Sunday, May 26, 2019

How does Steinbeck present the relationship between George and Lennie in “Of Mice and Men” Essay

George and lennies relationship is unusual from the suspire, as they both have each other, while the rest of the raanch workers are alone. They say we travel around together which shows that they always have each others side. The rest of the ranch workers fidn their frienship really weird, because they have never experienced it themselves. I think that Steinbeck is shewing to show that relationships were hard to build back in the 1930, hence there werent many around.Lennie says i got you and you got me, which suggests that lennie is extrememly happy in having a friend. peradventure its because Lennie too hasnt ever experienced friendship before.Finally, Carlson says wha the hell ya suppose is eatin them guys which suggest thats hell never undertsand what friendship is, as hes never experienced it before, and perhaps wont ever experience it ever in the future.George was Lennies only hope, he relied fully on him and expect him to tell him all the instructions.Steinbeck could be show ing that relatiosnhips dont last forever, as george killed lennie in the end. Perhaps people knew this hence why they didnt try to build relationships because they knew what the outcome would be like. Theres more pain in knowing and caring for someone then cleanup them, than just killing someone without knowing them. Carlson doesnt undertand this pain, and just continues killing. In the end George is left alone, hes given up hope on the american dream. save Slim does get close to George which shows its no the end, but the beginning of a new life and friendhsip. perhaps Slim will understand George emend than Lennie as we found out during the midle of the novel, he has a better compatibility with him.

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