Monday, May 20, 2019

Notebook Analysis

Analysis of The Notebook flick Clip Lindsey Scott ENG225 alliceon Sansbury November 18, 2012 Analysis of The Notebook Movie Clip There are m whatsoever people involved in making a mental picture possible. When everything is put together it seems as though it was just one simple camera shot. But tone closer and at a short mag of a movie shows a little calorie-free on how much was actually done to make it realistic. The first thing people nonice and apply attention to are the actors. But who tells the actors where to stand, what to say, and what emotions to portray? Who adds that little bit of background music to bring give a mood the anger, sadness, or love in a scene?When going through the outtakes of a movie it shows that thither is someone creditworthy for putting just the right shots in the right place. There is more to a movie than just the actors and someone yelling cut. Watching a clip of the movie clout for The Notebook brings all of these things to hang. In the movi e The Notebook the director is Nick Cassavetes. His role is to translate the film writers story so that the actors and crew ignore successfully play it out. Its up to the director to turn the elements into film with words, images, and sound. This brings together an entertaining movie.Nick was able to take Nicholas Sparks book and bring the characters, emotions, and story to life. The way be brought together Nicholas Sparks vision and his own created an amazing movie. The production designer Sarah E. Knowles, was responsible for the overall go to of a project. They direct the art department and set builders to turn their imagination into reality. (http//filmtvcareers. about. com/od/basics/p/CP_ProdDesigner. htm). In this clip the characters are outside a beautiful house. This background is simply and an area that everyone can relate to.By not having them in some farfetched place Sarah kept the realistic feel to the couples argument. ruse director Scott T. Ritenour over seed the artistic design of advertisements and print materials, as well as the filming of television commercials. He was the decision maker responsible for the finished product. The art director chooses a photographer, an illustrator, models, and any props necessary for an ad. If a print ad comes back from the printer with an imperfection, the art director is responsible for retouching it. (http//careers. stateuniversity. com/pages/115/Art-Director. tmlixzz2CKahNlDp) This clip in particular is at night. The sky is dark with just the crystallizeing of the porch light and driveway lights. Yet the lighting that the artists used allows us to be able to see the expressions on the characters faces. It sets a serious mood with the added emotion of trying to read each others faces in the dark. As the couple bickers back and forth they move along with the other to try and read their facial expressions. The clip ends with Noah driving away in his truck. As he is driving down the driveway the only light is the path lights.This allows him to drive into the dark of the night and sets the thought of him being gone. As this is happening it shows Allie standing(a) alone. The sin of the night emphases Allie feeling alone and left behind as Noah drives away. Allie is from a wealthy family while Noah is preferably poor. Throughout the movie you are constantly reminded about their social grad standing by their appearance. In the clip of them breaking up, Allie of course is in a very nice and clean dress and jacket. Her vibrissa is curled and her natural makeup gives her the innocent girl look. She continuously has matching earrings to her outfits.While Noah is in a albumen jacket, messy hair and using his work truck. Having Noah in lower class clothes while standing in front of Allies parents house shows the difference and why he would feel misplaced. Her family has already do it very clear that they are not ok with their consanguinity. Back in the 1940s (the time setting of th e movie), it was not acceptable for a women from a wealthy family to court such a lower class man. We can see the struggle and heartache the two go through just to be together. Allis is always worried about what everyone else will think and what her parents want for her.Yet Noah is such a free liven and just wants Allie to be happy. Showing Allie dressed so prim and proper whenever she is around anyone yet not caring if she is dirty, messy or dripping wet around Noah is a symbol of her love. It shows that she is so loose with him and truly does not care about the money or class statue. Noah tries to look his best when conflict her parents. By changing his appearance for Allie to try and make her feel more comfortable and have her relationship accepted by her family is such a kind gesture. Even though these costume changes are end-to-end the movie, it is

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