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations. Westport, CT Quorum Books. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Questia database http//, J. (2004). Managing Change, Cha nging Managers. New York Routledge. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Questia database http// Making Decisions in Business Situations. Western International University. 26 Mar. 2007 .

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